Three Way Battle PlanetSide 2 PS4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ElitePixel, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. ElitePixel

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  2. Kaska

    Welcome to Planetside
  3. Dudeman325420

    Watching those Magriders lazyily slide around and the attempts at long range shooting... I feel really bad for those that have to play this game with a gamepad...
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  4. Sh4n4yn4y

    It's so cute. I mean. Just look at it. XD

    This is so sweet, aww :) These guys are in the grinder for the first time. It's epic seeing how discovering the basic gameplay elements happens on a massive scale.
  6. No_STG

    Obnoxious music choice, and goodness is long range fighting looking like a pain with all that unmitigated recoil.
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  7. Bindlestiff

    Looks good to me, glad the PS4 guys are having a blast.
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  8. HadesR

    Vuna ???

    Is That an enlightened spandex saltwater Fish ?

    But nice Vid :) .. Even ported the same bugs :p
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  9. MikeyGeeMan

    Gameplay looks so slow.

    And the right left jerk while moving made me sick
  10. WTSherman

    Aww, console players discovering the Crash to Desktop. :p
  11. MrGrampybone

    Looks good but you can just see how sluggish the game plays with a controller.
    I can't understand how anyone would choose to play that way when there are more resposive controls out there.
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  12. Risae

    Guess thats the kind of people SOE wants to impress.
    I hope they don't **** this up.
  13. Auzor

    And looking through the vid, it seems the Gauss Saw is still the default NC LMG :confused: .. Brilliant.
  14. Crashsplash

    Glad you're having fun.... keep up the good work
  15. Dyckman

    First big battle excitement.. :)

    And your fights will only get bigger where every move you make you'll see bullets flying. Please keep making ps4 videos, I'd love to see the enjoyment players have on it since not everyone can experience PS2 on PC.
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  16. Konstantinn

    They have so much to learn, but I'm glad they're having fun in the game. Hope that positive outlook/sense of discovery stays and keeps them in the game. Most of us PC players are a lot more adept at this by now, but we long ago lost that sense of "Wow that's cool" and taking a lot of things for granted now.
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