[Suggestion] Magrider driver sensitivity

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Krebros, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Krebros

    Hi everyone, as a Magrider driver I'd really love to have another sensitivity option for when I'm driving, since if I gun I have to lower it quite a bit, but since the magrider turns when you aim another way I like to be able to turn quickly to not expose my back. I find myself having to alternate gunning/driving a lot of times. I've been playing for quite a while and I think that this is necessary, please let me know what you think about this
  2. Linus

    I find it very annoying to have the driving and the gunning on the same "vehicle sensitivity".
    This is a real gameplay flaw, especially when you use the Magrider.

    The only good solution I found was to purchase a new gaming mouse which allows me to switch between several dpi profiles, with a simple button.
    This way I can lower quickly my sensitivity when I jump on my secondary weapon, without the need to open the settings menu.
  3. Ronin Oni

    Map Frd/Back thumb buttons to turn right/left in vehicle

    This lets you lower sensitivity while still having fast turn capability in Mag
  4. Krebros

    Thanks both of you for responding, well, I think that a lot of people don't have gaming mouses, although I'd like to haha. Ronin, the problem is not with the sensitivity itself, I have a preferred sensitivity for driving, but it's just odd to have to change it everytime when you need to, I don't feel comfortable using keys to turn :/ Also I think that this could be an easy thing to implement in the game, since it's just an option, and would save some time to a lot of people