[Vehicle] Increase Rear Armor for all tanks.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FBVanu, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. Waratorium

    I was gunning the fury on a fury/blockade bus, and the driver drove us straight into the jaws of 3 magriders. Before I could finish thinking "whoah, thats a bit agressive, we are going to die" the 3 magriders had been reduced to smoking wreckage and the bus was continuing its rampage.

    The sunderer is a bit too durable, so yes, its armour should probably be nerfed- this would not affect deploy shield sundies much, as the main source of their durability is the fact that the shield negates each individual attack's damage by not letting it touch the AMS's hitpoints, unless the enemy can quickly follow up the first attack with a second equally powerful attack.

    Tank's don't need more rear armour, though I suppose it would be fair to add a rear armour upgrade to the game (like the side/top/front armour upgrades that are available to tanks) to cater to those players who allow themselves to be attacked from behind.
  2. Sixstring

  3. Sixstring

    And infantry does not need to be made weaker against infantry

    What? I'm assuming you meant infantry vs vehicles and if you did THAT is crazy. There are too many people playing who have no idea what infantry AV is capable of right now because they barely ever drive or fly they only see things from an infantry perspective,rocket launcher spam alone make approaching some bases impossible and when you add MAX AV you get a vehicle farm that cannot be countered if you pull air you'll only get AA rocket launcher spammed and for ground there is no hope if you DO manage get close you are only making yourself an easier target for C-4 and rockets and you won't be able to fend off a constant Zerg of infantry AV.

    The bottom line is the Devs made infantry AV too strong with too much range to be as free and accessible as it is right now,this game doesn't scale like other games and everyone will just continue to use the free-no-consequence-if-you-die easy mode option with more range and more reliability than tanks. Not to mention how ridiculous it is to watch an unstoppable infantry Zerg with a few lock-on's and MAX's with long-range infantry dominate field battles since not only can they actually see the tanks they have a better chance of hitting them since they can fire and forget outside of render distance while tank cannons still had their splash damage and radius reduced:confused: Anyway regarding sunderes they have two harasser weapons and are a turtle bus,they should be the most durable vehicle in the game and tanks should be tougher than they are now so they can fight each other to eliminate them. Tanks need to be able to take more hits from other tanks and infantry AV needs an all around nerf pass including MAX with a range reduction,rockets with a range and damage reduction and C-4 removed from the light assault and medic (Why are they fighting vehicles anyway? Too many classes have AV options for the amount of people participating in battles.)
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  4. LibertyRevolution

    I vote we leave all the vehicle stats as is, just swap the nanite cost on sunderers and MBT.
    I love me some battle bus, but they are too cheap to pull, and tanks cost to much for their limited usefulness.
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  5. SniperTarget

  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    i think the chance of winning a fortune at the blackjack table is far greater than the probability of SOE ever buffing tanks again..
  7. Pointyguide2

    the vanu rocket pods are very strong against vehicles.
  8. FBVanu

    Very well, that means that ALL vehicles should have such a weak spot, to promote certain movement.. ... even air.
    Where is the Sunderer's weak spot?
    Liberator weak spot?
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  9. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Well, Sundy vulnerable to mines (unless it deployment shield, but it stands still). And Lib has blind spot from above.
  10. Replay

    tanks should have more rear armor as a defensive option. Right now the tanks lack of rear armor is what forces this boring stand back and snipe mentality, give them a chance when they turn tale and run to survive and tank drivers will actually lead the charge to run, hit the enemy lines and retreat, it will make combat much more dynamic. It would fit my playstyle more at the least.
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  11. I play by many names

    If anything tanks should have even weaker rear and side armor.

    However, the front armor should be much stronger.

    This is to address the fact that they are too useful and good in urban and clustered environments, while at the same time not being dominant enough in open ground. I would also increase velocity of AP and change tanks to driver controls secondary gun, gunner controls primary cannon.

    Of course the mag rider would have to be done differently since its not even a tank, but an assault gun.
  12. EliteEskimo

    Rear armor is fine, it punished over extending and rewards flanking. Front armor needs a buff against all infantry based AV weapons. Particularily all the ridiculous long range and non rendering infantry AV though. At least that way if you enter a battle which is being no vehicle dead zoned by Lancers/Ravens/AV turrets you can at least have a chance of reversing into safety before being instagibbed.