Alerts: VS>TR>NC! Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by McMan, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. shizzzle

    Steady ~33/33/33? I've been playing for the last hour or so (Cobal) with ~38/29/33 and that's what I've been seeing way too often lately. So after few tries to fight back the VS blob I felt like tilting at windmills and logged out. So vastly outgunned atm. Going back to The Crew and AC unity for today. I might try tomorrow again...
  2. Hoki

    Population wins alerts, though I'm sure this thread is 5 and 1/2 pages of faction specific weapon/vehicle balance whining.
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  3. Goretzu

    Yeah I'm talking total worldwide server populations, so if even if your server is imbalanced another server should be imbalance in the opposite way.

    It is strange though total population and total alert wins are way, way off. Total pops are pretty steady at 33/33/33 (%) yet the alert wins are ~44/31/20 (%).

    It's more 5.5 pages of puzzlement as to why this is the case. :confused:
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  4. Hoki

    Oh I meant to say population and outfits.

    Take an organized outfit and restrict them all to lightnings, sunderers, and NS weaponry and they'll still stomp the crap out of everyone it doesn't matter what faction.
    Organization and Population is O.P. (get it? :p )
  5. GoyoElGringo

    Well, I see a few possible reasons for the VS having over double the alert wons than NC.

    Better players join VS. Maybe due to preference, maybe due to a conspiracy, maybe better gamers prefer purple. Who the **** knows.

    VS weapons and vehicles are better as a whole.

    TR is scared to fight VS, so they go after NC instead.

    VS has gusto. Maybe a little moxie too.

    More hackers on VS.

    Those are just some possibilities I thought of on the spot, without much consideration. I'm 100% positive that one of them is the problem though, probably the last one.
  6. Shatteredstar

    Checking pop at the end of an alert is worthless. At the 30 min mark whichever faction is losing the most tends to start to dwindle as people give up.

    Good play wins alerts, solid platoon leads and communication with good orders in command chat. TR and VS have those (BWC and AOD have been giving some GREAT fights lately), NC seems to pick a lane or two and doesn't deviate at all, much to their detriment as I often seem them try to focus VS, only to get back capped by TR.
  7. Linedan

    We lost another close one tonight on Emerald but it was pretty balanced and close for most of it...we had the northern Indar warpgate so that means we had a lot of easy areas to defend but tough to push south from. Redeployside tends to kill us as much as anything else. We would get an attack going with about 60% hex pop and then halfway through the timer, wham, GOKU or SSGO or AOD would redeploy en masse and kick us out. I counted it at least five times during the same alert. I know Emerald NC does it too but it doesn't seem like we can save bases as effectively as TR and particularly VS can. It's gotten to the point now where I'm actually more surprised when we do take a VS base during an alert than when we get zerged with a minute on the countdown and pushed back.
  8. Goretzu

    Yeah without a doubt organisation is key and effectively overpowered.

    But if that is the issue here (and I doubt it is tbh - simply because there is nothing to explain it) then theres still the question of why are VS super-organised, the TR averagely-organised, and the NC not-organised across all servers?
  9. Ragnarox

    There was 1 hacker flying on vanu side 1 month ago.
    Yesterday saw 3 hackers on TR side flying through a floor and shooting everything.
    Every day i see 1 hacker on TR side. So your arguments are not valid. And your statement that vanu have better vehicles and weapons is wrong. Are you a TR crybaby like 90% of your population?
  10. GoyoElGringo

    Why are you so defensive?
  11. DarkJackal

    Just a thought, since this is all servers apparently, it could be a preference for both the VS and TR players to fight the NC than over each other as more enjoyable engagement for their two hour or so nightly PS2 event.
  12. S0LAR15

    First rule of pvp. Never join the faction of the children/"cool" faction/"poster" faction. Without fail it will be filled to the brim with subnormal IQ types - with big mouths and shriveled balls.

    NC is that faction.

    That in a nutshell is why NC players don't coordinate with each other, have less skilled players join them and why they retain less skilled players. Good players do join, but are far outnumbered by those on other factions.

    NC is also the OP faction, which also makes it far more likely to be infested with lazy players with less ability.

    Some one said earlier in the thread NC does fine on all NS metrics. Holy **** balls is that utterly untrue. It's been made very hard by the devs (for over a year) to separate data on factions from NS weapons. But I remember once someone did it on a stats site pre DA-stats, and things like VS having double the KDR of NC/TR for Dalton/zephyr was not uncommon. Infantry weapons whilst not having that disparity had 15%+ in many cases.

