The "everyone wins" solution to KD

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grumblefern, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Anomalous Entity

    The MMORPGs made kills less valuable and quests more valuable. That's the ticket. Lower score for kills to a fraction, then anyone solely interested in kills will have very low scores and will advance slowly. People taking bases and helping their team will advance faster. When the K/D farmers start crowing about their third-party tracked K/D, everyone else can laugh at their waste of time.
  2. tahn1000

    i like looking at my K/D. it tells me i'm not getting worse (on average).

    very encouraging when i've just died for the umpteenth time.
  3. Kociboss

    For the solution to exist there has to be a problem first.

    There is no problem with K/D whatsoever. If you're so entitled to yours, simply look away.
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  4. Anomalous Entity

    Leave K/D in... too many of these guys need it considering their other more tangible real-life SHORTcomings, SMALL issues, and TINY annoyances. :D
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  5. Kociboss

    *cough* *cough*
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  6. Flagonswarm

    ITT people pretend they don't care about KD while denying the obvious negative effects.

    Most reasonable players have left PS2 by now and I feel bad for those who stuck around. This forum consists mainly of...well, let's just say the less discerning players.
  7. siiix

    obviously admins would have access to that data, just not the player
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  8. Shanther

    Bad players say KD doesn't matter and want it removed.

    Average players care only about KD and want it to stay.

    Good players care about more stats then just KD however they too want KD to stay.

    When gauging players KD very much matters and so do many other stats. You need to look at Accuracy, HSR, KPM, and weapon usage to name a few. You shouldn't ONLY focus on KD.
  9. BobSanders123

    The MLG pros need to be able to compare their e-pens. If removed, the cosequences would be severe.
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  10. Pelojian

    you need to learn how to cap the base soviet commissar style "advance, advance you dogs, no retreat!"

    *people that don't care about K/D want to have fun first and foremost.
    *people that care about stats want fun and bragging rites.

    K/D is meaningless when there is no penalty to death other then time and especially with infinite retries. if one guy wants to C4 your tank he'll get you with enough tries or until he wastes all his resources on failed C4 deployment.
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  11. Fellgnome

    This is utter nonsense.

    Accuracy and HSR ratio go down considerably if you use weapons at longer ranges or shoot at things like ESF and Harassers to help put some damage into them.

    KPM goes down if you spend a fair amount of time as a support class or provide AA/AV.

    Overall there's no way to tell how good someone is from stats alone. You can pick favorable fights and log-out when there aren't any. The game doesn't force people to play disadvantaged - in fact it discourages them from playing when odds are against them via the KD stat.

    You can also care about none of these things or all of them and still be a good player, or bad player. Caring or not caring about stats doesn't determine how good you are at anything.
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  12. FateJH

    Thank you for telling me what I should care about. I had no clue someone else knew me so much better than I know myself.

    Long story short: remove K/D if that is your compaign but you are being naive if you feel that's going to change how people play the game. A death is a death; it happens, a player obviously works to avoid it as much as possible, and no magical number or lack thereof is going to change awareness of the fact he died. My former comment is suggesting that you are more concerned about having a low K/D than the person you are framing but you are looking for any way to judge your attitude superior by saying "at least no one can judge me for it." That's my putting words into your mouth declaration.
  13. Shanther

    I shoot at vehicles all the time and I still maintain about 28% acc on my weapons. Also HSR won't change since it only counts kills in the statistic. So unless you are shooting down and killing tons of vehicles it won't make any difference to the state.

    You would have to spend an extremely large amount of time not killing anyone to have ANY real effect on your KPM.

    You misunderstood my point. When good players look at stats they look at much more then KD. that was the point I was making g.

    Sorry phone e posting
  14. Evilsooty

    It must matter a lot to people as it explains the number of people who sit in spawn rooms when a base is capped taking pot shots instead of charging out.

    It's usually up to the players who couldn't give a damn about their KD ratio to do jihadi runs to get rid of that one key sunderer. I have happily done suicide attacks that have broken a siege by driving my Prowler right into the main sundy either critically damaging it so it can be finished off easily or destroying it outright; of course, I rarely survive but who cares!

    For a game where death is meaningless it is strange how cautious a lot of players are.
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  15. FateJH

    Just because death is meaningless doesn't mean you enjoy dying or enjoy rushing out to a certain demise. Regardless of whether or not the number of deaths accumulates visually or vocally, nothing that has been suggested is going to change that feeling if the said feeling affects you.

    At least the people who snipe "why don't you redeploy to the next base and build up a rescue force" are trying to promote something kind of self-empowering response from the hollowed destitute shambles dwelling about in the spawn room. The same goes for those who try to promote organized pushes or MAX crashes.
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  16. Pootisman

    I agree because KDR doesnt mean much as long as we have overpowered weapons like the banshee and easy ways to farm kills, like camping a spawn sunderer with a HE tank.

    I disagree because there is not much else to do in PS2 than getting a good KDR.
    • Capturing terriorty? Useless because territory has no value.
    • Doing objectives? Useless because the enemy redeploys a whole platoon to the attacked base and steamrolls everyone OR half an hour later the enemy zerg comes and retakes the base.
    Before we remove KDR, we need to add "meta" to the game (=meaning for fights), because at the moment PS2 is just a ordinary team deathmatch with vehicles on big maps.
  17. Sulsa

    You know that guy with a K/D of 0.1 -> 0.9 who repairs your vehicles, revives you, drops you ammo and heals you so you can maintain a K/D above 1.0?

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  18. Parsul

    Thats the point. If you play Heavy, Light Assault, Sniper or Max all the time or just sitting in Tanks or aircrafts, you make a lot of kills and KD looks nice. But if you mainly play support, you only die and make no kills... medic revives everybody so they don't get counted kills, but if the medic dies, death counts, because no revive.

    KD never showed good players in PS2. What is the use of farming guys, sitting in cover or behind armor and never capping points because they just care about theier KD?
    There should be a mixture of revive points, repair points, point attack/defense points and k/d. Also extra points for sundy takeouts with infantry.

    KD works for pure FPS deathmatch games, but not for PS2.
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  19. Goretzu

    Sounds completely sensible.
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  20. tahn1000

    why should my k/d mean anything to anyone else anyway? a low k/d could mean anything. a high k/d means either a god or someone who plays in roles where their own death is less likely.

    HOWEVER, it is a good personal tracking statistic and as such i want it to remain.
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