[Suggestion] Remove Friendly Fire While in a Spawnroom

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aloofgoof, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. Aloofgoof

    Ok before people get up in arms because they just read "remove friendly fire..." and are immediately thinking about all the reasons why that is a terrible idea or whether it'd be a slippery slope towards removing friendly fire entirely, I want to clarify that the only change i'm advocating for is removing FF while in a spawn room. Similar to how the warpgates work.

    The spawnroom is supposed to be a safe place yet I'm sure at one point or another you've had some experience where you've been in the spawnroom and you were shot down, knifed, c4ed, grenaded, rocketed, etc. There are plenty of reasons why this happens. Some griefer from another faction switches so they can kill the defenders. Some player doesn't like that people are staying in the spawnroom and wants to teach them a "lesson." Or maybe someone just feels like dicking around and killing a bunch of people. I'm sure everyone already knows that SOE generally doesn't respond to reports about these sorts of behavior even if they aren't supposed to be allowed. Clearly preventing these sort of situations would help the game as a whole and removing FF in a spawnroom would do just that.

    I can imagine a few objections people might have, won't this increase the presence of spawnroom heroes or allow players to spam more wildly? When you think about it though, FF in spawnrooms doesn't really decrease either of these. People who are going to camp or spam will still do so with or without FF, the only difference is that other friendly players won't get caught in the crossfire.

    I honestly can only think of the positive effects this change would have but if you have some thoughts about why this would be negative, I'd love to hear about them.
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  2. zombielores


    TKer is in the spawn room, your faction is trying to push out of the spawn to rescue the base, TKer TKs people outside the spawn room while being 100% immune and unstoppable until weapons lock.

    It's a good idea but kinda pointless since your in the spawn room, just ask for a revive or responsible if you get accidently TKed.

    For intentional TK, we need mods or a voting system to distinguish between intentional or accidental, otherwise CS getting hundreds of reports every hour can't handle the work load.
  3. Aloofgoof

    Yes I can see how that would be an annoying problem. Though even now the only thing one can do to prevent that is to repeatedly kill the TKer as he respawns. If you are gonna have people do that, you might as well remove the FF and just have people stand in front of TKers preventing them from killing outward. (Though I guess that leads to the idea that griefers could stand in front of people trying to shoot out but that feels like a much less harmful sort of grief, don't you think?)

    Yes it would be ideal if they had mods that could actual review situations but it seems pretty unlikely at this point that they would ever implement something like that. At the very least this change would probably decrease the number of griefing incidents even if it doesn't prevent it altogether.
  4. CapEnTrade

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  5. breeje

    nothing is more funny then trowing a stickynade on somebody in the spawnroom :D
    you see everybody running away and the guy with the stickynade chasing them
    no need to say you will be TK by everybody in there but its so funny
  6. JudgeNu

    There has already been many threads on this subject in general.
    Spawn room FF.

    Sure once in awhile you get killed in spawn by some idiot, but the less time you spend there the less frequent it will happen.
    If you are being spawn camped you should be redeploying to a nearby base to either counter attack or defend that base.
    Depends on the numbers involved.

    Spawnroom immunity will not solve anything.
    I would argue it would be a hinderance to progress.
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  7. Taemien

    Make the game sub only...

    99% of intentional TK's go away.
  8. Thornefear

    Yes, help feed the farmers by leaving when there is no cover.

    Sometimes the only option is redeploy. But that's Exactly the same as saying, the only option is to GIVE UP, doesn't sound like a fight to me.
  9. JudgeNu

    It is not the only saying.
    Redeploying to grab some armor or aircraft to counter the zerg that is spawncamping you.

    Like I said it depends on the numbers, the count of the zerg spawncamping you.
    If its not too many I will make a break for it.
    I get killed easily? ill redeploy.
    No sense in getting farmed just to say you didn't give up.
    Its called not being insane.

    Too many people don't do this.
    They stay in spawn and shoot out the doors.
  10. JudgeNu

    Sounds good but I doubt that would fix anything.
    Game would become a ghost town I think.
  11. Blippy

    More like 100% of TKs go away because then the game dies.
  12. Sixstring

    You're not supposed to fight the enemy from the spawn room,odds are the enemy went through a lot of trouble to get in positon to "camp" your spawn so I think you're a bit mistaken if you think you will get out just as easily. Camping a spawn room in this game is a means to capture a base since infantry AV is so overpowered and infantry can easily Zerg out and ruin any kind of offense one faction may have set up against another. If the enemy has overwhelming vehicles YOU should be in your own vehicle and not expect to fight them or make much of a difference as infantry. The devs problem is they made infantry too powerful and now the infantry-only players are spoiled and their whole strategy is just to attempt to zerg out with rockets and C-4 so when they can't they just sit in the spawn room,not to mention they never added the vehicle reinforcement missions so masses of tanks don't know where they are going and can't be coordinated easily. If side A has all the tanks it's not their fault side B isn't pulling any to fight them since they can't force the other faction to do anything to be effective,why would they? See how this all works?
  13. Alarox

    But then I can't repeatedly revenge TK people in the spawn tube with a Jackhammer.
  14. Taemien

    I bet it doesn't. WoW and FFXIV are doing pretty well for being sub only.

