[Suggestion] Weapon Lock Reduction (Accidental Friendly Fire)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Malphorus, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. Malphorus

    While playing, I, being the defensive stickman that I am, set up a turret. And thus met the coming Vanu onslaught with an anti-infantry surprise. But such tactical gameplay can only last so long, as I quickly find people stopping (right in front of my turret) to get cut in half. This happened not once, but multiple times, and each time I would have to disenguage my target and cool my gun, which doesn't bother me, because I can shout at them; tell them to stop being ******** and sitting in front of one of the best anti-infantry weapons we have.

    My issue is with the fact that, repeatedly, one of my allies would dash out the door and right into an enemy I was shooting to get domed by my weapon. Yet, I find myself punished and my weapons locked for their kamikaze behavior. That's hardly fair.

    Moving on to a possible solution, would it not be possible to at least add a modifier, where if a player is aiming at an enemy (or does damage to them, with, for example, C4) and kills a friendly player (because of obstruction, or whatever reason), it does not count, as much, towards their max TKs to lock their weapon. I'm not saying that it should be removed, but that it shouldn't penalize reasonable or friendly players for accidents that are caused by carelessness, or errors in general by either parties.
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  2. HadesR

    That's the funny thing about doors .. People want to exit through them .. In that situation the onus is always on the person shooting to control their fire ..

    As for your suggestion .. Weapons lock is fine as it is IMO
  3. Hoki

    Its already very forgiving. You have to be either reckless or intentionally TKing in order to get locked.

    Only time in recent history that I can remember at least, was when I was locking down a doorway with max pounders.

    Some noobs were trying to get through, but sometimes you have to frag a few noobs in order to secure a door.

    Instead of automatic weapons lock I'd prefer if we had the option to forgive TKs. It happens all the time and I realize its mostly accidental.

    Then weapons lock could only apply to unforgiven TKs. But the noobs that you frag would have to use the system to forgive you.

    Just an idea.
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  4. CorporationUSA

    Well the problem arises when the people who that know rushing out the door means certain death are trying to make the best of the situation by defending from any angle that works, yet people who lack situation awareness keep running outside with no regard for the consequences. If you are zoomed in, it is hard to see it coming in time.

    But I agree, the current weapon lock time is fine.
  5. BobSanders123

    I like it. That way my friends and I can screw around in a spawn room trying to kill eachother with commys.
  6. Canno

    I really like these "weapons lock needs to be reduced" threads!


    6.19% in 404 kills are TKs. (you also get TK'd a lot, 7.8% rounded up)

    Be more careful.

    I do think forgivable TKs would be nice, but really.. with a little caution and control it's not needed.
  7. Klypto


    I go out of my way to teamkill people that anger me and I don't come that close.
  8. Malphorus

    It's more than being careful, it's hard to firmly defend your chokepoint when you're afraid that you'll kill a friendly. Personally, I get into a lot of battles where we have at least 30+ persons from both sides just fighting on one choke point. You can be engaging a target, then a friendly runs out, gets hit by a number of different enemy players and you just happen to hit him once because he crosses over your firing line, and it winds up killing him. One missed shot, and you've killed a player. And this happens a lot on intense fights, where both sides are fragging and rushing. I'm sure any player who plays passively and uses the engineer class to defend will have experienced it. Generally, accidents will happen without fail if 30+ players clashing through a building door, that fact can't be held over your order to take an objective if it means not to engage targets because a friendly player might get shot by you (in a way that's not avoidable), and you contributing to, or causing his death. I mean this isn't really a problem until you have 20+ players funneling into one chokepoint on a small base. On a particular map, it was so funneled, that the enemy began using tanks, drove right up the the entrance, to wreak some havoc on our ranks, and they did so safely for quite some time.

    Also, I'm sorry if a seem a little overspirited. That's not my intention, I just want to get my point across.
  9. ColonelChingles

    Although I agree with your greater point, you surely must have heard of the old infantry adages:

    Friendly fire always has the right of way.


    Friendly fire... isn't.
  10. Malphorus

    I rather adore this one;

    Professional soldiers are predictable; the world is full of dangerous amateurs.

    I live this saying, and my TK/TK'd percentages show this.
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  11. CorporationUSA

    That's a cool saying, but it doesn't really explain why you TK so much. Here are my TK stats for reference: http://planetside.tk/#thejoker
  12. nightbird

  13. Malphorus

    I understand that defending, which is possibly something that's hard for you to understand, as you are probably the type to dash out the door in front of ally bullets to meet your demise, but being the type of person who doesn't like to go running into a doorway that's having enemy rockets and bullets fired through it just to suppress you; to dash out that door with the intention of killing someone. Not that that's a bad thing, as it can change the tide of a fight, but unless you sit back and just watch doors, where there's a lot of hostile and friendly activity, and shoot any enemies you see with an AP Mana Turret you just won't be able to understand how many players will run through a doorway which has bullets passing through it en masse, from both sides. And when you're using an anti-infantry turret, all it takes is the enemy knocking down a friendly's shield for one round to completely disembowel him.
  14. Malphorus


    If you look at this, you can see the actual kill log for the instance in question which locked my weapons. (The most recent session.)

    According to this it only took two teamkills, and possibly a lot of team damage. (As if to state the point I was being careful not to kill my teammates. As careful as I could be when people randomly dash into my firing line.)
  15. CorporationUSA

    Can you read?

  16. MotionBlured

    I've been playing since release, and never been weapons locked.

    So, yeah...
  17. DFDelta

    I've always wondered something when seeing stats like those.
    How do people get over 5% "accidently".
    I played utterly drunk a few days ago and went on a fairly large teamkill spree, and all it did was to make me climb from 0.5% or so to 1.3%. And even of those 0.5% TKs 2 were caused by bugs (people instantly falling over dead as they spawn on my Sundy) not by me doing something wrong.

    How can anyone possible reach that high a percentage and not do it on purpose?
  18. ltcol


    Canno said:

    6.19% in 404 kills are TKs. (you also get TK'd a lot, 7.8% rounded up)”

    ...I've always wondered something when seeing stats like those.
    How do people get over 5% "accidently".
    I played utterly drunk a few days ago and went on ....

    I looked mine up and its 6.61% of the last 998 kills, and I'll tell you how it can be that high and accidently.
    Because noobs continually run around as infantry in a big pile of vehicles. I don't see people running around on I-95, why do they think its ok to run around when there are 10 vehicles all trying to dodge enemy fire? Drives me nuts, IMO that damange/death should not be counted towards weapons lock. Vehicle bumping into each other shouldn't either.
  19. Malphorus

    The same can be said for how many times I've been TK'd, are you telling me people go out of their way to kill me?

    On top of that, in the instance in which my weapon was locked, I killed exactly two people by accident. So if you're going to tell me that it's alright that accidentally killing two people can lock your weapon, then I'm going to have a problem.

    It's the team damage that locked me, because AP Mana Turrets do a lot of damage, so when you have someone step in front of your gun for a second, you'll cut them down. So what am I supposed to do? Start looking into the future to know exactly when someone decides they want to use the corner my gun is set up on for cover?

    This is especially true when the corner you're set up on is taking fire. Then you have to worry about the enemy, and when someone puts their head in front of your turret while you're shooting an enemy. (and they will manage this without fail.)
  20. Malphorus

    Most of it is accidents or bad aim, but in this particular instance it's irrelevant. Quite frankly, no one cares much for the person on the turret and will step in front of it even if you are shooting. There are a lot of reasons, but if you're not getting the same result then you're not playing the game the same way. I've never once intentionally TK'd anyone, yet I find myself weapon locked and people tell me of their teamkilling exploits without problem.