Somebody please explain why NC is the most pathetic faction right now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anonynonymous, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. \m/SLAYER\m/

    i think its because of BAD PING, its where you can really feel difference in ROF
  2. Juunro

    I wasn't aware AC was an NC outfit there. I haven't seen more then one or two BAX or KN1 people on at any given time either.
  3. haniblecter

    Worst LMGs.

    We're fairly good in every other gun department, but the TR and especially the Vanu have the best LMGs, and all the pro people migrate to the easy mode guns with the easy mode infantry.

    Bring those guns in line, or do something to make the heavy less the rule instead of the exception, adn you'll see alot more leavening out.
  4. Illucidator

    Come play on vanu and ull notice them. You usually dont notice players and outfits untill they start killing you alot. Also as far as I kno AC plays on all factions you will run into them anywhere.
  5. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Categorically false on basically ever level. If anything the TR's LMG's need to get looked at across the board (the CARV buff was a good start) and about 1/2 the VS LMG's need to get looked at since they're horrible. NC has great LMG's, some of the best actually with really no duds outside of the EM1 which is still a solid LMG.
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  6. HadesR

    Overall: Coordination and communication ..

    From my experience outside of a few elite players both VS and TR are the same level ( in some cases worse ) than NC

    Just on a Outfit and Global level they herd their derpy cats better.
  7. haniblecter

    Also, I think alot of good players started NC, then migrated over to other Factions.

    This, including me sinking feeling that alot of NC 'leadership' is coming from people logged on but playing alts in other factions on the same server, effects a serious brain drain on the NC.
  8. Juunro

    I have a VS and TR alt and I have never once run into anyone on NC that as effective or as quickly can kill me as well as a DA/AC/ZAPS member. I'm above average at this game, but I am not afraid to admit that I don't have anything on those guys.

    This is true, but has an interesting point- the Orion is far and away the most new-user-friendly LMG is the game. To make a Gauss SAW work, especailly in CQC, you need to know the weapon very well. To use at medium-long range you need to feather it while dealing with very heavy upward recoil. This is very counter-intuitive on a light machine gun for new players. An Orion you can use right out of the box very effectively. The CARV is not as easy, but still easier than the SAW.

    You can absolutely wreck people with the SAW, but only after you've spent alot of time learning the gunplay in this game. It would be interesting to me to see how the metrics would change if the GD-22, an LMG with similar effectiveness to the Orion for CQC and medium range fire, were made into the NC's default LMG and the SAW was the 250 cert one.
  9. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I totally agree with you that the SAW should have never been the default NC LMG and the GD-22 would be a good starter LMG to replace it. The NC regulars I talk to however have said that the new GODSAW is basically the SAW tuned to be a CQC beast so at least the NC has more than just the Anchor to use in that now.

    I don't however agree with you that the Orion is the most new-user-friendly LMG in the game though, I think that's now the CARV after it's slight buff since it has a slightly better FSRM and has twice the magazine size so you're not forced to reload constantly while having the best LMG DPS.
  10. EViLMinD

    Bzzzzzt WRONG!

    No bonus check for you. Instead, you get a pink slip. Blatant ignorance of our hardwares' awesomeness will not be tolerated. The saw, em6 and anchor are flippin' good.

    No more facepalm comments, mmkay.
  11. Juunro

    The problem with the GODSAW being ridiculous in close range battles is that its damned hard to get. No new player is likely to get that gun before I dunno, 2-3 months of playing if they are very good and only focus on HA?

    I had far, far less problems figuring out how to use the Orion well then I did the CARV, but this was pre-buff CARV, so you may well be right in that regard. I cannot speak authoritatively on full scale LMG balance as I am primarily an engineer (though I do have the directive weapon for that unlocked) so I can speak with some authority on those weapons in which I think the NC has categorically the best carbine selection. Which might well account for the fact that I see way more engineers then anything else in alot of NC fights and far less of them in while fighting on other factions; getting someone to drop ammo on VS especially every time I have played them has been an exercise in frustration.

