[Video] Banshee nerf - now on PTS

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Matti, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Haquim

    I guess I am stupid.
    Why the **** do I even try to get reasonable numbers and work out how things work when I just can put some numbers and claim them as fact.
    The TTK of the Banshee in what circumstances?
    100% direct hits? Thats 0.225 seconds. Now and after the nerf. Whether you're dead from 1200 or 1050 damage doesn't matter.
    From inner splash damage only? That one goes up from 0,375s to 0,525s.
    From OUTER splashdamage? A ******** figure for sure, but it would be 75s now and 7,5s after the nerf. (I went up from 1 to 10)
    Something in between? How do you calculate that? A mix of direct hits and splash from various ranges?
    Also the TTK figure almost ignores the 50% reduced radius of splashdamage.

    I am equally impressed by Mattis ability to dispatch of a nonmoving target firing from 0:16 to 0:19, which he could have done in half the time with a Mustang AH at that distance....
    Actually I just tried that. The distance Matti fired from was about 50m, the AH needs (If spread likes you) 2 shots, but even if it needs 4, thats a TTK of 0.33 to 1.0 seconds. Matti didnt really aim carefully and missed a couple shots tho.
    After several tries I managed to bring the Banshee TTK down to 22 bullets = 1.65 seconds...
    Just for the lulz I tried it with the Rotary next. I needed the whole magazine (48 shots) which amounts to a TTK of about 2.9 seconds.

    But let me turn this around - why should anybody deciding to facetank the ESF hovering in 50 m survive??
    Would you pull Comets, put down your feet in front of a Tank and start QQ-ing when the tank obliterates you?

    Nah I'm done arguing anyway. SOE seems to put numbers from their gut feeling instead of serious though, and most forum users simply reject my carefully calculated numbers and experiments and substitute them with their own reality instead of trying to find an error within them.

    My prognosis: People who get killed by Banshees flown by elite pilots and so close they can almost knife them say its not enough since it amounts only to 12,5% less dmg. New Pilots get the feeling they could just as well use the needler and deal more damage to enemy ESFs. Veteran Pilots are pissed because fly-bys bring less than half the original kills and assists, and hovering over big fights to get kills only works if the enemy doesn't care.
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  2. TriumphantJelly

    I don't know, would people sit 50m in front of a PPA Magrider with the default RL and expect kills and to survive?

    Er, yep. Still got nerfed.
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  3. Tyrant103

    I wouldn't say bad players getting everything nerfed. Well, atleast the banshee as for example it would allow you to "instagib" your enemies, combined with terrain, flight mechanics and basic human intelligence this is overpowered. Why? very easy to use, being able to inflict alot of damage on the battlefield and finally, spawning an ESF has no real cost to it (nanites? pff)

    What I mean is, 1 person shouldn't be able to effect so much of what's happening with little cost or downsides on their part and now the Developers are fixing this.
  4. OminousZ

    I agree with this. But apparently, once things get nerfed...it's nerfed for life. at least that's what it seems
  5. TriumphantJelly

    Much more of this happened with the PPA, though it was massively overnerfed.
    People have presented (comparitively) logical arguments when the Banshee was nerfed, yet it has not had a sledgehammer and can still function at it's intended role. Says something, does it not?
    • Up x 1
  6. Haquim

    Yeah... show me somebody doing that, because I don't think it works.
    Also the problem was not that HAs can't go 1on1 with a PPA, the problem was that the PPA sat somewhere on a mountain and shot into a base usually more than 100 m away, farming people at chockepoints with massive splash and pinpoint accuracy, while the people farmed could do nothing. That doesn't even remotely work the same way.
  7. Matti

  8. Matti

    I'm not sure what you're trying to say but if I wanted to hit a dummy in VR with all bullets, I would.
    It is the splash damage that has been changed, not the direct damage, so anything where you hit
    the target stays the same.
  9. TriumphantJelly

    It does, actually, but I don't deny that the old PPA was OP. People did, however, keep throwing themselves at this magrider until they eventually got it nerfed. So....
  10. Haquim

    Oh boy, why is everyone immediately offended? I said that you didn't aim carefully and I know you could if you tried.
    I was referring to people likening the ability to kill a dummy to killing a moving and hopefully intelligent MAX player.
    And no, hitting the target doesn't stay the same because the nerf in splash means that a direct hit deals 300 damage now instead of 350.
    Except if a direct hit means that for some reason you're not in 0.3m - which would both be hilarious and ********, since it would mean that a direct hit of the pre-nerf banshee dealt less damage than a 0.5m near miss. Is that the case?
  11. Typhoeus

    I think in it's current form the banshee is way to good at killing infantry but as you say, all this nerf is doing is turning it into any other nosegun but one that is bad at AA. Everyone will just switch back to needler or rotary.

