[Video] Post bail infantry gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Matti, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. Matti

    Hi all!

    I have had a lot of great variaty in my gameplay by quicly switching between flying
    and infantry. Light assault is of course the go to class but in this video there will be
    quite a lot of HA as well.

  2. FateJH

    *before watching the video*
    There's something amusing by switching between flying Vehicles and flying Infantry.

    *after watching the video*
    You really didn't get to do too much with that ESF in those fights, or are the videos intentionally skipping over a lengthier run beforehand for the sake of brevity?
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  3. Matti

    I fly a lot as most players knows and the video is about Post bail infantry gameplay.
    I actually had some disgusting farms before the bail on Esamir
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  4. xxxdevilsownxxx

    I think I will get the Pulsar C soon :p
  5. Brahma2

    Why would I want to see someone redeploy while falling, go to the warp gate, and pull another ESF?

    Not the most interesting infantry gameplay.
  6. xxxdevilsownxxx

    I think it's about combining flying with infantry
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  7. Matti

    It always amazes me how some people have such a hard time understanding simpel things =)