To NC on Cobalt,respectfully.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MuggieWara, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. MuggieWara

    Come on guys why are you focusing so much forces against us TR during alerts and avoid the wreched Vanu?!I mean,are you scared of them or something?

    Respectable outfits,honorable platoon leaders,this is not an effort to put even more bad blood between us.This is a cry from a fellow soldier!

    Are you content with them xenophiles winning most prime time alerts?Man up for the task,lead your soldiers to battle and plant some of your fat bullets in their sexy round spandex wearing butts!
  2. HerpTheDerp

    Because the two factions easiest to fight against are TR(Their LMG selection sucks) and NC(most new, clueless players to farm).

    NC cannot fight against itself*, so...

    * - though they sure as hell try
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  3. MuggieWara

    The battle is shaped by the platoon leaders.They are the ones im adressing.
  4. JohnGalt36

    Granted, I am not on Cobalt, but I always pick a fight against TR over Vanu. Between strafing tanks, laser beam anti-armor weapons with no bullet drop, and easy-mode guns, the NC's best chance seems to be to fight TR. My two cents.
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  5. MuggieWara

    So either im a MLG pro and you suck because i have more purple guts on my screen than blue.OR its more of an attidute issue towards Vanu and their weaponry.

    Guess what,i think its the second one.
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  6. NylaJess

    Not exactly as ur saying because most alerts in Cobalt u see for example the map 6 "huge" fights 5 of those are NC against VS & TR and 1 maybe small/medium fight btw VS & TR in some base. Even without the alerts is more and less the same.
    Main reason is because btw the TR & NC there is more balance btw these 2 factions, thats why they rather fight each other more often and avoid the VS & even in some cases TR and NC completely ignore the VS specially the TR but as i said NC is starting doing the same more often now.
    Blame the game Devs for it, its them who are creating these kind of crap btw the 3 factions for over year now, making the game more unbalanced and the result is that u start to see more and more often NC & TR ignoring the VS because of it and the NC & TR prefer to fight against each other instead.
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  7. Vixxing

    I play all 3 factions on Cobalt the diffrence as i see it is: TR many rude ppl with locked secondaries on tanks... NC many incompetent and flat out teamkillers VS: better organisation, higher BR->skill more cooperation 10* more likely to get healed or repaired playing VS (and unlocked secondarys on tanks)
    Weapons dont matter...
  8. Nitrobudyn

    Amen. You can also add Cobalt VS mentality - if they won't get a base in the first push, they'll bring more force multipliers - it didn't work? MOAR force multipliers! NC TR fights are fun back and forth infantry against infantry and armor against armor. When it comes to VS, numerous times i've seen that the guy i killed as infantry comes back soloing AI/AI Magrider, or PPA Scythe.

    TR, It's not that we don't like You and don't want You to win anything - it is just more FUN to fight against You and i hope You also get fun fighting against us, NC.
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  9. MuggieWara

    Yes people we have much fun fighting each other but we HAVE to do something about Vanu!I dont care who wins the alert if its not them!We have to change our attidute towards them!They BLEED like everyone else!
  10. Towie

    Actually I haven't found this to be the case - quite the opposite in fact. If any base is well defended and winning looks unlikely or very difficult, the VS will just redeploy to another base.

    Case in point was last night - a sizeable VS push onto Howling Pass, initially it was looking good - but the NC managed to get organised, send several Vanguards around the back and rip the VS vehicles to shreds. Did everyone go back to Mao to pull another wave of hardware and do a second push ? Nope - it would end the same - so redeploy to Hvar (which was very well defended by the TR incidentally).

    The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result.

    I play all factions but have most fun with VS - not because they are all powerful, but they have leaders who communicate and organise and play smarter - when playing NC, I consider myself very fortunate if I get a squad leader who says anything at all, even if it's just "Rush the point", which is a shame...
  11. HydeAut

    I was in the Hossin-alert last evening on Cobalt and there was even the question in platoon-chat why we suddenly focused on TR: "because they have a line/3 hexes into our territory".

    This focussing was absolutely not the case in the beginning though where our organized force was running in the north against VS, so that time it might have been more situational.

    But generaly speaking I more or less agree with NylaJess, I see that many times:

    While Inf-weapons might not matter the most, Max-units do - and much less NC- than VS-player, especially new ones, pull a Max because they know they can´t do much with it unless in shotgun-range.

    Add a ton of snipers, always a couple of savely groundfarming, unkillable Scythes, Magriders in otherwise vehicle-save bases and zergs from VS-massoutfits (who must be so skilled because they win most of the time - against outnumbered pugs) to it and you get the perfect anti-fun - would be surprised if that server is still alive a year from now . . .

