Advices for new gun

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Quitoll, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Quitoll

    I want to aurax the AR, finishing soon my NS11A, with Carnage, GR22 and Gauss waiting. What could be interesting for a 5th weapon when I get to it ?
    I've seen a lot of people seems to mention the reaper, but so far I wasn't really convinced with semi-autos....
  2. DashRendar

    The Reaper isn't a semi-auto, it's a slow lumbering automatic that might as well be firing head-seeking explosive rounds. If you can aurax the Gauss Rifle, then you should be able to aurax the Reaper as well, similar gunplay, different fire rate and damage.
  3. _itg

    Yeah, the Reaper isn't semi-auto. It's a lot like the AC-X11, if you're familiar with that one, or the Gauss SAW. I'd recommend for your 5th gun, or maybe the A-Tross (same damage tier, lower RoF, more controllable).
  4. Quitoll

    Thanks for the answers, the 'DMR' term made me think it was a semi-auto, my bad.
    Tried the reaper on VR, seems quite nice at long range, I will probably test it on the battlefield.
  5. SnatchMaster

    I had a blast getting to auraxium with the DMR. I'd recommend that a thousand times over.

    Also, I have the Gauss Prime. Its not worth the effort to get it.
    5800 kills, just to realize that every other assault rifle I have an auraxium medal with felt so much better to use than this one.
  6. Quitoll

    That's what I figured out when watching some videos. Still I play medic more than half the time, so AR are probably gonna me my first auraxed directive.