Constantly instagibbed

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by day ofm one, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. day ofm one

    Since a while, I am constantly being instagibbed by everyone.

    Gauss SAW, NS-PDW, Warden, Mag Shot, I die in less than 0.1 second.

    I can't even blink before I died.

    I can't get into cover, I can't crouch to evade, I can't even hear the shots and I allready died.

    It is basically unplayable, I just die all the time because I am completely defenseless against any person engaging me.
  2. volth

    Lag maybe? or that peoples isnt render so you cant see them when they shoot at you.
  3. Desann

    That's why, when I do play this game, I go for vehicles. Cuz the FPS shooter mechanics can be lame sometimes.

    My biggest gripe is in large battle when ghost players kill me 10m away. They aren't even rendered and then POOF there they are in my face shooting me. All because the game can't handle itself. And I have a decent rig so its not my hardware.
  4. PresidentFreeman

    It's been that way for a while now with me, reminds me of playing instagib back in the unreal tournament days, which would be fine if the other guy wasn't tanking 20 hits. I'm sitting on 50 ping with 0% packet loss.

    Getting killed behind corners with 50 ping is certainly something too. I do wonder what it looks like from their perspective.
  5. Akashar

    I would reeeaally like some fixing done, as for a few days I've never seen this much invisible guys (or not seen them, as you wish ;))
    It seems like the lag issues worsened, and desynchroniaztion too. An example? I fought over a point, 3 guys on my side against a light assault. We never saw him, but oh boy, he did see us. When his carbine was empty he kept on with the gun, and the only thing we could do was shoot when the crosshait became red. That was a real pain.
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  6. Turiel =RL=

    This is something that I experience a lot. If I die, it usually feels like 0.5 sec TTK or less. On the other hand when I am shooting at people it takes like 2+ seconds to kill someone despite getting red-x most of the time. My infantry accuracy on my favorite guns is around 22% which isn't much, but I can't believe that I am running into ultra-accurate opponents all day long either.
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  7. Unsp0kn

    ^ That same thing was happening to me last night. I swear sometimes SOE has a switch that controls hit detection. Sometimes I take people down quickly, others I use a whole mag and die before they do and they show up with still half shield on the death screen.
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  8. TechMechMeds

    Today in an alert i had about 20 enemies and allies render in front of me and i got owned (as you'd expect). Sometimes it seems like because of the rendering, there are other fights happening in the same space as us but we can't see it and vice versa.
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  9. MrGrampybone

    I have had this problem for a couple of days now too. It's nothing new really I get this from time to time where it's pretty much impossible to kill anyone and everyone seems to be able to kill you in 1 sec regardless of weapon used.
    Only thing new is that this time I have had this issue for several days in a row.
  10. LordMatt XLVIII

    Welcome to Planetside.
  11. MrGrampybone

    Also I switched over to play on my VS alt and there things were fine.
    I dropped enemy heavies in no time with my smg I even managed to kill several with the sucky VS pistol.