What do you find satisfying in PS2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BetterFasterStronger, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. BetterFasterStronger

    What do you find satisfying in PS2?

    My top 3 most satisfying things in PS2:
    1) Shoot a MAX with AP rounds with a lightning tank(I just love the idea of this).
    2) Snipe enemies whilst they're driving a flash
    3) Making headshots with a sniper
  2. NoctD

    Killing snipers with my ESF nose gun. Touche.
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  3. Schwak

    1 shotting infils with a commissioner.
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  4. Dualice

    One-shotting enemy heavies with a pump-action never gets old.
  5. z1967

    Killing Jackhammer heavies with an Uppercut Pump action shotgun. Shotgun superiority all up in your business.

    Tank rounds taking out Aircraft. The higher the BR the better the kill.

    Flying under the trees and watching whoever is chasing you just bugger off because they don't want to try and chase you.
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  6. Flamberge

    Denying enemies armor and vehicles. I can do something other tanks sometimes struggle to do, and I can do it with only a Hunter QCX and a Stalker cloak.

    That time when you and another sniper are looking right at each other, and you get the headshot first.

    Driving a sundy where it shouldn't be (ie, inside the capture building) deploying it and reaping in the certs.
  7. BetterFasterStronger

    I love that too.
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  8. McToast


    Killing lock-on users =).
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  9. Pikachu

    1) Destroying an ESF in flight with tank shell. Nothing is better.
    Mowing down enemies with NC MAX.
    Shooting c85 on vanguard in the right situations.
    Finding a great spot with f-kobalt at a small window, like at jaegers fist, the western base.
    Destroyinh hoverinh ESF with phoenix.
    Shooting vulcan in the right situations.
    Watching the sun when its low withthe skybug. Although it started to lose its charm once I... eh... it started to happen more often, and since SOE lazy a** level designers screwed up Amerish sunrise&sunset.
  10. Fatal_Finn

    1) dat high rate of fire
    2) watching the same cloak flash raiders drive into my mines at the same spot again and again
    3) getting kills with AV mines in general, just love them
  11. Paperlamp

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  12. I play by many names

    Those extremely rare moments when you find a good infantry fight with zero vehicle crutchers and it last more than 10 minutes before being inevitably redeploy zerged. For those brief moments in time, I am satisfied.
  13. SpruceMoose

    • Killing a lolpod ESF with my flash
    • turboing off a hill, spinning into a tree, then back fliping on top of a raven max for the extreme menace kill
    • ramming my scythe into prey and qry reavers (I can't fly)
    • teaming up with random TR snipers to snipe NC
    • being that one VS sniper in a TR NC fight
    • driving my flash in small buildings to honk and flash my lights at scat maxes
    • holding a long grudge against team killers and finally getting revenge days,weeks or months later
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  14. Imperial Sect

    1. Running around like a goof with my shotgun killing heavy assaults.
    2. C4ing tanks.
    3. Suicide running at the enemy sunderer to drop my proxies and watch the spam kill notification go by.
    4. Finding a nice small fight without tanks and skillsuits (maxes).
  15. Leftconsin

    1. Kill stealing an ESF or Harasser with my assault rifle.
    2. Killing heavies in a face to face with my assault rifle.
    3. Getting ram kills in my sunderer.
    4. Hosing someone down with headshots before they get a shot off and finding out it is a well known player.
    5. Lockdown pounders hosing down a door that NC or VS keep trying to run through.
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  16. Nalothisal

    ...I hate you...
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  17. Mitheledh

    Those times I'm hanging out with the snipers, sniping people with my Reaper, I wonder what goes through their heads when they see that they got killed by a medic they never saw. Or did see and probably thought they were safe from.
  18. Tolas

    Getting an update that doesnt include camo or helmets and may actually have substantial gameplay changes.
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  19. DFDelta

    To crush the zerg, see them driven to their biolabs and hear the lamentations in their /yell
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  20. Siilk
