The "everyone wins" solution to KD

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grumblefern, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Demigan

    In the beta there was no KD to be found that easily. From what I hear from every single beta player is that when KD was introduced it was detrimental to the game itself. Players suddenly started caring about their KD, rather than organising last-stands, picking fights for the challenge. Doing their best to get further. There weren't many spawnwarriors, people ran out and fought until they pushed their enemies back, when a leader said "let's do this" people were more inclined to do it, regardless of the danger involved.

    KD is just a statistic, if it were solely about statistics we would still be player Quake and UT, but have improved the statistics behind them. But guess what? They went with increasing the capabilities and features of the game. Making it look better, play smoother, solving bugs and things. If you look at games like the Halo series, known for it's competitive multiplayer, they started adding features to record and show great moments and allow for some smack talk before the next match. Capture the flag? Is that about KD or is it about capturing and defending an arbitrary point, and the risks involved in who you fight with, how you fight, what you use to fight with?
    Planetside 2 is missing some of the "so close" moments and hectic energy that a lot of these games try to give you. It's too static and needs more close calls. But at the core it's not a team-deathmatch, it's a king-of-the-hill gameplay type. What's important in a king-of-the-hill? Oh yeah, fight through the enemies defenses, capture the point, defend the point from enemy advances. Did KD come in there? No it didn't.
    The game needs new statistics, KD sucks as a statistic as it doesn't represent anything. Vehicle users will almost automatically earn more kills than infantry users, by running with Zergs, medics and other low-risk tactics you can easily buff your KD to above 2.

    And seriously, I care about KD but I actually don't want to. Just remove the thing or add more metrics next to it. Add multipliers for being alone in an area against an overwhelming force, track and show more statistics such as vehicle kills, point captures, assists, infantry/tank damage dealt vs infantry/tank damage received, damage healed/repaired, average range to your kills (not including mines), average range to your deaths, average travel distance per minute, most overkill your body received (all excess damage received after dieing while being revivable) etc.

    The most fun times I've had were with a friend who ignores many elements of play. While I'm saying "Watchout backup there's a Prowler rush incomming" he says "What Prowlers" and boosts his Harasser into their mids, then makes a miraculous escape... or gets horribly gunned down. He's the wildcard in the outfit, when we are silently trying to enter a base he's the one who didn't notice and fires a rocketlauncher at some enemies. The reason why it's fun is because most of the time he doesn't even do it on purpose, and the results suprise everyone every time. Even when we get crushed in a melee afterwards we all enjoy ourselves immensely, up until we look at that blasted KD... If your KD can make or ruin your game for you, something is wrong, horribly wrong. And it needs altering or needs to go.
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  2. Sierra331

    You sir are a hero to the NC and your work is appreciated.
  3. Sierra331

    Pretty much this. My personal K/D is trashed but I spend most of my time breaking through hard points and destroying sunderers (Or multiple sunderers) as well as taking out groups with a well executed flank or destroying supporting vehicles. I often keep trying and trying because these points can be well defended.

    Still I've provided invaluable support on the battlefield by doing what I'm good at. On the flip side if I get challenged to an infantry based firefight, I can easily stand my ground, especially in smaller scale battles.
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  4. Pirbi

    I guess the argument is that there is no glorious epeen stat that can't be manipulated. As for personal improvement, KD is ok as you know how you earned it. I like large grindy fights as infantry. So if it's increasing in that scenario, I'd feel good. But if I was a max and my KD was going down, then obviously it's not a great day. But for a psychological boost, I lone wolf and pick fights in bases I like and the KD improves.
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  5. z1967

    Think of K/D like the Twilight series. Its really only used by a very small minority of the population and you guys care more about it than the people who actually care about it.
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  6. Talthos

    Personally, I don't even pay attention to the damn stat. I'm busy being focused on whatever the most pressing battle objective happens to be; like which part of an enemy force is giving us problems, and what I can do to return equal or greater pressure back to the enemy, etc.

    When I grind hapless infantry with my Light PPA/Dual Photon Pods combo, the "KDR" junk never even crosses my mind. I grind the enemy for certs, and because it's actually doing some damage to enemy ground forces; stupid crud like "stat ratios" don't bloody MATTER to me.

    Here's how I see it:
    Get out into battle, find whatever weapons or equipment you actually enjoy using, practice using them until they no longer require any conscious thought to use well, then start working out creative ways to apply your new skills towards crushing an enemy.

    Your skills will NEVER advance, if you're always staring at a stupid "stat chart", and not actually DOING STUFF. Seriously, this is supposed to be an easy concept.
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  7. Leo Cyrule

    I don't necessarily care about K/D. In my opinion, the stat is absolutely useless in a game that has King of the Hill mechanics.

    If K/D was so important, you would never see people try to get to the point or destroy sundies. Which... is pretty much how it is when a sundy is found. No one tries to go take it out, because the game just punishes you for it. You run in, pop two packs of C4. Can't survive for more the four seconds needed to det it, because no one got your back. They are to worried about the lone infiltrator who's out of bullets, than the sundy that can respawn a metric **** ton of troops. And even if you did take it out, and announce it, none of the other players will push forward unless you are in one big *** outfit.

