die too fast to react

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by W01fe, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. WTSherman

    It's not like we can start every fight by slapping you with a white glove. :p

    I've played plenty of games with much higher lethality than PS2 (ie you die much faster), and funnily enough they were generally LESS frustrating. I think for me at least, the reason is that in PS2 it doesn't feel symmetrical.

    Due to how the game processes hits, you can get hit by an entire magazine and then the game will only show you one "hit" that takes out all of your health. Meanwhile you're there emptying 30 rounds into someone who's jumping around chugging medkits, and they're just fine.

    It doesn't even end up feeling consistent between enemies. Some enemies drop fast, others take forever to kill. Nanoweave contributes to it I'm sure, but I also doubt that alone accounts for all of it. PS2's gunplay just generally feels inconsistent. I think it's that lack of consistency, and that constant impression the game creates that your enemies seemingly take 2-3 times as many hits as you do, that makes PS2's TTK feel frustrating despite being so long.

    Basically you get to see everyone else playing with a ridiculously long TTK, but because the game often doesn't tell you you've been hit until you're already dead, you don't feel like it applies to you.

    At least in the games where it's intentionally fast, it's consistently fast. The enemy still feels like they drop me pretty much instantly, but I can do the same to them so it feels better.
    • Up x 1
  2. Captain Kid

    I think I figured it out. The lag or whatever you call it is much worse then in any other game.
    In other games, I've played Wolfenstein: ET and Team Fortress 2 both for 2 years and dabbled in the Battlefield games, we all know the situation of getting shot/killed while you already are behind the corner (or cover).

    First off all this is much worse in Planetside 2; you can be at least 1 second behind a corner and still getting hit/killed.

    But, since this thread I've been paying attention and noticed some other..quirks I have NEVER noticed in any other game.

    - The enemy can shoot you while he is not visible to you. Meaning he is not around the corner on your screen. But on HIS screen he IS around the corner.
    - The enemy can shoot you while YOU are not (yet) around the corner. Meaning; you are about to go around the corner and somehow the game extrapolates this information and sends it to the enemy player. So in practice you are not even around the corner but for the enemy you already are! So the enemy can see in the future.

    Yes these two statements are in conflict. On the one hand you have situations where you have information on your screen which is outdated. ( the enemy is already around the corner and shooting at you) but in other situations it is in reverse. (the enemy hasn't even gone around the corner but on your screen he has).
  3. Xasapis

    Battlefield 4 has exactly the same issue of client side hit detection, dying while runing behind cover and trading deaths. And that game support 64vs64 as the absolute max.

    TF2 is what? 32 people per side max? Come on people, be realists and acknowledge that such issues are forgivable in a game that numbers by the thousands per side, when smaller games have identical problems.
  4. Captain Kid

    Thousands? Maybe 200 vs 200 at best at a single base.

    And I think you can agree the server performance has been very poor lately (as of summer)

    And if the devs are aware of the problem and know it can not be fixed even if they improve the servers then WHY implement one hit kill weapons like shotguns and fast kill weapons like SMG's which confound the problems?
    Which actually were not present in the initial game. (probably just for this reason)

    (by the way TF2 is 16 vs 16 and Battlefield is 32 vs 32)
  5. Kentucky Windage

    Today I had more than a few engagements where I know I put rounds to the head and center mass area and didn't drop my target. Not sure what the issue with that is and hope this most recent patch hasn't skewed hit detection again. Today was a really bad day. The worst day I've had in a while. I had been moving into the 2 K/D and higher per session but today I was at like .76 which just blows. I packed up after finishing with 3 kills in a row. I played horrible today and let everyone down I played with. Please accept my apologies. I flat out sucked.
  6. Yuki10

    PS2 has a separate table in the user database with select players who have different aim assist and resistance values. It's about .5% person of total PS2 population, with 60-70% of those being randoms to dilute the special people being promoted. They are doing so to help out those who stream the game on twich, make youtube videos, etc and bringing attention to the game.. So if you are comparing yourself to those guys - yea, you won't be as good. Otherwise its often a matter of who gets the jump on whom first.
  7. WorldOfForms

    Uh huh. Where exactly did you get this information?
  8. Hatesphere

    ... wow this is the best conspiracy theory yet, SOE gives all the streamers aim assist!

  9. Pikachu

    Server prrfotmance has been cr** for entire 2014. :L
  10. WorldOfForms

    How did you come to these conclusions about predicting player movement? Have you seen Wrel's video about client side hit detection? It's quite clear that this game does not "project" your avatar ahead of you. It's the opposite. On your opponent's screen, your avatar is always a bit behind where you really are.

    If you and your opponent are standing still around a corner so neither can see the other, and then you run around the corner, you will always see him before he sees you. On your screen, you have ran around the corner and are shooting him, but on his screen, you are still behind the corner out of sight.