    We get better quality players overall which means better experience.
  15. Crayv

    Most other games fail horridly when they try sub only and eventually go F2P. I consider those more the exception than the rule.

    I would have rather they went with a $5 entry fee. Just pay up five bucks and the game is unlocked and even comes with 500 SC. Or if you have an SOE account that you have already put more than $5 into you basically get it for free.

    However the game is F2P which isn't that bad.

    As for the spawn room thing. I would rather they give you an 80% damage reduction while inside a friendly pain field and it decays rapidly after you leave it.
  16. Blippy

    What Crayv said. WoW and the like are the exception. And unlike Planetside 2, These MMOs have enough content to keep people occupied. Alerts have been gone for a week and already people are complaining about the game getting stale because what little meaning capturing territory had is now gone.

    Also, what my old outfit leader used to do when everyone wanted to play Spawn Room Warrior was go engineer and drop tank mines everywhere inside the spawn room and threaten to set them off unless everyone got out and actually tried to take the base back. Needless to say, the half dozen MAXes and two dozen infantry hauled *** and rushed the point. We actually managed to successfully defend the point.
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  17. Thornefear

    Get your panties out of a twist since you've obviously assumed you know what stance I take on the issue. You however showed which side you take.

    For starters, I am NOT encouraging people to fight from the spawn room..

    Infantry AV is laughable.. if you are TR, I'd argue it's (slightly more) dangerous for NC/VS. Max AV SHOULD be dangerous across the board. The ONLY time infantry AV is a real danger to tank (outside vehicles) is IF the Defenders have a numerical advantage.

    Getting vehicles in position to spawn camp is also laughably easy. So your aggression falls short on that point as well.

    If you are overwhelmed numerically by enemy vehicles you should NOT try to be a one-man hero with a tank. That's a cert pinata. Especially if they are pulling stock, which many of the "OP" infantry you are talking about would be. What people SHOULD do, is realize they are likely going to lose that base, redeploy nearby and lay minefields. I am talking about at least 6+ players a whole squad is better.

    Your position that Vehicles should be the only answer to Vehicles is a foolish (though popular) one. Remember how things turned out for the Lib when the only counter to the Lib was another Lib. That's NOT balance. People whine because there ARE non-vehicle counters to tanks, get over it. IF you are fighting a GOOD tanker, it's still not easy.

    GOOD tankers camp the spawn FAR less than you think.

    What I WAS saying is that people can't cry against redeployside, and argue that spawn-camping is a valid tactic at the same time. Spawn rooms SHOULD BE MORE PROTECTED. as in actually inside a build with corridors , and that building has multiple exits. Supplies cover, encourages INFANTRY (and maxes >.>) to try to lockdown the exit points, which IF you have the numbers to do, you should be able to, it just shouldn't be as easy. If spawn rooms were in a building instead of a box people would be able to actively exit and PARTICIPATE in a fight. All classes would be viable for this and equally important. It would also make the point more contested, because generally you would have to choose between trying to lock-down spawn, or trying to lock-down the point.

    You must miss out on a lot of the 14vs96 fights we have at times on Connery.

    Secretly though the undercurrent for a lot of people seems to be, If you aren't in an outfit that's running a squad platoon, you shouldn't be allowed to play, so let's just encourage everyone to make you into a cert pinata until you quit.
  18. NinjaTurtle

    So does 99% of the player base. Say goodbye to the games population which is hardly great as it is
  19. LibertyRevolution

    Do you want 20 guys stacked inside each other shooting out a shield not having to worry about if they hit a friendly??
    Yeah, I'm vote no on this one...
  20. Aloofgoof

    While that is a valid argument against removing FF in general it doesn't really apply to FF in spawnrooms. There is already only so much space available to shoot from and its not like you can shoot through a teammate. It's not like just because they have no fear of accidentally shooting a teammate that they are gonna stand in front of one another, they are still gonna have to find an open space like now so they can actually see the enemy. All this change would do is remove intentional and accidental TKs from within the spawnroom.