[Guide] How not to get run over by a Magrider

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pokushocus, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. that_darn_lurker

    I'm surprised the obvious answer hasn't been mentioned: just play TR or NC and you will never be killed by a Magrider.
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  2. CNR4806

    Squishy peasants need to LOOK AT THE GOD DAMN ROAD when they cross. I wonder why some people aren't hit by a car in real life already.
  3. RasFW

    I liked that so I could unlike it, then re-like it again.
  4. _itg

    It's also worth mentioning that even if the driver can see you, you might appear to be at a safe distance on his screen. Roadkills are calculated on the victim's side, and because of server lag, the driver might see you 3m to his left while you see yourself right in front of him. Keep that in mind before getting pissed at the driver.
  5. KnightCole

    Crouch? I have simply crouched and watched the floor of the tank fly over my head...
  6. RykerStruvian

    Magrider drivers seriously need to chill if they're getting reps. If a magrider keeps strafing even with me doing active reps, I just step back and let it blow up.
  7. Calisai

    A valid tactic... and it might actually work on level ground. The problem is this.... friendlies seem to take more damage than enemies do. I've had instances of literally (and yes, I do mean literally) running over the same enemy 3 times (back and forth passes... I was intentionally trying to roadkill him). Whereas the same friendly will get tapped and die instantly.
    Personally, I don't have a problem with either case... its just the inconsistent nature of it.
    I've had people say this to me before. Let me clue you into something. A single engy... that I don't know.... that for all I know has a level 1 repair gun... will NOT be able to out repair most sources of damage I take. So yeah.. you may think you are helping, and maybe in 10% of cases you might be right... but I as the driver cannot rely on that fact. A Mag has to dodge to mitigate damage, very little can be soaked directly.

    I run with maxed out repair gun, my gunner has maxed out repair gun and I will always take cover before trying to repair... unless its an emergency... and then what little repairs I get will come with a "get-out-of-dodge" quick maneuver when needed.

    A vanguard with its higher mitigation and shield can utilize a helper engy MUCH better than a mitigation tank. A prowler able to punch out a lot of DPS while getting a helper engy can utilize a helper engy better than a mitigation tank.... The Mag has neither of these... it has to cause shots to miss or it dies. So yea... I'll keep strafing while taking fire... because I have to... 2 lvl 6 engies cannot out repair the DPS of a single prowler or AV/AV vanguard... even at range.

    This is why... I actually prefer NOT having engy help... having to worry about TK'ng an engy that thinks he's helping me, but is actually limiting my mobility by being in the way isn't what I consider "helping".

    That's just my personal opinion though. Oh... and I do just fine with this philosophy in combat.
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  8. Flag

    Lucky you, having it happen by accident.

    My "mates" do it to me intentionally.
    And just as I was reminiscing about not TKing anyone while driving through a zerg/blob of spandex...

  9. The_Blazing

    To expand on that, make the Magrider kill any infantry that touches its armor when it Magburns. Would add some killing utility to an otherwise tactical-only tool, and Magrider drivers shouldn't magburn into allies anyways.
  10. KnightCole

    Yeah, thats without a doubt. You can bowl clean over an enemy at 80KPH, down hill and NOT even scratch the guy....but a friendly, barely tap him with the tip of the tread on your harasser and pop goes his weasel......and yes, I did just that with my Harasser once to my Bro's toon.....he was trying to get in, I barely moved and touched him with the tip of my tread...TK...yay!!! ...............
  11. Calisai

    The amount of times my Mag has been slowly... (I mean, extremely slowly) drifting on a slope of a hill while my gunner and I repair it... to suddenly have the Mag TK my gunner.... We are talking less than 1 kph here, with nobody in the drivers seat.

    Sigh... it is what it is... and I've learned to deal with it and accept the need to feed my Mag with bloody spandex in order to keep it running (its very hungry).... but I also don't blame drivers or pedestrians when TKs occur and I sure as hell don't C4 or yell at them in chat.

    I've also given up on saying sorry, sending sorry tells, etc. The amount of times it happens, combined with the amount of random bull$h!t no-fault tks in this game... I believe that its just way more effort than should be necessary. I always assume a single TK is one of those things, its when it happens multiple times that I start to assign blame.
  12. KnightCole

    Amen spandex freak! PREACH!
  13. Flag

    What about when mags flip each other?
    I've TKed people out of rage for that a few times.

    Should be so simple, if there's obviously a collision, let go of the controls! ... How hard can it be?! And I've had it happen (by accident) from all parts of the skill spectrum (as well as some intentional ones).
    That one still frustrates me.
  14. FieldMarshall

    Anyone remember the bug in PS1 where the Magrider had a crazy large (though invisible) hitbox on the sides for a while?
    Forever earning it the title of Magmower as it plowed the fields of enemies?
    They should make it a feature. Magrider only attachment that gives it a large bumper "scythe"!

    Anyway. I think the solution is to increase the speed where players (atleast friendlies) take ramming damage.
    While playing Harasser trying to get through chokepoints (that players seem to like stopping or going AFK at)
    i usually gently tap the W key every other second to literally go as slow as the game allows me.
    And i still get teamkills and ragetells.
    Why would gently tapping a player instantly kill them. Why would the game think im trying to violently murder someone going at 0.1MPH,
    and what is a player expected to do in situations where people softblock the only way you can go.

    Plz fix. Also, stop giving me teamkills and weapons lock when enemies blow up my AMS. Its ridiculous.
    Its 2014 and that is just ridiculous. Plz fix
  15. Calisai

    Ooh... a new thought for the whole dedicated driver group... a new maingun that buffs the secondary by X amount and is a CQC spear/shovel... does increased ram damage against vehicles and can actually roadkill infantry reliably. No projectile at all... :eek:

    Heh... anyone else out there willing to try it? I already like sneaking up behind vannies and prowlers in ranges where the thought of getting out and C4ng them is actually viable. I could make it work.
  16. Morpholine

    How to not get run over by a Magrider:

    1. Play TR.
    2. Play NC.
    3. Pull a vehicle of your own.

    Magriders are fueled on teammate corpses, it would seem. I've squished friendlies when going 5 kph. Rarely seem to get an enemy under the death-field, however (at least, not since mid-beta).
  17. Flag


    Sounds like fun if I'm honest. :D
  18. Springjack

    I always crouch under a magrider (it works most of the time).