Reaver sounds getting fixed anytime soon?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trebb, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. Trebb

    I can hear Scythes and Mossies for miles away, but I can't tell you how *frustrating* it is to hear a reaver shooting before I even hear their engine sounds. We all know what happens when a reaver gets to swoop in and gets the first few rounds.

    Would love for this to be fixed, thanks!
  2. Narukai

    I have this issue with all aircraft, I cannot hear them until I've seen them or they are extremely close. I suspect it happens with all vehicles but it's just air that is more prone to this happening due to how agile they are.
  3. Copperhead

    I haven't been playing too much of late but when I have there has definitely been an issue with aircraft sounds. It's really a lot harder to pick out enemy libs compared to when they changed it's sound. I actually thought SOE reverted the change but it may be a bug or could be down to server load or something.
  4. GoyoElGringo

    Are you serious? The mossie easily has the quietest engine sound. The Reaver noseguns do seem to be pretty loud though. Maybe that is why you hear it before you hear the engine?
  5. Typhoeus

    I hear all esf just fine (especially reavers). Liberators, now that's another story. Got to be quick on the exit vehicle key when they start pumping your tanks butt full of tank buster rounds.