[BUG] You Lied About Double XP For Members

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meshblorg, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Jawarisin

    Lol'd at your ignorance trying to deny a fact everyone's saying. It never showed in the %. Funny how you don't even know the base exp of each thing, it would be so easy to know... I'd say ignorance is bliss, but right now it's stubborn and funny as hell to read. Keep going!
  2. Meshblorg

    Just because I got 2,000 certs this weekend doesn't mean it's working. I can earn that on any normal day.

    I need in-game evidence, not your word.
  3. Calisai

    • Up x 1
  4. Meshblorg

    Percentage in the lower corner of the screen
  5. f0d

    the percentage in the lower corner of the screen NEVER
    let me repeat that again
    N E V E R
    E V E R
    displayed the bonus of double xp weekends
    • Up x 1

    OP has to be trolling someone can't possibly be this dumb
    • Up x 2
  7. MarkAntony

    At this point I am fairly sure he's either a troll or an idiot. I just don't see any other option. We have mathematically proven that it is in fact double XP. That is all we can do. Now let this die.
  8. 00000000000000000000

  9. ronjahn

    No wonder I was able to walk right up to you while you were sniping yesterday and shoot you point blank with a shotgun. You were probably sleep sniping after a 13hr session xD

    Anyway OP, this thread is old hat and comes up every single double XP weekend. You are getting the XP, it just doesn't show in the % on your HUD. Never has.
  10. Ballto21

    i vaguely remember something like assshotguns happening
  11. Bush82

    When was the last double XP weekend, anyone know? Haven't seen one in the wild for a long time.
  12. Ballto21


    Base kill EXP: 100. Bonus: 149% (lets say 150)

    100+150%=250*2=500. Look, i got 500 exp. there you go