Why we say no to Heavy Asssault Shield nerf

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Magma52, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. qiray12

    Well if you find the HA OP but its not the shield then whats so OP with the HA.
    And yes im defensive for the HA cus i dont want more maxes in this game because those are far from balanced.

    If you claim HA OP and you think its cus of the shield half the damage it can absorb but double the regen i bet if you do that there is even more qq.
    But if you do that you lose alot of power against maxes since imo HA is one of the main classes to take out maxes.
  2. Akachi

    Heavies are in need of toning down, and I say this despite the heavy assault being my most played class.

    I do not mind heavies being able to tank more hits, but the "Push F to win" shield mechanic needs some re-balancing. The ramp up time they were planning on implementing would have been a great fix, as the heavy will still maintain its original tanking capabilities, but only if the player was prepared for the engagement. This will allow for counter play against a heavy assault, and would properly reward strategic engagements and stealth.
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  3. iSpank

    Its heavy assault not heavy support and its fulfilling its front line role.

    Infiltrators are good, they enjoy first hit advantage and with emp buffs they can take down multiple enemies with ease, anyone who failed to utilize that probably suck at this game. no offense.
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  4. MarvinGardens

    Personally I'd rather run a Combat Medic with health regen. Way more staying power than a HA with their shield that takes a buttload of time to recharge. After a single 1v1 he's pretty much set to die in the next encounter. On the other hand, my Combat Medic is at full health after every fight. Only thing I run HA for is to scare away air and to mess around with LMGs. I like shoot lots of bullets, even if I'm just shooting walls...it amuses me.
  5. Crowne

    Name one class with the word support in its name.

    Every unit has a front line role of some sort.

    Normally, the devs design a class and implement it.
    In the case of heavy, the devs designed a class, implemented it with a glaring issue. Left it too long while other things had their attention.
    Now, the runaway issue has come to erroneously redefine the class into something it simply isn't, but kids wish it originally was meant to be.

    Whether or not I suck at this game isn't your concern. Whether or not you can think beyond just telling me I suck to understand what I'm saying is really all you need to worry about.
  6. Corezer

    *reads topic title*

    Because you play HA, and don't want to be put in a scenario where you might actually perform better by selecting a different class?

    I've been saying for a long time: Reduce NMG/Adrenaline to 300, and give it an 18 second cooldown.
    Additionally, since the EMP buff, NMG/Adrenaline need to be resistant if not immune to the effect (resist still OK)

    Someone once told me that 300 would make it useless... that idiot didn't realize nanoweave got adjusted from 250... and in such a way as to create a synergy with NMG for double effective HP.

    at 300, with an 18 second cooldown, the game would be a lot more consistent, heavies would much more often have superiority in face to face confrontations, since there wouldn't be so many times where shield is down. The players facing off against it would still be at a disadvantage, but not one so insurmountable. The heavy ability would still be more powerful than the passive of old, and now synergizing with it leaves no room for complaint. Resist would also once again block more damage if one is proactive in it's use, instead of just being flat out weaker as it is right now.

    shield delay would just make the game feel more inconsistent, and either way due to the nature of NMG/adrenaline, you still get no reward for getting the drop on someone provided the battle lasts long enough to raise their shield (which can happen from any number of events outside of player control) so they will still be tanking entire carbine/ar/G1 smg mags

    Right now, the shield is so strong that even if you drop their shield before they turn around (which could be by reaction, or maybe they already turned around before you started shooting and you just didn't see it due to lag) they are still at an ADVANTAGE of at least 100hp (and how many NMG/adrenaline users don't rock nanoweave...)

    I have never in any other game, seen so many players argue that it is balanced for a player at half health (in this case no shields) to be able to defeat players of equal skill who are at 100% I've seen 75% being doable and considered balanced depending on class matchup, but never 50%...
  7. Ballto21


    I feel this comic sums up the communities arguements against HA nerfing.
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  8. TheKhopesh

    Yeah. The HA shield is too powerful in infantry combat, as it causes most fights to consist of 6-7 HA's for every 10 non-max infantry.
    I personally don't think it should effect the TTK of infantry primary and secondary small arms, as the HA already has LMG's, which are essentially AR's that come by default with the mothers of all extended mags.

    The fact that one HA only has to reload once for every 3 and 1/3 reloads of virtually any other infantry (comparing most LMG 100 round mags to most AR mags of 30 rounds) is more than enough to make them front line soldiers for infantry vs infantry battle on that right alone.

    The shield itself should remain only effective against all vehicle (air and ground) weaponry, as well as max arms. and all forms of explosive damage.
    While infantry small arms (like carbines, assault rifles, LMG's, the lot of them (perhaps excluding shotguns?) and all side arms (excluding explosive bolts on the crossbow).

    But it's current "I win" button functionality is nothing but a detriment, as it severely detracts from the non-force multiplier (Force multipliers being things that are stronger than your basic classes, like harassers, ESF's, tanks, libs, max suits, etc.) game play.

    (Again, go to any battle at the higher ends of 12-24 or higher and you'll see a good ~65% or more of all the non-max infantry players are using HA.
    This undeniably serves only to cheapen the other classes, lessening the effectiveness of their roles, and lowering the number of said roles employed on the field.)

    And it's not that I don't like playing HA, I do (it is after all my second most played class!).
    I just don't like seeing so many flock to this class simply so they can use it's unnecessarily powerful ability to buy them more power over those who enjoy the other classes.
    Classes who's abilities are better designed for strategic use, rather than simply press a button for an extra 800 health that also recharges itself indefinitely.

