LA dual wielding...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. ComradeHavoc

    I've heard that they've gone off the idea of allowing the LA to dual wield secondaries in the (hypothetical) update, why? Would it be to hard to balance? Couldn't you just have another Valkyrie type release?
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  2. Leftconsin

    People complain that everything is OP. One guy before Valks were released was convinced that sniping from Valkyries was going to be OP because you couldn't snipe the guy back. Because he would just hop into a different seat. There are always people very vocal and very convinced that new thing X will wreck the game.

    Dual wielding Rebels, Mag Shots, or Repeaters sounds scary enough for the pitch forks to come out.
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  3. Goldmonk

    Jetpacking with dual wielding AMPs.............................................................................................................................................
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  4. Liewec123

    i guess from a work standpoint it would take quite a lot,
    you're pretty much making another class since the secondary and primary need to both be used like a MAX.
    i don't imagine it would be very easy to make.

    and also from a balance standpoint, especially with the ES pistols, as goldmonk mentioned, 2 AMPs would be ridiculous XD
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  5. Jackplays17

    an Idea for this: Make the reload 1.5x what it is for the gun, make it so you can only hipfire, and they each only get 75% Of a clip. For example: Commy would have a total of AROUND 8 rounds for the 2 of the guns instead of 12
  6. Xind

    Some guns would just kick a lot of *** for this. Dual AMPs does sound...really amusing.
    As does dual Magscatters. Now you can be a flying scattermax!
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  7. VargTwo

    I cant wait to dual wield these awsome VS pisto...Oh wait.:confused:
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  8. DashRendar

    VS definitely has the worst pistol selection in the game currently. I haven't used the burstfire one though, how is it? It feels like a slightly less awesome version of the Desperado.
  9. uhlan

    Just use the MAX mechanic, slap on the LA skin and weaponry and allow it to fly.

    WHAT IS SO HARD ABOUT THAT!... says the man who knows nothing about programming.

    "Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor not an under-paid computer programmer!"
  10. Rovertoo


    Gosh dangit! ANYTHING for the Light Assault would be a Higbysend at this point!

    Dual weilding, grenade launchers, strafe packs, binoculars, stim packs, Augh! Just give us something already!
  11. z1967

    Dual wield is a horrible idea because you would sacrifice enough stuff to justify just using one pistol.
  12. Rovertoo

    The way I see it, Dual Wielding's only true purpose would just to be freaking awesome. And I think it could be quite powerful as well, double Rebels or double AMPs would have some super scary TTK. The biggest downsides I see to dual weilding (ignoring potential balance problems that remain to be seen like Cof/reload etc.) are that A) dual wield selection would be limited to a few most effective options, since ADS would most likely be removed (thus long range firearms would be unused) and B) The devs would look at dual wielding, throw their hands up in the air, and say: "We're done! We've appeased the LA crowd and will never add anything to the class ever again!"
  13. CapEnTrade

    I don't see how it would be hard to balance considering it would be inaccurate as a porcupine shooting needles at a snapdragon while on a moving horse, blindfolded and drunk.
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  14. _itg

    I think they've mainly given up on the idea because it was unpopular, in part because it detracts from the serious military flavor (not that skull masks and pyjama camo haven't done plenty of that), and in part because it would ultimately be a very boring mechanic. As for why it would be boring, look at how dual wielding turned out on MAXes. Virtually everyone who can afford it runs two of the same weapon and uses them as if the mouse buttons were glued together. If MAXes were reduced to carrying one double-power weapon, hardly anyone would even notice. On light assaults, the situation would be much the same. Being able to carry two "half-guns" would be equivalent to carrying one regular gun.
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  15. Cest7

    No ADS dual weilding pistols with max COF, why not? Never let go of space playstyle.
  16. JudgeNu

    Well they could continue to use the same single fire button but have the animation play alternating pistols, just have the rof adjusted or w/e mechanism needed to keep it viable.

    You could change the skins/animations on your elites in CS:S to chickens shooting fire out of their beaks and it would still fire the same.

    I still say no to this idea.:)
  17. Iridar51

    This again?

    They said "a dual wielding". This means, literally, a weapon in each hand, and that's the end of it. They never said we'd be allowed to dual wield existing weapons. Obviously dual wielding Repeaters would be OP, so why would you even think devs would consider that?

    Dual wielding's niche can be accurate fire while flying on a jet pack, and it can be implemented easily in two different ways:

    1) Same way it is done for MAXes - choose left weapon, choose right weapon. Left click to fire left gun, right click to fire right gun. No ADS. Left gun replaces the primary, right gun replaces the secondary.

    A bit more flavor, as you can pick different left and right guns, though I'm not sure how effective that would be.

    2) Only allow dual wielding of weapons sold specifically in pairs, like "Dual Elites (berettas)" Counter-Strike. The DW weapon pair takes up primary slot, and you still have a secondary. Left click will automatically cycle between left and right gun, while right click would "aim", closing in and boosting accuracy.

    Personally, I would prefer second way, as it is both easier to implement (basically, same as any primary weapon) and has higher potential due to being able to ADS.

    The overall DPS and effective range of these dual wielded weapons should probably be somewhere around SMG level.
    They don't necessarily need to be pistols, they can be very light SMGs too.

    What is most certain that dual wielding would require creating new, separate, LA only weapons, because even the two of the weakest secondaries will outdamage pretty much anything but a shotgun at close range, clearly making it OP.

    Either way, LA revamp was scrapped, and it doesn't look like it's coming back soon, so just wishful thinking.
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  18. FieldMarshall

    Suddenly. Charged up Spikers OHKs people and may or may not be viable.
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  19. Kanil

    Because dual wielding only makes the LA kill things at close range, and it's already perfectly good at that. Giving LA dual wielding to make them more useful makes about as much sense as giving NC MAXes more shotguns to make them more useful.
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  20. OldMaster80

    The idea of dual wield had been discarded not only because it would be ridiculously OP (and one doesn't need to be a genius to understand 2 Commissioners or 2 Eridani are a stupid idea), but also because it would add nothing to this class.
    The answer is not more firepower. It's more speed, more mobility, more black ops stuff.
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