    Whoever moves first has the advantage. It's also why so many people claim they die to opponents in only a few shots. Your opponent shoots you on his screen and unloads half a clip into you, but on your screen, he has just begun firing when the game realizes you are dead and kills you, so you appear to die after only a few shots.
  11. Drasilov

    I've played this game for a while now and I generally accept the fact that if someone is facing me I'm already dead. The ONLY way to get consistent kills is to flank opponents or hit them where they wont expect it.

    The lag means any player who is facing you has already killed you before you've even registered it on your client side. You dont stand a chance.

    If you must charge in then run into a room as fast as possible firing constantly - dont even bother aiming unless theres just one other guy there. The lag gives you a fraction of a second where you can get some hits before you are mown down. But you can get a kill possibly.

    Also the time it takes to raise the gun to your eye is so long that you will have already lost ur shields and half health before its even in a firing position. Hipfire unless you are at range.

    Playing infantry you will die CONSTANTLY - thats what infantry does. They are the cannon fodder that runs into a room to break a siege or blows themselves up with c4 to take out a sundy. Also there's a LOT of players out there who are simply extremely good at the game.
  12. KillSwitchWes

    This could be a few different things.
    A) It could be that the enemy is using a high DPS weapon and have good accuracy and/or are hitting you with multiple headshots
    B) it very well could be server lag.

    You say you generally have a 40ms ping / latency but you also have to account for the other players ping (I generally have around 135-200ms ping which is typical for many players) and the server processing time. So with that in mind you could usually expect a .2+ sec or so of lag, enough for most weapons to get off 2-3 shots. That combined with clientside hit detection means an enemy could round a corner and fire a couple of shots before you even see them round the corner on your screen. Add your reaction time onto that...
    Same thing for taking fire and going behind cover, breaking line of sight, and then continue to take damage and dieing up to half a sec later (depending on how bad the lag is). A common one is taking a knife to the face even though it LOOKS like they are out of range (and indeed would be if you tried to knife them at the same time) even though they are right in your face on their end.
  13. Jalek

    You used to see what looked like that, but with the death screen you see nothing now.
    Servers have always seemed an SOE afterthought, and in this game timing matters much more than fantasy MMO's.
  14. FieldMarshall

    Well, thats why you die. Both options mean death if whoever got the drop on you can aim.

    If you run for cover, you die. With TTK less than half a second (and also lag from you enemies) you "instantly" die (and thats not counting headshots) if you predictably run for the nearest cover to anyone with decent aim.

    Turning around also doesent work. Are you going to react, turn around, aim and drop your enemy is less than half a second?
    Probably not.

    So what do you do? There are a few things you can do to stay alive longer.

    Firstly (and this may have been said already) is situational awareness and general knowledge of game mechanics, and using that to your advantage.
    If you have a pretty good situational awareness you can prevent yourself from getting flanked most of the time and getting picked off, while instead doing it to your enemies.
    Not zig zagging in a predictable pattern in the open.
    How to read the map/minimap.
    Knowing when to attack and what target to shoot at first.
    etc etc.
    There is enough to fill like 5 pages with tips on taking advantage of mechanics.

    Secondly is moving around alot.
    Never stand still unless you know you cant be attacked. If an enemy starts shooting at you from the back, try twitching around (but dont jump) while also turning.
    You would be surprised how effective it is. Its the source of the "I shot some guy in the back, he turned around and killed me" rage threads.
    If you can time your ADADing perfectly with your latency (there is no way to know if you get it right afaik) you become a dodge god, as it will make you appear to "slide" a bit further than you actually do in each direction.
    And will make you quickly rubberband back. You appear to move from side to side alot faster than a normal player making it really hard for whoever is shooting at you to hit.

    Thirdly. Nanoweave helps.
  15. Kevanov

    Honestly the best advice I could give you, is watch the minimap every 2 seconds at least. You cannot decide where to go without knowing whats around you.
  16. Captain Kid

    Hey, I could be wrong and probably are about point 2.
    But how do you explain when I and my opponent are standing still around a corner so neither can see the other and then I run around the corner and I die in a split second? I should see him first and have ample time to aim and shoot. But sometimes I don't have even time for that.

    This happens quite often. I go out of cover and die in a split second by 1 opponent. While if your explanation is correct the enemy should not even see me for a split second while I can see him.
  17. Jedesis

    How fast does it take you to turn around? I always run with my medkits out, pop them with shield and then turn around fast.
  18. WorldOfForms

    My guess is that he actually moved before you did, and perhaps also his latency is slightly better. So on your screen, you have moved around the corner and are looking at a stationary opponent, when in fact he moved a split second before you did, so he is moving and shooting at you on your screen, while he appears to be not moving (and even maybe not shooting) on his screen. He may or may not see you moving or shooting.

    Since everything you see in this game, other than yourself, is actually a picture of the recent past, it's really hard to say what your opponent is truly doing at any given time.

    The one thing to be sure of, though, is that standing still is always a disadvantage, not simply because a stationary target is easy to hit, but due to client side detection, it means you are actually where your opponent sees you if you are not moving.