    And while I agree that the shield should remain as the Heavy Assault's class ability, I can't help feel that the infantry vs infantry game would be more enjoyable for all (all but stat padders that is) if it were only a boon when the HA utilizes it to serve it's role in anti-vehicle use, as well as anti-max use.

    (The HA is meant as a counter to the force multiplier of max suits, as well as a force to drive back and/or aid in the destruction of vehicles rather than the Max Suit Mk. 2, complete with:
    166-333% ammo per mag,+180% survivability,
    and the constant possession of both AV and AI weaponry.
    To top all that off, many of the AV weapon options double as AP and Heat ammo!

    So the shield itself lends far more to the class than is needed, to the point where it is indeed far too much.
    They already have more than is necessary to give them a fair advantage simply in their primary weapons and rocket launchers to offset the advantages of the other infantry classes. Make the class ability an AV/AA/Anti-max/anti-ordinance layer of protection, not an infantry farming instant cheese button).
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  9. Viztorgath

    My god. At this point I almost want them to just completely get rid of the shield just so these threads end even if it seriously counters my gameplay (guess I would be tanking/MAXing it up instead).
  10. TheKhopesh

    They don't have to remove it entirely.
    All they have to do is make normal infantry small arms (Carbines, AR's, SMG's, LMG's, scout rifles, etc.) ignore the shield.
    And have it still block all vehicle weapons (both air and ground vehicles, as well as all max suit arms and all explosive damage) as it does currently.

    That way the HA class no longer can have up to 180% normal infantry "health" that's earned the class the whole "I win" button controversy, while still maintaining it's strength in an anti-vehicle and anti-max role.

    Because LMG's are essentially AR's with 166%-333% ammo per mag (and up to double ammo in reserve as some AR's), they offer enough of an advantage on their own to compete with other classes abilities, keeping the HA class the clear choice as the front line soldier.
    (On top of their having both a primary AI weapon and a powerful AV weapon at any given time.)

    And to top all that off, as I said above, leave the HA shield's strength in absorbing any form of explosive weapon damage (be it from vehicular weapons, grenades, or even explosive crossbow bolts) in the same capacity that it does now.

    All these things combine to still keep the Heavy Assault class firmly rooted as the clear choice of class to push at the front of the battle, while removing their blatantly overpowered easy mode ability to just press a button and win 9 out of 10 battles against other non-max infantry classes.

    Just did the TTK math on an 1800 health HA (That's the standard 1000 hp/shielding plus the max rank NMG shielding of 800 units)
    Let's use AR's as our baseline, simply because they're easier to do the minimum damage on.
    (carbines will have rediculously high TTK's at the min damages, but you won't be scoring too many kills with a carbine at max range anyway, let alone against a full health/shield HA.)

    For the TR starter AR's:
    A 143 damage weapon will take 13 bullets to kill within 10m and 15 bullets to kill past 10m.

    Firing at 750 RPM-
    At max damage (under 10m) TTK = 0.96 seconds (Exactly)
    At min damage (over 10m) TTK = 1.12 seconds (Exactly)

    For VS starter AR's:
    A 143 damage weapon will take 13 bullets to kill within 10m and 15 bullets to kill past 10m.

    Firing at 698 RPM-
    At max damage (under 10m) TTK = 1.03152 seconds (Rounded from 1.031518624641834)
    At min damage (over 10m) TTK = 1.20344 seconds (Rounded from 1.203438395415473)

    For NC starter AR's:
    A 167 damage weapon will take 11 bullets to kill within 10m and 13 bullets to kill past 10m.

    Firing at 600 RPM-
    At max damage (under 10m) TTK = 1.1 seconds (Exactly)
    At min damage (over 10m) TTK = 1.2 seconds (Exactly)

    So in addition to requiring nearly a full 50% of the standard 30 round mag, the shield allows for exorbitantly high TTK's.
    It's really no surprise that people find this so unfair, considering that only one class has such a massive advantage that applies to literally every situation possible in the game.
    Where as most other class abilities require playing to it's strengths and avoiding it's weaknesses, the HA shield has nothing but strengths, and lacks any form of weakness (excluding EMP grenades, which are class specific, cost resources for each one, and can often hit ones own self and friendlies if you're too close).
  11. qiray12

    Make the shield grow stronger over time you got it used on.
    Yes this may need some heavy coding (i dont know myself).

    But this will destroy the "iwin button" thingy but only put this on the NMG and adr shield.
    If you remove the shield effectiveness against infantry then medic will be the next QQ stuff because medic is the strongest class after max and heavy.(and they also do have the best weapons ingame)
  12. Dominicinator

    You do have to run in and own everyone unless you're fighting a bunch of nubbles with a suppressed weapon, everyone has ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) and, the instant an Infil uncloaks it makes a giant Explosion noise and alerts everyone in the room to your presence; Rule 1. Don't ever use cloak in CQC Situations except to hide. Rule 2. Don't engage HAs, ignore them and hope they don't notice you, unless you use a Pistol as a primary and have a sniper rifle handy for a quick headshot then you're screwed if you encounter a BR100 a Certed HA.

    A: Make HA shield a Force Multiplier, vastly enhances your effectiveness, but only in certain situations (Running into a room guns blazing, and other like situations)
    B: Give LA and Infil specific Anti-Overshield Secondaries (Nerfs Overshield to a Resist shield that still drains like an Overshield, basically, your shots, instead of just being absorbed by the shield, get their damage nerfed by 50%) (Quite derpy idea, A is better by 150%.)
    Bonus I'd just like to see: Make Infil Uncloak and cloak a little less explosive, LA, HA, Medic, or Engi don't make a big boom noise every time they use their main ability.