Higby Asks : Balance Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Hoki

    Would changing which dev does balance changes count as a balance change? :D
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  2. Bhudda V1

    buff battle rifles into more empire specific weapons the warden should have half a teir up of damage increased the amr-66 should have 30 rounds with a slightly slower reload and the vs's could have 0.75 ads movement speed with faster reloads i believe that's fair.

    next give tr's lmg more rounds in their mags have always felt the best and least game breaking way to buff their lmg's is by increasing the mag capacities they have pushing all their lmg's capacities up a tier except the carv so the carv-s has 125 rounds in it's mag just to differentiate the factions a little more.

    also minor faction differences could take place in the factions suit slots so tr ammunition belt would have 2 more mag's for all classes except the heavy assault they would only get 1 more mag.

    thing is nc faction wise would go after nano weave Armour and would buff that but i think that would be in bad taste so i am going to have to say flak Armour.

    and for vs give them a better version of the advanced shield capacitor.
  3. palto1826

    Could someone just please buff the horrible range on the slug shotguns and fix it so it hits where you are ads'ing at closer ranges...The End
  4. Takoita

    Squad deploy feature on sunderers and galaxies, while convinient, is kinda game-breaking, in my opinion. One other thing I dream about being removed is AV MANA.

    Semi-auto guns (BR and semi-auto scout rifles first and foremost) need some lovin. Same with HEAT shells on everything, Valkyrie and AI base turrets.

    As a TR player I'd also request our LMGs, MAX AI weaponry and Fractures to get looked at.
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  5. TriumphantJelly

    Banshees are getting nerfed, as are the Ravens, but it's going to get a sledgehammer (or maybe not! :)). It'll need a little fixing.
  6. Inex

    Already happening:

    Stuff I want to see:
    Nanite price drop on the Lightning.
    Reduce Liberator resistance to lockons & Skyguard.
    Reduce ESF resistance to the default launchers. I've got quite enough Reaver kills on my Beamer, thanks.
    More... something... for the Valk. HP probably, and help out the CAS 14-E.
    Make the Flash less likely to spin out, and the Harasser less likely to spend its life on its head.
    More velocity on the long range semi-auto snipers.
    An extended mag option for ARs.
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  7. asmodraxus

    Next time you change something like a weapon, do t in increments with time to get data, otherwise you get the following


    Both totally and utterly completely useless, subpar piles of trash. Despite you saying you have no plans on changing them just answer this can I get a refund for the money spent of buying PPA, or are you going to either make it on par with the marauder or nerf the marauder and canister down to the PPA's mediocrity?

    Instead do what you did with the striker or Vanguard shield, change 1 thing, get data, improve on it if its not working.
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  8. Ronin Oni

    Oh, I know this.

    Reddit community doesn't care where something is posted. If something is linked from here or twitter, they just start their own discussion on it, and also many will cross-post on both reddit and origin.

    Anytime something is posted to here from Twitter or Reddit however, there's always someone complaining that they didn't use the "Official forums" for it, even if it's not the best place to do so.

    That's all I was saying.
  9. Iosif

    Above all else I think they need to make some meaningful empire wide bonuses for playing the lower population empire. Normally on weekdays I play around 5-9 PM EST on Emerald and the populations are fairly balanced at that time but recently I have been playing during the day time and the server population is just terrible, sometimes as high as 53% TR. Since I play all 3 factions and bounce around a bit and gave both VS and NC a try and found getting steam rolled by TR pretty un-fun and ended up going to my TR character just so i could have some fun.

    My suggestion would be to give some meaningful EXP / Resource bonuses to the lower empires to make it worth wile to play the lower empires on non-peak times. Pretty much take your current numbers and double or triple them, if playing the VS/NC at 22% server population gave me 100-150% EXP bonus I would be more likely to say "What the hell its like double EXP weekend". People who are going to play the BIG population are going to win through sheer numbers most of the time, but if I'm going to lose due to being out populated at least let me earn some certs for the valiant attempt.
  10. Revanmug

    Who cares, nobody used them. You can have the saw and the ******saw if that somehow make you feel better.
  11. Haquim

    Well... at the moment I have only one big wish, although there are several things that need attention.

    Make those goddamned MAXes a bit scarcer!
    At the moment the team with the most MAX units wins most of the time, and since they are winning, their medics can simply run up to the corpses and revive them. That makes wittling down an enemy infantery forces resources usually impossible, even if your force is the smaller but more skilled one.

    Either give them another thousand HP and a bit more damage in exchange for not being revivable anymore -
    Or at least finish the damned resource revamp so not every moron in the base can pull a revivable indoor-tank every 9 minutes (6 for paying morons like me)
  12. Dualice

    My general experience of your faction indicates quite the opposite :) 'sides, I never asked for them. Merely gave an analogous situation.
  13. Kunavi

    Yeah no, not even going to bother. If they care about any of our opinions they would have replied or commented on separate topics of ours, regarding what needs to be balanced. I'm not going to sit here and condense all my year's worth of suggestions on how to work out balance in one post so that it can get ignored. He can use "Search" I suppose. Plus, by now if H1ggZ1 needs to ask, we're in deeper than I want to know. On top of that this smells like a "WE CARE!11!1" thing, sure he asked, that must mean they are going to BALANCE THINGS ERMAGERD well maybe, also maybe NOT and it's just something to shake things up and rile us up.