    Also for the record, it is beyond obvious that NC has the best guns, kit and vehicles. Something that makes their failure all the more heroic. Yet the NC's fail performance is what stays the nerf hammer, devs worried that if it competed whilst balanced it would be completely stomped. Ironically, if they nerfed NC to VS level the faction would improve immeasurably as more players who don't like OP cheese would entertain playing it, you'd also see all the cheese lords disperse to other factions, making it better on average.

    However, any serious pvp players will still avoid it as it's the blatant CoD kiddie derp faction.
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  13. Allin

    Tried playing NC, I really did - but it was just painful. Apart from like 1-2 big fights in a week time, that were led by one of two reasonable platoons on Cobalt, all other fights were just a dum dum fest.

    1. 5% pop advantage on a square, where most people sit in spawnroom
    2. tons upon tons of teamkills
    3. forces staying back instead of rushing in. 100 people wait for 5 people to take point against full enemy force.
    4. redeploying early from hard fight, apart from biolab one

    I had much better time in TR
  14. 60rockstar

    these stats are meaningless. Alerts do not start with factions having equal resources and population. An alert on Amerish last night started with the NC already having 50% control of the territory, and with the Amerish population NC > TR > VS
  15. travbrad

    You're being hard on the NC, they are amazing at killing teammates.

    No matter which faction I play NC shoot at me, so might as well play the ones where I can shoot back.
  16. WTSherman

    Here, have a giant wall of stats that show how wrong you are. Turns out each faction's NS weapon is tracked by its own ID number, ain't that handy? The only NS categories where NC seems to be systematically behind are the NS-15M and NS-11A. I suspect the Anchor and Carnage might have something to do with that (ie top NC players use Anchor/Carnage, pushing NS stats down). Everywhere else, NC either keeps up just fine or leads.

    They also manage to lead every single Lightning weapon, which firmly lays to rest the myth that "Vanguard is the most OP tank in the game but NC are just bad tankers". Clearly we do just fine with the NS tank.

    I suspect this post will probably be removed by a mod though, because it seems some people like to report any post that challenges the "all VS are pro, all NC are bads" myth.
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  17. Slamz

    My question would be whether NC have large outfits that work on alerts. I know TR and VS do. I hear the TR people talking about it on command chat during alerts and I see the same VS outfits working on alerts. ("Oh, them again.") And they are very infantry-heavy outfits, which are good for offensive alert action.

    I don't have that feeling from the NC. Granted I fight the VS more, so maybe I just miss it, but I have no recollection of any large NC outfits that I consistently see in alerts.

    Because what really wins alerts is wide-area coordination. Basically you need big nerd outfits. Nerds who say things like, "We need to abandon this [long cap time base] now and try to take these other two [short cap time bases] or we'll lose the alert." Perhaps NC lacks nerds and people who listen to them.

    Maybe that whole theme of freedom tends to attract more soloers and small outfits, which do not win alerts. Ruthless coordination wins alerts. Ruthless coordination combined with easy-mode derppy Vanu weapons and warp-speed MBTs that can climb mountains wins even more alerts.
  18. Shatteredstar

    I see the issue at least on emerald as leadership not directing the NC well, there are some good players and they are very tenacious (they tend to defend pretty well on the lanes they WANT to hold) just they don't seem directed well or as coordinated.

    As to the above, acting like the weapons or MBTs are winning alerts is silly. Acting like the weapons or MBTs are winning alerts is a cop out and doesn't address any real reasons cause if VS were benefiting from weapons alone TR and NC would literally never be able to win because even normal non coordinated players would stomp over everyone, which they don't given there are many occurrences of VS being pushed back hard during non-alerts, which points to the outfit coordination being more a factor than weaponry that every pub is using too.
  19. Pirbi

    Large outfits can often get shredded through the queue. Which can disincentivize going if you are facing leaving your friends behind for fifteen minutes or more. The Indar alert had a 50 person Membership queue on a Monday. So we stayed on Esamir rather than break up the group. If it's not that long, we try to stick it out and even have someone acting as PL for those stuck waiting on the other continent. But if command chat is stuck in 'troll', then it's not exactly like anyone is missing anything.
  20. Bloodlet

    I'd love to see someone actually try and refute this instead of ignoring it or trying to shoot it down with anecdotal evidence and opinion. It shows that with all things being equal, on the whole NC players are generally just as skilled as TR and VS players.
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