Sick of Instant Death from C4 Faeries?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jac70, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. Kunavi

    Already lethal you say? Then simply do not buff the AV capabilities of HAs but DO deal with the problem that C4 Fairies are. Preferably, right after dealing with non rendering AV MAX spam and occasionally non rendering or slow to render AV MANA.

    I personally do not find DFRLs so threatening, in the sense that they can cause significant damage against non intended targets(Which is rubbish balance wise but WHATEV) such as ESF, Libs, and even against lightly armoured targets ETC but against their intended target? Including missing that'd require either multiple HAs, a stupid driver or full rocket pouch or what it's called. And then some. That's my experience from being on both ends of HA against Vehicle. It could be argued that the Lancer and the Phoenix do add a certain fun element as well as further advantages due to their mechanics but I still don't see how DFRLs are a primary threat to experienced drivers. In any case that all is beyond the point.

    I really think C4 should not be an option for LAs.
  2. Copasetic

    Bailing out of Galaxies or Valks with C4 should probably get looked at. I'd just change the bailing mechanics to drop you straight down, similar to a drop pod. Until you reach the ground none of your equipment works. The only thing this would affect is LAs floating about with C4 or putting spawn beacons on top of trees in Hossin. Nice solution to a specific problem, no?
  3. MaRyuu

    2 fire modes for c4
    1) is like it is now, but bricks DON'T stick to surface and behave same as AT-mines physics-wise
    2) hold for some time to deploy with progress circle, like infiltrator's hack. No tossing, sticks to surface.

    this wont help you against wraith flash suicide bombers though
  4. Mystogan

    Guys, guys. You totally miss the point!

    Point is- in this game recently there is a balance issue to nerf all instant-lethal tools that kills infantry and to nerf all AV weapons that instakill infantry instead of being use for AV as it was designed (Rocket launchers nerf anyone? Fury nerf? etc)

    C4 is perfectly fine against tanks. I am tanker and I am only C4ed when some try-hard guy pulls ESF after my HE killstreak and C4 me from sky that even my proxy radar can't see.

    HOWEVER- the problem is in another space:

    C4 is being used too much time as a grenade that kills infantry. It should not. We have greandes- frags and stiky. Even AV greandes where nerfed to be AV again not AI (although now there are just useless, but that is SOE balance, the idea is good). C4 is AV, not AI.

    So the main idea is- to leave C4 to do its job against tanks but nerf it against AI. The nerf here is simple:
    1. You can only drop c4 down your feets. You cannot throw it anymove forward.
    2. It will make LA still drop C4 from above to kill tanks, but will HEAVLY limited their "grenade" potential
    3. Reduce splash damage by huge, making it very small radius.

    Problem solved- C4 LA can still kill a tank if they place C4 directly (can be done from above). But no longer C4 will be used as a grenade- as IT WAS NOT DESIGNED TO BE IT.

    It is AV- and should be AV only. Rocket launchers were nerf in AI, so should C4 be.

    So you have to choose- either greande bandolier for AI or C4 for AV. Not C4 as bonus all-around grenades.

    Done. Just a matter for thinking, not raging.
  5. Goretzu

    To be fair I've had a Skyguard with proximity radar C4'd by a LA that simply dropped from very high altitude before, certainly worked fine then, and the LA didn't have time to show up on the radar.
  6. Revel

    The problem is C4 becomes overpowered when combined with Light Assault.

    Not to mention I'm so tired of people being able to crash into a vehicle in a losing duel and toss a brick and detonate it before they even render.
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  7. Revel

  8. Sandpants

    Neither can an LA do it from a mile away. He has to be above you.

    If you're in a place with loads of place where LA can hide, you deserve to lose the tank.
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  9. BlueSkies

    Its only "instant" if you aren't running radar/have no situational awareness.

    Yes, I am a "C4 hero". I am also a tanker that RARELY gets C4'd, and if I do its because I was being stupid.

    The best advise I could give anyone in this thread who gets killed by C4 fairys all the time... get out of your tank and spend some time as a C4 fairy. Try to get good at it. Do this and you'll learn how to avoid C4 death. (tldr; L2P).
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  10. KirthGersen

    Whining about current state of C4 just describes whiners as extremely bad tank players. This is totally your problem if you choose bad position where you can be destroyed easily.

    I always punish stupid tank guys is there's a possibility, just because I like to make bad and "unfair" things.

    But that's not the general purpose. I'm a tank player mostly and I see no problems with current C4 state. And it's stupidly easy to get 20-30 overall k/d with HE shells infantry farm (~27 for me, 16000+ kills on Python HE). Thermal optics and EOD HUD III help a lot, just don't be a sitting duck and look around. You still will be bombed, but pretty rare.