    In the meantime I´m already happy for NC not to get warpgated in a prime-time alert.
  12. grazr

    Yeah, more often than not i notice TR and VS truce to fight against NC and i don't really blame them because NC player turn over is at such a point that the constant flow of new players makes NC easy cert farming.

    Fact of the matter is VS just aren't fun to fight, largely because the Magriders freedom of movement makes it difficult to mount any meaningul small squad flanking manouvres. You will always get cut off by their strafing MBT's. NC and TR MBT's would never get away with over extending themselves the way VS Mags do.

    Then there's the issue that when weapons get introduced to the TR they're almost always off the scale powerful and require a lot of attention to deal with meaning you end up dedicating a full force to deal with just 2 Vulcan harrassers because that force multiplier is just so excessive. It's difficult to move up on a magrider defending ahead of a base, but they're not too much of a nuisance when shelling you. So it's easy to ignore them more than TR units.
  13. \m/SLAYER\m/

    because TR using same tactic as NC - zerging hard:D
    personally hate fighting TR just because they always spamming spawn room with prowlers, ESFs gang flying around NC warpgate.

    and problem with Vanu - they playing redeployside, so on the map it looks like no one fighting vanu just because they moving their platoons and wiping attackers. while NC\TR just raising numbers.
  14. FLHuk

    This thread again? Anyone remember when TR/NC used to team up to attempt to warp gate VS on Indar?

    As for organised platoons. Most of my experience revolves around dicking on TR when its apparent we're losing the alert due to a non moving TR/VS border :D
  15. MasterOhh

    Ah yeah, the good old truce conspiracies. It is well known that VS and TR have a truce and only fight NC, while NC and VS have a truce and allways concentrate on TR and do not forget the TR+NC truce to eleminate the VS.
    As far as I know there was only once a combined effort of 2 empires to warpgate the 3rd on cobald. And that was allmost 2 years ago when TR and NC decided to end the VS domination over indar. They fell short by 2 bases, but it was epic! You'll find some threads about it here in the forums.

    Go to the planetside 2 alert tracker and check out the prime time alerts. You'll see that all 3 factions are winning and loosing territory from each other. Only when one faction gains the upper hand, it is more likely to be targeted by the other 2.

    There are many times on Cobald when TR or NC show a sudden flash of genius and manage to mount some great offensive and defensive actions and win alerts. Do you wanna tell me that all the OP Vanu weapons got nerfed during these times? I mean they surely must have been because, like you all say, its all about the weapons and not the players that win alerts.
  16. Nitrobudyn

    Actually, Mao South Gate - Abandoned NS Offices - Howling Pass Checkpoint is a different case. Whenever MSG or HPC is defended the armor column goes and steamrolls ANO - only few people come up with an idea not to spawn at ANO, but somewhere they could get MBTs. This is a great place for Tank fight, but it is not used enough for that purpose.

    I admit that, what i've wrote earlier doesn't happen always, but i see it often enough to justify my statement.
  17. HydeAut

    Well, all I can get out there and also fits to what I remember for the rest of last week:

    Last 3 evenings (14th - 16th March): 5 x VS wining, 1 x TR

    Last 3 days/19 alerts overall: 15 x VS, 2 x TR, 2 x NC

    I guess, that´s the real argument when looking at alerts . .
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  18. Towie

    Well I guess that actually is a good case in point - VS had ANO; there was a brief discussion on whether we should grab MBTs from Mao but the ground is quite open and favours Vanguards so it would be a very tough fight and not likely to be winnable - so we redeploy.

    Of course we then add to the fight at Hvar which is probably what you see - a whole load of VS turning up, whereas HPC see them all disappearing (but probably hanging around forever - just in case) !

    My own guess as to why this is the case (VS communicate a lot - TR some - NC very little) is due to history. On Ceres, NC outpopped everyone by a considerable margin. They could win any fight by sheer weight of numbers. VS had a much smaller population - had to pick their fights wisely - they were basically forced into communicating and coordinating otherwise they were dead. NC on the other hand could just instant-action to wherever and win. Now the populations are even - NC will be at a disadvantage until they start coordinating. There are signs that it is starting to happen but blimey, it's taking a while...
  19. MasterOhh

    Look at the progress of these alerts not at the results.
    You'll see A) there is never such a thing as VS+TR vs NC and
    B) the winner of most alerts was determined only in the last 15 minutes. So for 1:45 it could have been each of the 3 factions

    So if its only about the weapons, the VS would dominate the alerts from start to the end, which is clearly not the case.
  20. FLHuk

    "I won 99.9% of my fights in a XXXX tank but only in the last 2seconds when the other tank went pop. Up till then he was winning!"