Random QOL ideas

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inex, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. Inex

    • Give NC a 0.75 population modifier on the map, to better reflect how many people they'll actually need to win.
    • Much like how the bases surrounding the warpgate are connected now, create lattice 'rings' around Biolabs.
    • Allow for a class which has a repair, revive and recon tool. It should be called "Do they not tell people there are classes other than Light Assault in the tutorial anymore?"
    • Put a warning before pulling a MA, saying "You are not squadded with a competent Engi - wouldn rather just redeploy?" The only answer should be "Yes".
    • Firing a G2A lockon at a Lib should have a chance to award a 6 month XP boost.
    • Add an announcement to the Gen/SCU Destroyed lady, explaining that a full platoon has redeployed to your fight and the pop is now 80/20 against.
    • Having your double digit kill streak ended by a TK should replace your killer's helmet with a crown of embarrassment. In the game files, just call it "NC Heavy Assault default helmet".
    • If your grenade bounces off a wall, friendly, poltergeist, thin air or the theoretical concept of futility and back at your head, it should simply become available to throw again.
    • Create a Rail slot attachment for all weapons which simply creates a pair of 5m safety rails parallel to your line of fire that nobody can walk through.
    • Up x 6
  2. Leftconsin

    I once had a 33 kill streak ended by a friendly flash. I did it the hard way too, as infantry.
    I'd love those rail attachements on my lockdown pounder MAX. Or my chaingun.
    Can we get a horn that sounds like that backing up beeping alarm?
    What happened to the QOL update? I went into the roadmap archives the other day, saw it, and noticed only about half of the listed items you Devs said you were going to work on actually got done!
  3. TheKhopesh

    As an NC, I approve of an implemented "Cone of Shame" for TKing!
  4. TheKhopesh

  5. Xind

    *dying of laughter*

    "So that's where these come from!" -As the grenade magically returns to your hand to be thrown again.
  6. Inex

    I think the Biolab one isn't completely worthless. Though if I was adding serious QOL I'd probably also ask for the "Deploy" button to be locked to the bottom of the map screen so it doesn't bounce around constantly while I'm spamming it.

    And while I think the attachments idea is probably a good deal more than 2 hours of work, I would love something to point out to everybody in game the number of guns where HVA gives +0.5m/s.
  7. TheKhopesh

    They already have the comparison software made for comparing weapons to other weapons.
    Modifying that pre-existing software to show updated stats based on what attachments are on the weapon would be very simple, as a good 40-50% of the code is done already.
    I don't know much about their coding software, but I've done a little java coding myself and a good 80% of the work is coding something that doesn't exist.
    Once you have some decent samples that you can copy/paste from a pre-existing code, it's quite easy.
  8. Verviedi

    All of these. Now.
    Do it SOE.
  9. BobSanders123

    Oh how I love satirical humor