[Suggestion] Give VS a new weapon.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by QQlazors, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. QQlazors

    SERIOUSLY, why, oh WHY, is this NOT A THING. It's just THE FUTURE! If we can CUT METAL NOW, if you can concentrate SUPERHEATED GAS into a BULLET then WHY CANT WE CUT STUFF IN THE GOSH DARNED FUTURE?! You Vs want something ORIGINAL? Who needs a knife when you can slice something in half at TWENTY PACES? The Magriders should get a CONTINUOUS, PRECISE, PLASMA BEAM that DECIMATES infantry at close range(and loses damage quickly). Light Assault coming to C-4 you? PSSSSTTTTT! Literally CUT DOWN! Stop it with the stupid charge ups and give them something cool and alien looking, considering THEIR WHOLE CULTURE is based on ALIEN TECHNOLOGY!
  2. Predator01cz

    The heck are you talking about? VS weapons are diverse and unique

    Meanwhile designing new NC weapons be all like:

    Which wouldn't be that bad except that part where EVERYONE gets shotguns that are at par with our empire specific shotguns.

    • Up x 2
  3. QQlazors

    Actually, the NC have the most diverse arsenal, with their full range of weapons from 334 damage to 125 damage and literally everything in between. But YES, they should get something cool. How about a weapon with variable firing modes that do different damage and have different fire rates, that consume different amounts of ammo? Seeing as electromagneticly propelled weaponry doesn't need a set bullet, just a chunk of magnetic material.
  4. Nody

    VS don't need a new weapon; we simply need to get the 90% of our weapons never used because they are underwhelming to every alternative inc. enemy weapons sorted out with some minor adjustments...
  5. QQlazors

    Their weapons don't feel the way they should, their weapons should feel DIFFERENT, ALIEN. Because now they just feel like a conventional GUN SHOOTING PURPLE BULLETS. They should get something plainly and blatantly EXTRAORDINARY! Keep in mind, extraordinary does not mean ridiculously overpowered, just something that you wouldn't think to come to a gunfight. The Lasher is a perfect example. Exploding plasma balls at 5 rps? Who would think of THAT?
  6. FateJH

    Also, the engine can't do lasers very well, if at all.
  7. QQlazors

    Show me a source/evidence of this, and I'll stop right here. Otherwise it's the internet, and therefore, it's not true.
  8. FateJH

    The closest thing we had to a laser-like weapon in the game was the original Lasher. I say original, because the X2 was its remake to get around glaring shortcomings in implemenetation. Considering that the X2 is not a laser, you should be able to see where I am going with this.

    The original fired an optical illusion "beam" and damage could only be applied by making a lot of invisible bullets that traveled down its length. It was a CQC-ish type weapon but it was easy to find limitations the moment the user tried to turn at any speed - the bullets were spread across the rotation, some doing damage long after the beam had been moved past them (even in terms of clientside hit detection) and some targets in the line of fire never getting licked. The attempt at continuous damage itself was one of the first demonstrations about how the game had trouble with maintaining higher rate of fire weapons using packet updates. Even a hitscan implementation would run into that issue, and we've not moved beyond it.
  9. QQlazors

    Well, there we are then, no laser for us D: Well, at least we can still go for this NC weapon:

    "Actually, the NC have the most diverse arsenal, with their full range of weapons from 334 damage to 125 damage and literally everything in between. But YES, they should get something cool. How about a weapon with variable firing modes that do different damage and have different fire rates, that consume different amounts of ammo? Seeing as electromagneticly propelled weaponry doesn't need a set bullet, just a chunk of magnetic material."
  10. Mezinov

    It is important to note that this is also why Flamethrowers have FX and Models in the game files, but are not currently equipped to every max in the building.

    That said, this is the exact same problem PS1 had - and they eventually sorted it and introduced a flamethrower that was a hilariously good time.
  11. Outreach

    Add a lasher attachment that makes it work like the raidiator from ps1. Basically make the lasher fire slower but the orb stick to the ground for a second or so and "burn" nearby enemies. Pro is you get a different version of area denial but you're going to be weapons locked even faster most likely.:p