When did the TR get Flux Capacitors!?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pokebreaker, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Pokebreaker

    So, after I shot a TR Harasser with a Shrike, the thing took off like a bat out of hell, and disappeared into thin air, leaving only a trail of smoke behind. Dare I say, they went back to the future? Did the Devs give TR a Flux Capacitor unlock in the last patch? Because if so, it's not fair, and I want one too!!!
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  2. Mythologicus


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  3. DashRendar

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  4. _itg

    I can't wait to start getting ambushed by time-traveling Vulcan Harassers from the future. And then still beat them because future Vulcan got overnerfed again.
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  5. Hatesphere

    1.21 gigawatts!
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  6. Mythologicus

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  7. Naejin

    Same thing happened to me last night. I was locking onto a VS Sunday for a 3rd rocket when suddenly *poof*. There it was, gone!
  8. Goldmonk

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  9. Goldmonk

    Dangit, you guys beat me to it.
  10. Jawarisin

    :/ Yep. fortunately...

    "Hey, Doc, we better back up. We don't have enough road to get up to 88.
    "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads"
  11. DrPapaPenguin

    He went back in time to when he was OP.
  12. ronjahn

    Where they're going, they don't need roads.
  13. HappyStuffin

    Nuclear powered harasser!

    Where is Mr. Fusion!?
  14. Konstantinn

    About a year ago used to be able to pull infiltrator with cloacked flash, cloack it, then get out and quickly press personal cloack, then jump into another vehicle as gunner. This then allowed infiltrator to press cloack on and off and whatever vehicle he got in would also cloack (like liberator or galaxy). Don't know if it still works, nor how exactly to do it anymore(at which points to press what, which person is gunner, might be that 2nd person had to pull vehicle then squad unlock it for infil to be pilot/driver, maybe had to destroy the flash at some specific point, it wouldn't work unless done in precise order). Tried it a few times at warpgate over a year ago, took some screen shots. One of our guys reported it.

    Hopefully that was fixed, but it might be the same bug. In reality it took too long to setup, plus nobody wanted to get banned or kicked from outfit for actually using it. It's a cheesy advantage, more of a cool factor for a day, but who knows maybe this guy actually did it.