[Suggestion] Directive Reward Overhaul

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Architect of War, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Architect of War

    The medic directives are virtually impossible.
  2. Leftconsin

    When I finished getting kills for the medic final tier (1200 kills) I had 108 savior kills. Nine percent of my kills were savior? Really? Well, it is the last thing I need for the armor and I have 86 to go. Medic kills go even slower. So assuming the trend continues that is about a thousand kill to finish.

    At least Auraxiuming sticky grenades, the last thing I need for engy, should only take a few hours if TR owns Amerish.

    Then at the end of it all I get an auraxium armor that I've heard doesn't actually look different from the default.
  3. Architect of War

    Precisely, it's just insane. I still have 1000 kills, 200 saviors and 700 medic kills to go, and I have playef medic alot -_- I just don't know why they give prominence to kills for a support class... why not have "revive assist" kills, where if someone gets a kill within 5 seconds of you reviving them you get a small bonus and it counts towards a directive line? Let's say 800 revive assists?
  4. Leftconsin

    I'm not sure about revive assists. Most people who get revived immediately jump away from danger and keep running until their shields come back. Besides, we already have revive ribbons, which take forever (did mine mostly in bio-lab teleporter rooms).
  5. Leftconsin

    The last three hundred sticky grenade kills I needed didn't take long after TR captured Amerish today.
  6. Leftconsin

    Yes, I know I'm replying over and over, but whatever.

    125 kills as medic today. 9 savior kills. That comes out to 7.2%. 77 savior kills to go.
  7. Bonom Denej

    That's a sneaky necro you did there OP. Nice job. Nobody noticed.