
Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by PS2_Luke, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. SgtBurgerkingst

    is the PTS down? or why i can not join the Server.
  2. Pikachu

    Sever is down.
  3. SgtBurgerkingst

    againe crash serie... soe man fix it.
  4. klanderso Developer

    PTS was down today until about 1015a (PST) this morning, sorry about that! We're also pushing another update soon to fix some people stuck in Koltyr.
  5. mer1c

    Can't get onto PTS, loading stuck at 94% :(
  6. AlterEgo

    Nice. Have an ETA on when Koltyr'll be a whole continent? If so, then thank you for your awesome work; Koltyr looks and feels amazing:D
  7. SgtBurgerkingst

    Ok Thanks :)
  8. Kumaro

    Hmm some issues with slow rendering allowing me to bypass shields and what not.

    Loved the map design though. More open and fun to drive around.
    A bit to many buildings at the centre perhaps although depends on the maximum player amount on that map. Though understandable if it's to get people used to PS2.
    However i would for the sake of performance recommend reducing the amount of objects a bit. Like that there are many bushes but it doesn't have to be supper cluttered with them. Since i did notice a few weird jumps and drops in FPS along with hitching :/
  9. Pikachu

    Half of the Amerish trees should be replaced with Esamir type spruces. Also put the right skyfile in already.
  10. zErOcRo

    Feedback: Minimap not updating current position when in vehicle. Map not updating current position when in vehicle.
    It gets updated when u leave the vehicle. Map not updating population on any region.
    Cant spawn vehicles on any ground terminal on Vanu warpgate. Missing vehicle spawn pads.
    Continent terminal got some displacement for Kolytr.
    Tutorial tips some times report missing strings on text.
    Biolab ground level vehicle terminals cant spawn any ground vehicle.(there is no vehicle spawn pad)
    Strange timer when capturing bases.(i guess intentional)
    Minimap does not show the bridges that are connecting the points. Also no outside walls on the map.(i guess new objects are not shown).
    U can enter enemy warpgate.
    Kolytr Biolab Outpost:
    Teleporter room got several bugs elevator pads got misplaced elevation. Equipment terminals are not working. And teleporter does not get u back in the tower. Minimap does not show the bridges that are connecting the points. Also no outside walls on the map.
    Kolytr Amp Station Outpost:
    Capture point A is in object strange position. Capture point B is the floor. Capture point C room trees are inside the building.
    Tower main spawn room teleporter in strange position. And both teleporters not working. Elevators misplaced.
    Directive Basics : Where are the target dummies?? really?!

    Well so far i got this. But i bet there is more.
  11. MingcrusherForum

    The capture point in the desk kinda looks cool should have more of these and capture points in different shapes.
  12. Cookie5000

    Its not a battle island, its a newbie zone
  13. Cookie5000

    Just a newbie zone dude geez
  14. miendude

    Idea: Allow certified mentors to go in there with the new players and teach them how to play. Hell, maybe even take away my ability to shoot at enemy while in the zone, just to make sure veterans don't exploit the system. I would just want to be there to answer newbie's questions and also give them quick lessons and useful strategies to make things easier; like farming certs or ways to not DIE in general.
    • Up x 1
  15. Cookie5000

    Great idea
  16. Mianera

    Exclusive to low BR players my * beep *

    Everyone is going to roll a new fp2 acc/character to play this.
  17. TheRunDown

    Ohh! Koltyr..
    I remember that Continent in PlanetSide.. It was.. it was..

  18. MrMcFluffy01

    Some of this makes sense, but i feel personally that bases should be more geared towards the defenders than the attackers, because honestly, in a war, facilities and outposts would be designed for best possible defense, not to be easily "starved out". In addition, if a fight is geared more towards the defenders, it would make battles much more intense, giving them more time to grow in population and diversity

    To make all of this relevant to the thread, more defensible bases would also be very nice for the nublets out there, as the common strategies of zerging would be somewhat less effective, meaning the possibly lower populated defense would suffer less aggrivating deaths, and it would encourage young squads to branch out and to be more tactical in their movements
  19. PlatinumClipz

    What I think about Koltyr:

    • Great for players to be able to host on their own servers.
    • Great for competitive matches between different faction outfits on a smaller scale (limited to one platoon per outfit). This also includes inter-outfits (outfits within the same faction) to challenge each other.
    • Great for training/practice.
    • Great to see a version of this map with only two warpgates for head to head combat between two outfits of whichever faction.
    No doubt people would love to know who is the best outfit on PS2 and I think this map could be the battleground to claim that title.
  20. Darth Oby

    Its great! seen all the things you've done and ive seen you re-did the warpgate and its really nice! actually looks like a warpgate where everyone is safe and can do anything. JUST ONE PROBLEM....unless its my pc my frames in koltyr seem to drop big amounts when i go into it, and i mean drop like all the way down to 20, and normally i get 70 FPS in this game. idk if this is my pc or its jusy because the game has to render more things, but then if you think about it hossin has to render lots of things and i get 60 frames there....BUT ill just point that out.
    keep up the good work!
    1600x900 display
    i5 @ 2.6GHz
    nvidia geforce gts 250
    4gb DDR3 @ 1333MHz
    graphics all at low but shadows are off, and i mean everything is on but is on low. render distance is 1,000