Alerts and my 2 station cash worth

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Norse, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Norse

    So i started an alert with the big zerg outfit on Emerald TR on Esamir. Within 10 minutes the stale mate began. The hand puppet leading this platoon informs us we have land control and all we are to do is hold this camp and keep the blueberrys tied up so we can win this alert. What i dont understand is the no balls attitude of these big outfits from all factions. Is there some big advantage in winning and alert other than the cheesy in game cost breaks we get on equipment? For crap sakes its a momentary bragging right at best to win an alert.

    I would rather go down swinging any day and loose. Welcome to the ************* side of Planetside. You twinkies leading these outfits and platoons need to reach down and grab a set even if they arent your own.
  2. Schwak

    The apparent nature of the game is that people would rather sit and AFK on a cap point with 6 v 1 odds then actually play. If you want any real enjoyment out of the game either play with just a couple friends and float from fight to fight or join an outfit that will go and take on the big fights.
  3. Dyckman

    I was at that Alert, I think this was the first time I've been frustrated at this game today. Spend an hour just "farming" NC and it ended up screwing us in the end. Granted we weren't even farming them, all that "effort" for a B.S "well good try guys maybe next time". I'm pretty sure our platoon leader was afk 75% of the time he would talk on coms every once in a while "good job guys keep it up" then minutes of silence returning saying similar B.S.

    Man what a disappointment.
  4. JudgeNu

    Typical Sunday night.
    2 Esamir alerts in a row which isn't normal.
    Saturday was nice cuz we hade a series of alerts back to back.
  5. Haquim

    Well that is your POV.
    I'd rather win the alert, because it is the only kind of "META" or "goal" this game actually has to offer.

    Granted, I wouldn't sit on some cliff and wait for enemies.
    But if I understood you right you were in a big fight that simply played out evenly and halted an enemy attack.
    So what exactly are you complaining about?
  6. GrandpaFlipfox

    I don't understand it either. Alerts bring every terrible facet of this game and the people who play it right to the surface. This entire December when alerts weren't working was amazing. Consistent fighting that didn't dissolve in an instant once the arbitrary buzzer rang. Kind of annoyed I couldn't have played more during that time.

    But from SOE's perspective alerts are easier than developing a compelling end goal. And damnit, they've got dumb zombie trends and console players to chase. They can't be slowed down by having to put effort into difficult game design problems.
    • Up x 1
  7. Norse

    Well yes it is my POV. But i did back it with reasonable facts. Its not a fight that played out evenly. We were ordered by spineless leaders to "hold the line". Not once did we do a coordinated attempt on taking the opposing factions base. We could have taken it with proper leadership. So fine you go stand on some imaginary line hiding behind rocks with the rest of the fodder. Ill go help take bases and establish land control.
  8. FateJH

    Depending on which base you were fighting at, it might have been the most sustainable foothold that could be acquired for some time on the lane (or it might have been the least defensible and the next one harder to assault; there's no good context without knowing where you are fighting). If your faction was already holding territory to the point that you could win the Alert if nothing exchanges hands, which is what I think you were saying, and were in a good defensive position otherwise, pushing forward into difficult bases and compromising a solid defensive line is unnecessary. Considering how fast defenses can break down in this game, almost suicidal, even.

    And that's fine. Go and find a platoon of like-minded players, or at least only the person running the platoon has to think like that, or start one yourself. There's a limit to forcing people to adhere to your playstyle, as any good platoon leader will tell you. That's my ultimate advice: go be the positive action you want to see, and stop antagonizing others. If you question the leaders, stop following them. If their tactics do not adhere to your mindest, raise inquiry with them, suggest ideas, and, if they do not take to them, and instead pursue what you feel are destructive courses of action, do not feel yourself a prisoner to their ranks. This isn't that kind of game, fortunately.

    At the same time, however, accept that everyone plays this game differently.
  9. Thrones

    Don't like how a platoon is being run? Make your own. If you have territory control, the more you push the more points you have to control/defend. Which a single platoon can only hope to defend 2-3 points at a time.

    So go ahead, form your own platoon and lead that charge into the meat grinder.