Vehicle Radar can see still crouched stalker with sensor shield

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MarkAntony, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. MarkAntony

    I thought the devs fixed/changed (i could have sworn I read this in patch notes a while ago) this BS. This is completely OP. Makes the stalker cloak useless in open field battles.

    Both being still and sensor shield need to protect from this.

    PS: No they didn't get me through other means. I asked one of them and I saw the sensor dishes on the others. This is complete ********.

    This needs to be changed ASAP
    • Up x 1
  2. DFDelta

    If they do then it is something the devs must have broken rather recently (maybe the last patch, god knows it has apparently broken enough other things).

    Hasn't been that long ago I last "lost" a dot while following it with my radar flash and had to find the Stalker by liberally applying kobalt bullets to the general surroundings where it disappeared.
  3. Dualice

    Dayum! That sucks :/
  4. Alox

    I can confirm this. I was driving a magrider with proxy radar and saw a red dot not moving around. Hovered around for a while looking for a tell tale infil moving, but alas nothing. In the end I just shot randomly at the "empty" corner and killed a stalker cloaked infil.
  5. DFDelta

    Then it might really be something the last patch or so broke.
    I'm going to get a friend tomorrow and check this out.