    I run a .65 to .75 K/D because I actually go for the points. As a light assault, which is already a way to get your *** killed faster. But in battlefield 4, where KD's are more reasonable, it's actually in the 3.9 sector, and that's using a SCAR DMR and dodging explode spam. I don't think that's a pro KD. That's just three or four kills before you die on average. For HUNDREDS of games.

    However... I can't really see the need of removing it. And here's the reasons. It's less benefitial to me, and other players. And more benefitial to Sony for their personal reasons.

    - Ego is what keeps "Pro" players playing. When realistically, it's a matter of them keeping back and drawing less attention to themselves. There is about as much skill, as there is hiding and doing nothing while taking pot shots. I actually took a moment to try and test out a couple of methods people mentioned, and it's not hard to get a kill streak of more than 10, if you can avoid the zerg rush, or being killed by your own team mates for no effin reason.

    - Newer players will get frustrated that they are not as good as other players, and will likely seek out alternative methods of improving or killing faster. It's not an advertisement, it's just a set up for micro transactions. With new players being the biggest target as they are likely not aware of how the game is in regard to weapons. Unless you are talking about the M14 Banshee which is just a kill magnet.

    - Some people treat it as a method of improving. Though, I can't really see that being the case. I loose a good chunk of kills for kill assists. Doesn't make much since when you did 90% of the damage to one guy, and someone comes out and finishes the job for you with a pop with a pistol. Especially when it takes about 10 bullets to kill someone at a distance, which is just ****** annoying. Not including ping, which could very well take the entire god damn magazine. And no clip bullets. So... when I came from a habbit of burst firing, and sinle shotting a lot of weapons from a LOT of FPS games, I had to break that habbit to spam bullets. Unfortunately due to latency, and a **** load of players everywhere, I have to actually mass spam bullets as fast as possible. Because unfortunately, it takes more bullets than it really should to kill anything.
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  8. 3punkt14159

    Right! There is no problem whit the K/D. If People dont leave there spawn room it is because it is allready campt. Normaly then you should leave that base and prepare the next one for defending. The other option is, get som free kills by headshooting some idiots in front of your spawnroom.
    If you dont care about your K/D you shouldn't care about the K/D of other peoples. So no problem at all!
  9. that_darn_lurker

    KDR put a cloud over this game that it will never recover from. SOE essentially admitted as such when they changed it so that the medic rez gun removed a death from your session stats. DA and Mustarde can get on here and blah blah all they want about stats and getting better, and they can take heart in that they have a game catered to people like themselves. Which is why SOE also can't go back on KDR unless they severely alienate the people left in the game that actually do care about it.
  10. DK22

    I figure if all your doing is padding your stats, your not really 'playing' the game, its more an arcade then.
    Mines only 0.28, but I have fun, and I've taken out my share of BR100s, so don't be fooled.
    There's just too many ways to die and different things to do in PS2 to worry about it.
  11. uhlan

    Since the game has no redeeming features other than spamming bullets for constant kill a minute combat (ADD ridden masses), K/D will always be important.

    You drop-in, you run a string of kills and log off... this is how a lot of people play because there isn't anything else to do.
  12. Flapatax

    I went from .7 to 3.2 (probably something like .3 to 2.7 in real KD) over the course of my main character. Your stats suck to start, whatever.

    Anyone that makes blanket statements about how all high KD players use cheese/spawnroom warrior/etc are usually garbage and making excuses for being bad themselves.
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  13. individual

    No matter where you stand on the great K/D debate I think there is important middle ground we can agree on.

    If you cannot maintain a positive k/d as a sniper infil then you are horrible at this game, no help to anyone, and should find a different class to play.
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  14. Yuukikun

    Your opinion is, irrelevant because you are part of an elitist outfit and can't think of anything else than your ego and stats. You are also a hacker.

    -- someone who wants kdr to be removed
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    removing your signature isn't fooling anyone hacker
  16. z1967

    Must be "all hate DA day" or something like that lol. I thought it was nerf AA week though.

    If they like their stats, let them have their stats. Personally I know that I do ok and I play mainly for fun (hence the distinct lack of my playtime as heavy assault and using the Trac-5 Burst as my main weapon lol), so my stats probably do not accurately reflect how good I could be doing with better weapons or classes.
  17. current1y

    It fooled me as I have no idea what just happened.
  18. individual

    Need better situational posting awareness and accuracy, but I believe Posts per Minute is a better reflection of posting quality anyways.

    Also, the light will go on if you actually look up YuukikunVS...
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  19. Shanther

    Ever notice that the vast majority of people who bash KD are players who have a 1 KD or less? Just food for thought.
  20. individual

    You take that back.

    Next you will be saying that they also have horrible accuracy, low life expectancy, need a huge pop advantage to attack/defend, have to bring out maxes with 70% pop in order not to lose, and despite constantly reviving the same people over and over can't actually KEEP allies alive (by eliminating the big bad scary infantry man first)