Long Hiatus, short come back.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhyskoGerbil, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. PhyskoGerbil

    Hey, I just wondered if anyone has had the same thoughts I have. I played from launch until a few months after the Ultimate Empire Showdown, when I thought I'd take a break and leave it for a while to see what they did with it and try other games for a bit.

    I came back a few weeks ago and I was rather shocked, continent locking? An annoying lattice that removes any ability to be sneaky forcing everyone into a massive **** slinging contest at two locations?! STILL nothing besides alerts? Hossin, without a doubt the most awful thing I have ever set foot on?! What the hell has happened?

    Don't get me started on those base 'enhancements', what is that?! They used to be fairly simple and straight forward and made sense, now they are a maze of twisty turny passage ways and high walls, massive annoying shield thingies that are meant to protect from air assault apparently, although they don't really do anything of the sort. I'm informed they were because of camping, when I was in a base, being horribly camped with my friends, we went to a different base nearby and got our tanks and became the campers.

    I'm also curious if time to kill has been dropped? Or weapons amped up? I very rarely get even a split seconds warning any more before I melt into a past even with level 5 nano.

    The physics engine also appears to have gotten worse, with tanks sliding all over the place and me randomly flying up into the air for NO possible reason while sliding down a cliff. To top it off I also appear to fly one hundred meters into the air and fall to my death when I get out of vehicles sometimes and keep randomly spawning in the air or out of bounds.

    K/D is STILL in the game, for a team based game it REALLY needs to be gone and the focus moved to who can amass the highest score! People are focusing on massacring each other rather then capturing bases and winning the rather pointless fun of 'Alerts'.

    Store prices are still OUTRAGEOUSLY high, 6-7 dollars EACH for a gun?! 20 dollars for a RENAME?!?! What the HELL is that?! It's a RENAME. . . not and entirely new game.

    They have wasted SO much potential with this title it really makes me sad. This is the only game of it's kind I know of and it's just been utterly wasted. I mean Hossin had a chance to be a really cool continent, even maybe adding a TOWN to it? I assume the people that live on this world live in houses? I wouldn't know because I've never seen one. . .

    Anyway, I apologise for the rant but I had to get that off my chest. It's very much just my personal feelings as well, maybe it will get better in the future? But from the look of the Briggs server it might very well be approaching it's end in Australia. . .
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  2. FateJH

    Welcome back?
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  3. Halathorn

    Nope. I love this game. I think its fun, and I pretty much enjoy every moment.
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  4. MikeyGeeMan

  5. Ronin Oni

    I've taken a few short breaks and couldn't disagree much more (though there is def room for improvement)
    Cont locking is REQUIRED or we'd have WAY too much space for too few players. What happens when you don't restrict playable area to match online population? For some baffling reason players take the path of least resistance which means everyone, on every faction, ends up ghost capping empty bases.

    They just do.

    Cont locking and lattice prevents that. Hex was abysmal. Great in concept, but thanks to players "I don't WANT to fight" moronic attitude, it just doesn't work.

    Hossin is amazing and has the best base designs in the game. Unfortunately most large outfits hate it because it's so difficult to move armor around and they can't shell bases whatsoever.
    Base enhancements are AMAZING, or did you prefer 20 HE tanks shelling every spawn room??
    Nope, TTK hasn't been touched, though NW was overhauled... you should have been refunded on that even... did you just rebuy it without even looking at how it changed???? It's just a dmg % resist to bullets only and doesn't effect headshots. It used to add a huge chunk of HP. That was broken with Resist and Medstims. This is far more balanced and can be countered with headshots.
    Worse? Not at all. Tanks have always slid all over the place since beta. Do you even really remember the game you used to play?
    It's an FPS, K/D will always be tracked. It's not particularly relevant but it exists. Depends who you ask. Lots of people pplay to take bases and have fun. Winning alerts is DEFINTIELY the goal of any group I will play with.
    Actually it's a custom skin, also, unless you want to show off that custom skin, it doesn't matter. JUST DON'T BUY IT!!


    Seriously???? Dumbest complaint in a post riddled with them.
    Hossin is a swamp continent. It's actually pretty great for infantry fighting.
    Briggs?? AAAHHH Yeah,. that place is and always has been pretty dead. We welcome you on Connery ;)

    I can't believe you're against cont locking though, Briggs would be the worst ghost town EVER without it.
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  6. The Rogue Wolf

    You preferred the times when entire outfits were avoiding confronting each other in order to ghost-cap everything?
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  7. KnightCole

    Base enhancements? More like Cod-ifying changes. Walls everywhere, so instead of being able to fight from anywhere, you are bottlenecked into 2 passages, so the CoD kiddies can get kills easier. Super fast cap times so fights can end quicker. Removal of resource timers so even if you kill an entire coloumn of tanks, they will be back in 3 minutes once they get thier resources back. Or if your tank shoots up a tank unit, they simply pull planes and blow you up.....

    High TTK is a result of the headshot changes...and yeah, they are pretty lame overall, but its just another CoD style change, where instead of a decent TTK and overall gun play feel, the game is more like CoD, where you round a corner and derp, down you go.
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  8. PhyskoGerbil

    Maybe there would be more players if there was some content? Something to do? Alerts over and over and over again and a 0.4 second TTK tends to scare off most of the new players.

