[Suggestion] why not give stalker cloakers 2 secondaries?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fleech, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Fleech

    what would be the harm in allowing stalker cloakers to have 2 different sidearms? there's 2 slots.

    crossbow/commissioner combo would be really fun.
  2. ajma

    I really don't mind they not having primaries, but it's kind of annoying that the game allows you to equip a primary but not draw it. The fitting screen should just block the primary slot and show your character holding the secondary.
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  3. FateJH

    I think the primary, secondary, and tool slots aren't set up like the utilities, et al. slots, where there can be nothing selected. It does not sound like a hard fix but one that had never been necessary since SOE did not want to follow the route of the player never not having a weapon of some sort drawn.
  4. KiakoLalene

    The harm is that we don't want you to use crossbows and pistols. The use of the stalker is that you can be invisible for a long amount of time, not for you to be rambo.
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  5. SerasVic

    Wait the new knifes and then you'll not need secondaries anymore
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  6. BobSanders123

    As a stalker infiltrator that would be arguably OP. On a light assault? That would be awesome.
  7. hawken is better

    Infiltrators should also have shotguns again. That's exactly what this game needs; more ways to die instantly without being able to fight back.
  8. Alarox

    He doesn't mean dual wielding, if that's what you're getting at.
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  9. TheKhopesh

    I've been suggesting this since the stalker cloak was released on the test server.

    Stalkers lose the ammo of a primary, so why not let them have two secondary weapons so they aren't so massively short on killing potential between resupplies.
    (After all, stalkers are intended for long term survival. They're slow and patient, but they have relatively weak weapons and weak health. The least they could do is get the option to equip an extra sidearm in the primary weapon slot.)
  10. TheKhopesh

    Equipping the stalker cloak could be programmed to temporarily change the primary slot to another secondary slot.
    It wouldn't be difficult at all to do.
  11. Villanuk

    I use stalker a lot, but i don't see the need to add extra benefits to this class. Its not designed to go up against infantry and compete in a 1 v1 shoot out and camp in a corner with bows simultaneously, and that inevitably what would happen. Once the new knife comes in, well this forum will be flooded with Nerf calls :eek:
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  12. Goretzu

    Yeah I think that's how most everyone would run it (high DPS pistol, and XBow), it would definately make the Stalker cloaker much more versatile and powerful, but probably a bit much so.
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  13. Villanuk

    Oh i agree mate and it will be next to a sunny to get spawn kills with the bow and if detected defend with a commy.
  14. p10k56

    We need more of them:rolleyes:
    How about darklight bubble similar to medic shield only with bigger radius.
    Also removing so bright flash form darklight flashlight will be helpful cos is to easy to overlook enemy infil thanks to its bright.

    Overall if you need good K/D play infiltrator of any role cos is super difficult to kill anybody when invisible.
  15. VonStalin

    why not make stalker cloakers actually invisible?
  16. Ragnarox

    Giving them 2 sidearms is like giving them pump shotgun. Nope. You have perma stealth already.
  17. SanPelicano

    Silented Repeater/AMP combo would be insane... lol
  18. Alarox

    Is reading the OP too much to ask?
  19. Rift23

    No, the use of the stalker is to sell NS weapons.