Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NewbMewb, Jan 6, 2015.

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  1. NewbMewb

    The Banshee gets nerfed and is now outright pathetic, you have to keep your target on the enemy and after emptying a hole magazine on 1 dude you get ur kill. Now how does the banshee do with air, yeah let me put it like this press "e".
    Might as well go with the M18 Rotary, it does good in air and in fighting infantry its basically just like the banshee, the banshee isn't worth equipping with its tremendous amount of cons compared to the Rotary.


    The Air Hammer does excellent in infantry combat and it doesn't stop there, its amazingly good versus air. I tried going head to head with one AH and i died 3 times in a row, cause everytime i turn the dude empties everything he got, and in less than 2 sec im dead?!?!
    Now im not saying that the AH is better vs the Rotary. But whats killing me is the fact that the banshee gets nerfed and that AH is not being done anything to, atleast make is less good against air.
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  2. sindz

    AH is the worst performing of the 3. AH requires you to be closer to your target.

    Pre nerf banshee was just close eye fire automatic machine gun with huge aoe and kill everything including MAX at times which would be close to instagib.

    AH is fine, banshee is fine and L-PPA is fine.
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  3. MasterOhh

    Oh? You have to aim now to farm infantry with the banshee? Outrageous!!!

    I cannot comment on the air to air qualities of the banshee vs airhammer (as a grunt, I simply don't care). But, if the AH would have been able to atomise scores of infantry and maxes in nanoseconds from a hundred meters away, like the pre balanced banshee could, be assured that forumside would allready be on a nerf-mongering trip for that weapon.
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  4. Foxirus

    Yeah it wasn't close to instagib, it WAS instagib. Fully certed flak max, Dead in 3 seconds.
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  5. NewbMewb

    Like you would be able to kill a fully certed max with AH? baha come again
  6. zuka7

    Actually L-PPA is devastating and I consider it best out of the three even better then pre nerf Banshee. Because you can just spam from a distance and safety. You don't need afterburner so you can equip coyote's for A2A setup.
    On two of my runs I achieve 7 kills each that last only 3 seconds for a total of 24 kills in 80 seconds.
    It's just a mater of time before nerf hammer. Oh and Air Hammer is better at taking down AA MAXes then pre nerf
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  7. Halkesh

    Nerf hammer is idiotic on LPPA, if a change is needed, it's to reduce it's range and increase it's hit'n'run ability.
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  8. CorporationUSA

    I think the AH is now better than the Banshee, but that's because the Banshee seems to have been over-nerfed. Instead of bringing the AH down to the Banshee's level, they need to tweak the Banshee to get it just right.

    Also, the AH was way worse against infantry than the others before the nerf, but people seemed to be ok with that because it was good against air.
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  9. sindz

    I can post a similair thing with AH and banshee, doesnt mean jack.

    The L-PPA is balanced since its the weapon that requires you to fly in the most predictable pattern for the longest period of time and the orbs are slow and you dont get instagibbed by them. You have time to react.
  10. MallowChunkage

    Nah, a range nerf wouldn't do it, not with the scythe's manoeuvrability, mag size, fire rate, indirect damage, and reserve ammo however, these are all viable.

    The things have a similar DPS to breaker rocket pods, except with a mag size of 20 and a reserve ammo of 200.
    It's the ultimate in spawn room grenade spam, which is what it tends to be used for, especially with it's annoying tendency to bug through spawn room shields.
  11. FnkyTwn

    Meh. LPPA is worthless in Air vs Air. At the very least the Banshee and AirHammer work on other aircraft, so I'm okay with the LPPA being able to kill infantry in limited farming situations where people are apparently too busy swarming for just one of them to pull an AA Max.

    As infantry, getting killed by the AH is annoying as hell, but at least they've gotta be close. That being said, ESFs should be louder. It seems a little ridiculous that an aircraft can be hovering right behind you and you can't hear it.

    And i'm not a pilot. I use aircraft to get from point A to point B and then I use the Ejector Seat because my landings can be iffy.
  12. FieldMarshall

    I like that they also buffed the PPA with the recent render change.
    When fighting at Mao southeast im getting pounded by nodrop PPA Schythes at Howling pass outside lockon and flak range.

    Also. People complained that the banshee TTK was too fast.
    (AH that actually can OHK is fine though. Because why not.)
    And that it had too much range.
    Did they nerf range? No. Did they reduce TTK? No.

    They nerfed aoe.
    (So they punished people who cant aim, trying to get into the airgame while struggling to not crash after 2minutes.)
    And left damage alone.
    (So that people who are already experienced banshee farmers. The ones that caused the banshee whine in the first place, and who already knows how to aim anyway doesent get affected by the aoe nerf).
    Result: Less banshee's. Newbies gets screwed over again. People who are experienced banshee farmers unaffected.