    The business model is VERY important, someone comes along, drops 100 bucks, buys the Vulcan minigun, rocketpods, Prowler HE, Prowler AP and the TSAR-42, twin MRC-3 mercys and twin Fractures and off the go to be vastly more effective at what they choose to do then the F2P player who will spends months building 1000 certs for just ONE of those things.

    Frankly, if you were being camped by 20 HE tanks WHY WOULD YOU BE DUMB ENOUGH TO RESPAWN THERE?!? Go to another base nearby and grab some AP tanks. . .

    Outfits skirting one another trying to cap as much a possible then a tank or two running into each other that rapidly snowballed into a proper fight was part of the fun. Now they are FORCED into fights, usually at tech plants and biolabs.

    Well, I would play on Connery but with the ping from Australia, it's just a waste of time. :/ Briggs is really our only practical option.
  9. PhyskoGerbil

    My wife, who's played for a few days asked why it doesn't keep track of revives as well? K/D for the combat focused, R/D for the medic focused, most likely because she plays a pure medic and doesn't really shoot people.
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  10. Towie

    You know - that isn't such a bad idea, indeed for the supporting roles, they should get something recognising their support (besides more certs and a terrible K/D ratio).

    BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY - you have a wife that plays Planetside ? Wanna swap ?
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  11. PhyskoGerbil

    Hahaha I know right? Just something to make the supporting classes feel a little more pro, I'm mainly an engie and I think my K/D is around 1.2, which is pretty not awesome but I enjoy being a support class to much to stop. She's an AWESOME medic and a pretty damn good engie, but her K/D doesn't reflect that, it could really benefit from something to boost the morale of people who do GREAT for their team but get massacred a lot. Plus it might encourage a little more focus on that side of things. Especially if there are medals for the revive gun and engie tool maybe? Give people something to work towards.

    Hahahaha no she's my wife! :p I had to steal her away from Baldur's Gate to be my Harasser gunner, which she showed me up at. :p
  12. stalkish

    kul story.....

    I once tried battlefield 4, didnt like it at all, so i logged onto the forums to write a massive whine about how crap it i......no wait, no i didnt, i did the sane thing and just pressed uninstall and never looked back.
    Not everyone 'agrees' with every game on the market, i dont understand whinning about it, just dont play it....
  13. PhyskoGerbil


    I was merely curious if anyone preferred it the way it WAS, as opposed to what it is now. Then why are you whining here? If you don't agree and don't like my comment and thought, move right along.
  14. stalkish

    Ye but your actualy going to a gaming forum for a game that you say yourself you dislike.
    Im reading the forum of the game i enjoy playing.

    See the diff here.

    You just seem to be wasting your own time and honestly to me sound like a whinning little ****, sory if thats hard to read...
  15. MikeyGeeMan

  16. Badname82

    Took year off when the Strike spam (mark 1 version that could shoot through mountains) ruined the game. Came back a month ago with my friends...that's fixed but now the Vulcan, which previously was as crappy as the Enforcer Cannister is now instant death. Well, at least it doesn't shoot through mountains.

    I love most of the changes. It is still annoying vehicles have little traction (it's like they have almost no weight), or getting shot 100 feet in the air when you want to exit a vehicle, but the game is pretty good still. Shame they never did anything with Galaxies, but spawning into a squadded one is pretty neat.

    Not holding my breath these bugs will be fixed since SOE sold the game off.

    No problem finding 12-24 small squad battles, outside of prime time alerts (no suprise there). Hossin, at first I hated it. Now I love it.

    And complaining about K/D in an FPS is so 2013. Get over it.
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  17. DQCraze

    Some just have a hard time with this game, its fast, its large, and you have to keep your head on a swivel or perish.
  18. Hicksimus

    I was going to say that's not true but given the infantry pop-in it's quite true.
  19. PhyskoGerbil

    It's hard to read alright, Sorry has two R's. Whining has one N, Difference is actually a word, diff is not. Kul is not a word.
    I do still enjoy this game, I just can't fathom some of the changes lately. Like the base changed haven't really stopped camping, the Vanu just take to PPA armed Scythes and the tanks just orbit the base. The tunnels are handy for getting around but a lot of the exit points just end up getting camped.

    Also, shouldn't the anti-personnel mines of the NC and Vanu one shot as well? Like claymores do? Yes claymores are directional but that doesn't really add any extra challenge to placing them. If anything it makes them easier to use for me at least. Mines are awesome for helping cover generators and spawn rooms, anywhere you want to lock down really, the other factions could use the bump I think.

    I just want more incentive to actually help your team. There are Stalker infiltrators everywhere hiding in rooms and launch pads with Commissioners rather then on points and generators actually being helpful. But this might be indicative of Briggs rather then the system in general, I'm going to play a little on Emerald or Connery later just to see if it's any better there. The lag from Australia might be a bit of an issue but it's worth a shot!
  20. Scorponok

    im sorry but i cant resist it...you are wrong on 1 point "kul" is acually a word...just not in english..but its still a word ;) In english from my language it would mean "cool".Just could not resist ^^