    One more thing. Don't forget how SOE changed HE:D 2,6s reload with 5m radius is same good or even better than previous slower reload with 8m radius. I'm almost sure that if SOE will listen to your cries and change C4, it will be like that, even more friendly for guys with some experience. So whine carefully, and better just learn to play.
  11. WTSherman

    Just about all my C4 deaths come from drop pods and gal drops, where the LA often doesn't even render until he's already placed the C4.

    The main WTF thing though is that you consider the HE nerf a buff. The stats it has now are identical to what HEAT was before it was nerfed, except less direct damage and less velocity. Anything you can do with HE now, you could have done with HEAT before while also doing more damage to tanks (not to mention HEAT only being 250 certs on the lightning).

    This means the new HE is a straight downgrade to the old HEAT, which was already considered worse against infantry than old HE. 2m inner radius with 8m outer radius is a big deal. That nerf hit the Vanguard the hardest though, because with the old HE we had stolen Vanu's HE cannon (Vanguard and Magrider HE were the same before the nerf). After the nerf, our HE cannon still did the same damage and had the same velocity as Vanu's but had a longer reload speed, making it a straight downgrade.
  12. DK22

    what's even better is planting them around a Cap point.
    'blink' 'blink' say cheese.....boom! makes me :) every time.
  13. DrBash00

    Well Planetside 2 is a teamplay game, and with my wargalaxy it is the normal strategy to drop "living bombs" on tanks.

    But here is the clue, if you had a teammate with some AA esf or liberator we would have no chance to get even close to you ;-)

    So teamplay op... ;-)

    Leave C4 as it is, it is ok.
  14. Dieter Perras

    I see where you're coming from but from the LAs perspective 9 times out of 10 one of these happens;
    a) Someone spots you and shoots you before you can set off the C4s
    b) The target see you and turns you into a red smear on the landscape
    or worst
    C) the target doesn't see you but randomly drives off just as you toss the C4 leaving you standing there with your expensive C4 sitting on the ground useless. (yes this does happen)

    That said yes it is VERY frustrating to get instantly gibbed so how about we change it in a different manner? What about if the C4 emitted a high pitched beeping sound for 2 seconds before going off when it's triggered so that the enemy in the tank could go "oh s***!" and attempt to escape the vehicle and thus avoid the death? Sure it'd still be annoying to lose the vehicle but I for one think (from experience) it's very satisfying to shoot the guy who did it.
  15. Viztorgath

    As someone who almost exclusively plays HA or lightning/magriders ... if you dont like getting killed by C4 in a tank stop being terrible. When I run as HA I like getting revenge on prowlers and vanguards so I kill a ton with c4. Almost 100% of that is preventable if they just didn't stand still with the exception of when I instant action on top of them. I am not sure if VS magriders are the same but prowlers/vanguards sit still for far too long in one area making them extremely easy targets. Keep moving, get infantry radar, and have decent awareness of your surroundings and you will almost never die to C4(in a tank).
  16. MetalCotton

    I always like pretending I'm unaware in a Vanguard. A cutesy little soldier sneaks behind me, plants some C4 and detonates it thinking he killed me, except Vanguard shield. Still about 40% of my health left, but that's more than enough to rotate the turret and nail the jerk with an AP round.

    That being said, the only advice I can give to you OP, is to not be an idiot in a tank. Don't stand in one place for too long, use 3rd person view as much as possible, and never let anything fly above you. There's always a "le epic troll airbomber xDDDD" flying around waiting to see a still tank to drop on. C4 is never going to be nerfed again, because more people will whine about the nerfs over the people whining for it to be nerfed to begin with.
  17. desktop

    Im not a fan of c4 but its a necessary tool for taking out maxs. The weapon unfortunately finds itself in the wrong hands and has often been abused.
  18. Pokushocus

    I'm sick of it. It takes little skill to LA and poop out explosives.

    The suicide bombers of PS2... no honor. :(
  19. Jaquio

    The guy darting through hordes of enemies and using cover to sneak up on a tank and take the time to plant two explosives and detonate "takes little skill" and has "no honor."

    But the guy who pulled a tank out of his magic tank box and drives around spamming HE shells at defending infantry with high explosives from distance while in his metal shell is skilled and full of honor.

    Good to know.
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  20. zu2

    I'm one of the top users of Prowler he in the game with more than 50k kills and I think c4 should stay where it is. I've killed quite a few tanks with c4 myself, and it isn't that easy given the approaches you often have to use. Infantry needs to have a hard counter to mbts. Kudos to those infantry who have the guts to take me out with c4. Except for Boursk. :)
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