    What I'd find interesting is if they'd tone down its effectiveness versus singular infantry targets (so keep the splash as is, if not increase it) but nerf the damage by at least 50% so you would need twice as much rounds to put down one target. Secondly, increase its damage versus ground vehicles by 50% or more (enough to make it a threat taken seriously) but reduce the velocity accordingly. And thirdly, make it do the least amount of damage to air units (or perhaps even none at all) out of all the available noseguns.

    The new sound is amazing though :cool:
  12. Matti

    I'm not offended I just didn't see the point with some of the arguments and comparisons to the rotary et.c.
    I guess you're right about the splash adding damage to direct hits,
    however the biggest change is hard to actually demonstrate.
    It will be a lot harder to kill while dodging like "circling" and so on,
    many banhee pilots will now turn into sitting ducks.
  13. Stigma

    I'll say it again, they should tighten up the COF to be similar to a rotary to go along with these drastic splahs-nerfs. The resulting weapon would be much less forgiving in aiming and have drastically less mass-kill potential, making for an overall nerf but an increase in the skill-cap. The current changes do nothing to add more skill to the weapon. Sloppy aim or not makes little difference when the COF is so wide anyway.

    I think if anything we will be seeing a lot of people reverting back to rocketpods now. The TTK at typical distances between the two will be much more similar now, and rocketpods are much more versatile in what you can damage with them after all.

  14. Haquim

    Yeah thats what I meant when I said that fly-bys would be a lot less effective - hovering just is an invitation to eat a decimator.
    By the way do you fly with mouse+keyboard or some gamepad?
    I can't really do that circling thing properly, but I don't know if its because I lack the coordination, or because im using the wrong type of hardware...
  15. GoyoElGringo

    They added a sound that everyone can recognize, which is what people where wanted, and they nerfed the splash. People complaining that it wasn't nerfed enough should just wait and see how it works on the live server.
  16. Stigma

    I haven't met a high-tier pilot yet who used anything but mouse/keyboard (and while I can't speak for Matti, I'd be highy surprised if he was using anything else, given how he moves). That's not to say that you couldn't do well with joystick or gamepad mind you - but you certainly don't need anything like that.

    You probably just need to work on your hover-control - once you know how to get into hover and sustain it, the rest is fairly easy. Aiming while doing that sort of maneuver adds a lot to the complexity though. The most common mistake in maintaining hover is forgetting that you have to keep (slowly) pitching down continously to not drop out of hover. Maybe that is your problem?

  17. zuka7

    Then Light PPA and Air Hammer will also follow Banshee nerf steps because they are equally effective at disposing infantry. I specifically look to 1v1 AA Max when I fly with Air Hammer. And Light PPA, well take a look this screen shot from my kill board.
    I go on a 24 kill streak in 80 seconds. On two of my runs I achieve seven kills each, and both of these runs last only 3 seconds. I then go on a four kill streak with two second run and rest is spread for a total of 24 kills in a 80 seconds.

    This was a Bio Lab dead lock and when we managed to get to the ESF terminal on opposite landing pad I spawned my ESF and broke the dead lock on the opposite landing pad.

  18. AlterEgo

    The Banshee used to be absolutely ridiculous, but now, it got slightly overnerfed. I believe it should have had its mag size and RoF increased, but its splash and direct hit damage both decreased by an acceptable amount to which you can actually react. Other than that, this was definitely the funniest video you've ever made:p
  19. AlterEgo

    Kill boards don't matter, but statistical boards do. Sorry, man, but the PPA and Air Hammer aren't exactly nerf-worthy.
  20. AlterEgo

    You shall be missed, my children:(