    In the long run people think C4 is fine, ShotGuns are fine, and so on. Nothing to do here. All is balanced. All kills are skillfull and display immense amounts of mastery. No excessive blind Dmg, none. And if I die by corner camping NC MAX in Bio I need to L2P.

    So yeah basically no I'm not going to bother like I've done in the past, I'll just fund this MMOFPS for as long as I find it OK to play and you can have your field day of "Balance" proposals, which do not even include LA+C4 as a combination.

    Let me just put a few things and see what happens...
    - Bases too small, too open
    - Shotties
    - C4 on LA
    - MAX abilities(Did you mix them up accidentally?)
    - Tank abilities(Did you mix up which got which?)
    - RenderSide
    - HitRegSide
    - TR horizontal rec
    - M1 Trap
    - Fracs
    - Ravens
    - Striker
    - MCG
    - Valkyrie
    - Wraith Flash
    - Harasser Rumble Seat facing front
    - Lib VS Lib fights being InstaGibFest
    - Stealth on Vehicles is weak
    - NAR/FS combo dominant
    - Chasis options not balanced among them
    - Sticky Nades go through shields
    - Engie Anti-Infantry Mana useless
    - AV MANA turret still not rendering properly
    - MAX don't render properly from distance, resulting in massive AV spams
    - Why are LAs even allowed to pilot or drive? Enough with bailing and C4 from ANY vehicle
    - Why are numbers everything in PS2?
  14. RykerStruvian

    I don't understand SOE or Higby. Why ask us a question we've already answered so many times? To me it just sounds like they're not listening. Anything can be taken out of context which might be what I am doing, but I don't know how to interpret this any other way.

    And the question itself doesn't make sense. Asking us what want we changed or balanced. What is the purpose of asking? What is the sudden reasoning to ask this question? Is this just an attempt at fishing for attention? Is there actual genuine interest in what our thoughts are?
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  15. Pelojian

    I think it's a matter of they don't read every thread, they don't see everything and want to data mine for balance change desires.

    Would you rather trawl through a years worth of threads or would you rather create a thread asking the players for a concise list of things they want balanced?
  16. Cinnamon

    Reduce moving accuracy for all lmg and increase it for all carbines, ar stay same.

    Lower magrider acceleration with racer but reduce main gun drop.

    Restore harasser top weapons to have normal non harasser variant stats.

    Reduce galaxy armour against dumbfires.
  17. maxkeiser

    For the love of god please stop tinkering with the game.

    It's pretty well balanced as it is, really. Don't change stuff just for the sake of it. And please don't pay much attention to the huge number of radically different and crazed ideas on this forum.
  18. Leftconsin

    - Make HEAT shells do high damage against low armor vehicles like the Harasser, ESF, MAX, and Valk. Reduce damage done by AP rounds to these targets. This gives HEAT shells a target they perform better against than the other options.
    Armor Piercing is for hard armored targets; MBT, Lightning, Galaxy, Liberator
    High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) is for light vehicles; Flash, MAX, ESF, Valkyrie, Harasser
    High Explosives is for infantry.

    - Serious buff to Triage. Right after I bought tier 2 triage I tried it out on a Flash. A guy ran up to me and asked for a heal. I was confident that Triage would help him out! I was wrong. Eventually I had to get out, spend the second healing him, and got back in my Flash. I don't know how many people have to be crowded around you to make triage a better option than getting out of your vehicle and applying manual heal, but that number must be huge. At least triple the healing rate. Increase range as well with investment into it.

    - The Valkyrie is a DEATHTRAP. I seriously avoid getting into these things at all costs now. I won't list anything to fix because every single aspect of this vehicle is bad. Spend 250 certs on a Bulldog-A for the Galaxy and now your Gal does everything better than a fully certed Valk; no exceptions. The Valk is that bad.

    - Simply increase the damage tier for Warden, AMR-66, Eidolon, and aurax variants to 334.
  19. z1967

    Long/mid range carbines need to get better range. This can be accomplished either by further increasing the min damage or just removing the second level of damage drop off. Weapons like the Cougar, T5 AMC, Pulsar C, Solstice VE3 (?), Razor GD-23, and ACX-11 need that extra range to be more effective at range. (small change)

    Light Assault could use access to ARs. This is a relatively small design change in the grand scheme of things but will be much appreciated by Light Assaults everywhere. Also would sell more assault rifles, so the bean counters might like it. (medium sized change)

    Air and Ground interaction needs a look, however this is a big change and very subjective so I wouldn't know how to progress on it. My only recommendation would be balancing it around the removal of the deterrent status from dedicated, vehicle mounted AA guns. (massive change)

    Infantry AV v. ground vehicles past 300m is incredibly unfair and something frequently complained about. If the shooter doesn't render, and there isn't a really good reason for the effectiveness at range, than it needs to be redone. Some weapons would be buffed within their render range because of this change. (large change)

    .75 ADS on LMGs needs to be removed. .75 in general is a bad mechanic to just slap willy nilly because it allows you to exploit the way the game allows you to strafe and thus allows you to be very deadly. Weapons with .75 ADS that get it removed get other buffs in reload, accuracy etc. so that they aren't nerfed, just changed. (medium sized change depending on how many .75 ADS weapons you include with this).

    Of course, some changes are easier than others. Others are entire design rethinks.
  20. FieldMarshall

    Hello again Higby.

    Check my twitter, facebook, reddit or hidden homepage for the reply to your question.

    As always, nice talking to you.