[Suggestion] Bails from vehicles = kill for attacker(s)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RaTzo, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. RaTzo

    Tonight in about 40 mins I destroyed 22 scythes, 3 valks and 1 lib with my needler. Out of this I got 9 kills.

    What a waste of time for trying to gain XP.

    Since SOE loves air lockons (which have ruined the air game) and flak that reaches into multiple zones and ground to air lockons that change the balance of almost every air battle - how about give us just one little thing - when someone bails from an aircraft without an ejection seat it counts as a kill for the attackers? None of this bail assault baloney, or flying up high and bailing. Most of the kills I got were when people bailed too low and it counted as a kill for me.

    The needler simply has too slow a TTK to one clip anyone of any real skill. I'm not into ganking like most of the Reaver pilots who kill me.

    VERY FEW of the times I die is it because I've been out gunned. Lockons are almost always involved whether from the person who got the kill, ground, or one of their lockon squad. There are a handfull of pilots who out skill me most of the time and that's fine. I don't have an issue with getting killed by those who can fly better than me.

    What truly burns me is when I out skill someone and they bail out.. over and over and over again. Some DAPP guy bailed 3 times in 5 minutes... then he stopped showing up no doubt because he had no more resources.

    Since the game is Infantryside and ESFs must be evaporated if they even think about killing infantry why not give us this one little thing? Make it so if I cause someone to bail from their aircraft that it counts as a kill for me.

    I have no hopes for this... ESFs are hated.
  2. Flamberge

    Vehicle kills count as kills, I believe.

    Also, this probably does not apply to you, but I am going to say it anyway:

    This time of year, a lot of pilots are going to be looking for snowmen, not trying to fight at all. This has happened to me several times, I'm just looking for snowmen, cruising just above the ground, and some Mossie or Scythe decides to follow me across the entire map try to kill someone who didn't even fire a shot at them.

    Sorry, just had to get that out of my system.
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  3. task_master

    You got the XP for killing the vehicles, and vehicle kill = kill for your gun. It's on you to kill the dudes bailing if they choose to do so. I've seen many pilots, including myself, kill bailers or at least damage them to get credit when they hit the floor.
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  4. Elrobochanco

    Maybe try shooting the soft fleshy guy that falls out. Works for me 100% of the time and I'm a bad pilot.

    Sorry if you find the right answer to be unconstructive to your playstyle.
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  5. Slamz

    I don't want to give someone a "kill" every time I hop out of my tank to repair it.

    I don't see the problem with the current setup. You get XP for killing vehicles. You get separate XP for killing the occupants, if there were any, if you kill them. Failure to bail is basically just giving you a free 2-for-1 kill. People bailing and making you get XP for the vehicle and then, later, separate XP for killing the driver/pilot seems normal and fitting to me.

    Really what they need is probably a separate "Vehicle KDR" stat, showing you the number of vehicles you've killed and the number of vehicles you've lost (regardless of player deaths). That might be fun.
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  6. RaTzo

    Tanks would need another mechanism if they were to be included. ESFs are a completely different situation which is what my OP is about.

    I would like that too.
  7. Thurwell

    You don't need to shoot the pilot (making lots of assumptions), if the pilot splatters on the ground and you had the last shot on the vehicle before he bailed you get the credit.
  8. GoyoElGringo

    I've said this before, but I think engineers in vehicles should get a defensive boost. Doesn't have to be a lot, maybe 10% more HP. With nanite auto repair and fire suppression, playing an engineer in a vehicle isn't all that important. Rather than nerfing those things, I'd rather see some other incentive added to play ENG over LA in the air. If people want to pad their stats, they should have to sacrifice something worthwhile.
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  9. Leftconsin

    Sometimes I get the guy that bails, sometimes I can't find them in the falling wreckage. I've stopped worrying about it, myself. I'm accepting that sometimes I just get the vehicle kill and I have to live with that. Similarly I spent some time in a fury flash last week blowing up back up sunderers outside Indar Ex. They were fairly abandoned because the fight was in the tower, but they were still deployed and still count towards white camo.

    My suggestion is, take the air superiority ribbons and don't worry about it so much.
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  10. Hatesphere

    let them bail, vehicle kill XP counts tword directives and its worth way more then the soft guy inside anyways. at most they should just add a short bail timer. hit bail and unless you have ejection seat a little loading wheel like when you reload comes up that says "bailing hold "button" to cancel" it would solve the whole why run ejection seat when you can run light assault thing.
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  11. iller

    You mean they're counting for Weapon +1's towards Directivess / Auraxium?
    As long as they're doing that I suppose, then I don't see a problem.

    But I still think ASSISTS should also incriment that +1 tally, especially in the case of Bursters/Skyguard & Rocket Launchers.
    I can't count how many times I've done 90% of the damage to something, and someone else gets the last hit. :mad:
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  12. RaTzo

    Interesting thoughts! Thanks for adding to the conversation. I think there is potential for something good with your idea.
  13. RaTzo

    Every bit of damage ground does to air counts as XP. The only XP you get when in an air vehicle is when you destroy or kill the pilot/driver. Or get the assist.

    I've absolutely no sympathy for lockon users. They get enough XP for their skilless harassment of air. :)
  14. Hatesphere

    he says he wants them to sacrifice something but all he is adding is buffs for a class that is already the best at running vehicles. this doe snot solve the whole ejection seat being a useless ad on at all.....
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  15. RaTzo

    He proposed something that might go a long way to helping with the problem.

    The only reason why ejection seats are useless is because people can play as bail assault and keep the slot for something more useful still not die when they bail out. If bailing out of an ESF without an ejection seat resulted in instant death then the attacker would get the kill and the ejection seat would be a worth while thing for those desperate to not have their name listed on my killboard.

    If it cost someone something to avoid getting killed that resulted in their ESF being less effective in combat then I would be fine with it. But simply running Bail Assault and jumping out when they loose is complete nanites.
  16. Hatesphere

    this is silly though, there is no reason you should not be able to bail without a seat, and he suggested a random buff to vehicle HP just for running engineer, which is not needed. all that is needed is a short bail timer for anyone bailing without the seat.
  17. GoyoElGringo

    Actually I kinda like this idea more, as long as the timer doesn't work when I'm landing.

    Also, ENG is not so obviously the best class for ESFs when a ridiculous amount of pilots play bailout assault. It's the best class for pretty much all other vehicles, but for stat padders it seems to be so much easier to just pick LA and bail when they are going to die.
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  18. Hatesphere

    well thats the idea, it will only trigger a bail timer when you are in the air and do not have the ejection seat. its far better then some random HP boost to engineers, and means you get to shoot down more targets running LA.
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  19. MaRyuu

    How about making it so if LA decides to drop out of vehicle he has 0 fuel in his jetpack? Coz you know, nanites...
  20. Foxirus

    I am one of those who sit in their god killer stealth skyguard and just wreck any ESF that dares enter my sacred sky. I don't care about snowmen, I just want to rip you from that ESF and bring you back to the ground world.