there is not a single reason MAX's should be revivable

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fleech, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. QuakerOatsMan

    If anything, they could slap a continually-diminishing repair rate on MAXes based on the number of times they have been revived (stacking upon each death), as in the suits' nanites are no longer in "good quality," which could gradually force those MAXes out of commission/out of battle and off the front lines for longer periods of time as more of a burden or wasted resource not contributing to the fight. (Increased revive time on each death is also a thought, but it may be too much).

    MAXes are annoying to a lot of the playerbase, but they are pretty crucial in a lot of battles such as those where the enemy has a large vehicle zerg, because a MAX suit has the highest infantry AV DPS required to whittle down armor. As much as people may oppose their revivability, they should keep it because despite their enhanced armor, they can still be pretty squishy and end up as a frustrating waste of 450 resources, especially for the poorly-equipped players.
  2. Fleech

    its an exosuit....

    its not powered by a wind up spring...
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  3. Fleech

    a maxed med gun lets you get them up relatively quickly. in my experience charging right after getting ressed allows me more than enough time to either find an engie or NAR up to half health.

    light assaults have to sacrifice medkits to have C4.
  4. andy_m

    Wouldn't bother me one bit if MAX units could not be revived... I hardly ever get revived as a MAX unit anyway. And as was stated above, they take longer to revive, and you cannot bring them back to life with a grenade. But, yeah, take the revive away altogether...

    Oh, and you pretty much need an Engineer on hand straight away because you will die within seconds...
  5. FateJH

    And it gets back up as soon as the operator can be put back on his feet. "Power source" is obviously fine.
    Wait ...
    That would be the greatest cosmetic item. Just imagine a large brassy wind-up key on the back of an NC MAX as it lumbers the halls of a base.
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  6. DQCraze

    Never seen a stock Tank Buster instagib a MBT, Sundy or lightning.
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  7. MonnyMoony

    Maxes cost the same as an MBT - so make them as fast, tough and carry as much fire power - and i'd be happy for them to to not be revived.

    A Max can be instagibbed by a flash which treats the max as if it was made out of marshmallow FFS
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  8. HadesR

    Halve the cost of a MAX suit THEN make them unrevivable .

    The lower cost might mean people cans till semi-spam them


    Not being able to revive them can help break stalemates by forcing them to respawn and travel to have to pull another suit
  9. Devrailis

    Ha! You need to play NC more often! ;)
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  10. MajiinBuu

    I haven't played a point and click since Kings Quest. Great series...
  11. revan1141

    Surprise Surprise - A VS player complaining about something being 'unbalanced' that killed him.
  12. DashRendar

    I haven't read any of the responses, but did anyone say because MAXes die too quickly? Because MAXes die too quickly.
  13. Rogueghost

    For the love of Vanu I hope this is a joke.
  14. Ownasaurusrex

    To be honest, you're absolutely right on a gameplay point of view. Let's ignore nanite pseudophysics.
    They should be treated as vehicles. This can warrant survivability buffs.
  15. Ownasaurusrex

    C4s and rockets are the most widely used counter to maxes. Keep c4 nerf damage and win win
  16. DashRendar

    It's really not difficult at all to kill a MAX, I solo them all the time. The game has freely given the "free" HA class all the tools that it needs to take on a MAX unit and win. It's not exactly breaking the manual, you just have to use what's in front of you. And then there's C4, which every class save for infil have.
  17. Omedon

    I agree with you totally. Allowing max's to be revived is ridiculous in my opinion, even more so that you can basically chain spawn them as long as you are not a complete noob. It can be very frustrating in smaller battles when trying to retake a point only to have the max revived continuously. In my opinion you should not be able to res a max and players should only be allowed to be revived one time by the same medic, but what do I know.
  18. MahouFairy

    Lol I've killed maxes by spamming my tr default SR at them. If anything, MAXes are UP.
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  19. Xind

    Yeah, infiltrator have it the hardest but I have seen and performed the prox mine + smg trap. It's extremely satisfying but uncommon.

    Editted into an idea I like. Promotes further team work and slightly nerfs the infinite lives of MAXs. I should note I am in favor of MAXs being unrevivable, but this seems like a good compromise.
  20. MahouFairy

    Ohh so MAXes should be treated like a 450 nanites vehicle and not be revived? But all 450 nanite vehicles are invulnerable to small arms and are tougher and have more firepower. How about this: make MAX units invulnerable to small arms and we'll talk about making them unrevivable.
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