    I dont consider myself very good at flying. My best killsteak with the banshee was 3 before the nerf. Why is that overpowered?
    On the flip side, i recently got a 87 killsteak as infantry. But thats fine(?...)
    Wouldnt it make more sense to change/balance banshee so that it doesent further punish "3 killsteak" players, and rather look into doing something about the 130+ killsteak guys?

    I fully agree that banshee needed to be toned down, but SOE couldnt properly balance something if it was to save their life.
    (Why does it always have to be useless or OP. How about "tweak it a little, wait a few weeks to see how things goes")
    Maybe cut damage in half and increase the COF for starters and go from there. (range and TTK was what people complained about in the first place afterall)
  13. FrozenCustard

    Buff the banshee, keep everything else as is.
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  14. z1967

  15. Citizen H

    The game has been out how long and people will never figure it out that TR exists to be the sacrificial lamb; the punching bag for the other two factions.

    There is a simple truth where this game's faction specific design is concerned: VS gets what's creative. NC gets what's powerful. TR gets what's neither. You doubt? See: the Striker, Lockdown/Anchor mode, the T7 fart gun, the Fracture and on and on... All bland and uncreative, all ineffectual and most nerfed due to coordinated whining efforts by NC and VS outfits.

    The real battles in this game were fought on the forum, and the developers are far to partial to "community members" who fight for the only two factions that count. Blatant cronyism.
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  16. z1967

    TR gets bland yet effective 90% of the time. This has been somewhat resolved but you'll see it in various older weapons that haven't had a balance change in forever.
  17. Flapatax

    Like I said when the banshee was busy ruining the game, the post-nerf tears will be delicious. And they are.

    I mean yes all AI weapons on vehicles are purely for scrubs, but the banshee in particular was the singular worst thing in Planetside.

    Please, keep QQing.
  18. Mezinov

    So looking at these charts; the Banshee was notably over preforming, and is now notably under preforming, meaning the point between where it was and where it is for numbers is where it should be, since the Air Hammer and L-PPA are generally within a few points of eachother - so if its blast radius was 1m and was nerfed to 0.5m it should be 0.75m. This can be concluded reasonably as the Average BR of users is identical across the board.

    However, in terms of Anti-Air capability the Air Hammer is over preforming the other two by a greater margin than the Banshee was over preforming - since these are Anti-Infantry noseguns not Anti-vehicle weapons, the air vehicle resist to the Air Hammer should be increased. The ground vehicle resist should not be changed, as all 3 noseguns are preforming within range of eachother in this regard.

    Given that the AH is the lowest of the 3 in KPH, it should still be highest of the three in AKPH - but should be moved to be closer spacing as the KPH spacing.

    These changes would make the L-PPA the premier anti-infantry (but the worst Anti-air), the AH the premier anti-Aircraft (but the worst anti-Infantry), and the Banshee the middle of the Anti-Infantry Noseguns.
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  19. NewbMewb

    Personally i dont have a lot of experience with the PPA, but i would agree with the majority they should up the banshee cause at the current state its just not cutting it.
    I have given it a try again today and i noticed something different, the distance you need to be for killing ur opponent effectivly with the bansee is the exact same as the AH. I was hovering outside the walls of an amp station and a large enemy squad came out from the stairs on top of the station. (50m?) got 0 kills. :¨(.

    I do still think the AH is way way to good against air compared to the 2 others.
  20. NewbMewb

    Have you even flown with the banshee at the current state?

    If you have please tell me the the distance it requires for each of the two weapons to get a good hit kill !. THE AH OUTPERFORMS IT IN ALL DISTANCES.

    Do me a favor, before you reply. Go to VR equip the banshee with extended ammo, and shoot the dummies at different distances.
    Now go in VR as NC and equip the AH with extended ammo and do the same.

    This is what i found out for each weapon to get 1 kill at different distances.

    Banshee: (Extended Mags - 40 ammo)

    Long distance: 40 Hole magazine
    Medium distance: 20
    Close distance: 10

    AH: (Extended Mags - 9 ammo)

    Long distance: 4 shot
    Medium distance: 2 shot
    Close distance: 1 shot

    + The AH got a larger bullet spread which means it can get group kills, the banshee can only fire at a single target.
    + The time to kill on the banshee is slower compared to the AH in all distances, just slightly slower on the long distance.
    + You got a better chance surviving an air to air combat with the AH

    So Sindz give it a try and let me know if its "just fine"o_O pffff
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