    Though I will admit I have punched to death more than once NC engineer who refused to get off an AI turret to repair my MAX suit or drop ammo for the 5 people spamming "need ammo" next to him. So, support classes failing at everything involving support isn't really a faction specific thing.
  12. Andy04

    I Only play nc when it is ops time with the outfit but I have a lot more fun playing tr or vs. When of course I can bring myself round to play the game these days.
  13. MikeyGeeMan

    Um they get cranky when they don't get their afternoon nap?
  14. ATRA_Wampa-One

    2-3 months isn't that much, and it's not hard to get at all since the Anchor, EM6, GD-22s, SAW, and NS-15 are all easily in the top 10 for LMG's. Considering that when I got my Betelgeuse there was only one NS-15 and I had to choose between the Polaris, Flare, Ursa, and Pulsar LSW for my last two which sucked.

    And getting an auraxium weapon isn't really that hard... I'm 600 kills away from my third and I'm at the most a slightly above average player that plays maybe 15 hours a week max.

    Before the buff the CARV was admittingly not that great, but even just that minor one made it pretty fantastic especially if you're use to the Orion. As for carbines, outside of the Zenith the VS selection is way more tailored to LA than engineer where the opposite is true for NC and TR are about middle of the road. VS AR's though suck something bad (terminus not included) which is why there aren't many medics.
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  15. Unsp0kn

    I played my NC alt for about an hour last night. Talk about chaos and massive TKing, holy balls. Not to mention the jerks yelling at each other in proxy and dead people screaming for medics while the spawroom just gets heavily shelled by the VS. I really like NC guns, but just didn't feel at home and it seems like no one helps each other. Hardly anyone revives their faction-mates but it was ok for me, I didn't have to fight any other medics for the XP like I normally do on TR.
  16. MikeyGeeMan

  17. SwornJupiter

    NC definitely has more propoganda than the other two factions (e.g. loading screen, website) so would naturally influence the decision making of newer players when selecting their first faction.
    Also, PLAYING as NC is quite unbearable for me. I went on last weekend, holy hell... (Need I explain the frequency of tk and mic spam?)
    so, I switched over to VS/TR, who seem to be more mature and generally know what they're doing.
    My playtime with NC is quite limited, but they seem to just be a disorganised rabble which zergs along hex lines.
    Although I have to admit, the size of their zergs is... wow
  18. Veph

    Sounds about like my experience with NC, yep. Coming from TR and VS, the guns felt like I was firing huge artillery rounds at my enemies and for not having spent any certs, they dropped my targets amazingly fast. But...3 TKs within 10 minutes, people ran around the map like bots who have never mapped the map into memory before.
    And omg these smurf voices... female greenhorn, what happened there?!

    Either way I lost ones of the best players in my friendslist to the NC because NC guns allow for a higher skill cap and can simply do more than the other LMGs in the hands of able players.
    Sure, one can always get better with my Vanu guns, but I seem to be better by default with NC guns, it's just that I hate that faction with a burning passion for all the idiots in its ranks and playing among them I started to feel a lot like TKing some aswell. You can't... just can't coordinate yourself with the average random guy. On VS I regularly find myself tag-teaming with some guy I just met the other second. Playing VS I often feel like I'm in medic-haven aswell. NC? Pfffahahaha...
  19. johnway

    I dunno if the NC are the most pathetic faction. certainly not on Miller every time i play. I see them with nearly a 10% population difference and win most of the alerts along with the VS. Some good outfits as well and in most cases i prefer to fight the VS rather than the NC in most cases. But that said, the NC seem to be the only guys prepared to charge into a base and either it works for them and they push us out or it ends in spectacular fashion whereby they get farmed and we have a lot of fun. They do just enough to breach the base and apply enough pressure to make it exciting but never enough that we can't win in the nick of time. Lots of death and certs all round.

    Awesome stuff that reminds me of why i enjoy planetside. Not so sure whether the opposition felt the same.
  20. MajiinBuu

    "Most pathetic" implies that all factions are pathetic.
    I don't believe any of them are.