Medics who complaining about you redeploying.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meeka, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Meeka

    Really, why?

    I'm not going to wait 10-20 seconds for a medic just to knock a death off my list.

    I've never waited for a medic, I never will. I want to get immediately back into the fight, so I will redeploy to the location most convenient. If there's not a medic directly on top of me when I die, I redeploy immediately.

    Stop complaining when I do so, it's how I prefer to play! Thank you!
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  2. Leftconsin

    I'll keep that in mind next time I try to revive you.... who ever you are...
    Perhaps this thread exists because of a /tell conversation you were having with a medic that wanted another easy cert?
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  3. Haunted Quiche

    Do some Medics really complain about people not waiting for them...?

    I mean, sure it can be annoying to see, like, 8 corpses sitting just there and then they all vanish just as you reach them but still...

    Besides, maybe there's a reason they didn't wait. Like ammo shortage. Or they decided to go get some tanks and pile them single-file into small doorway because that'll certainly work.

    (Yeah, I have my own petty complaints, lol.)
  4. InoxGecko

    This is just temporary, probably because of the double XP weekend.Easy certs, seconds spent reviving people who don't get up are seconds wasted and certs not in your pocket.
  5. Gammit

    You realize you can get immediately back into the fight even if you wait a few seconds and a medic picks you up? I mean, you're not respawning immediately just to make the 15-25 second sprint back to your last position, are you?
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  6. Jac70

    You mean you have medics prepared to revive you? I used to sit and watch the map screen for all the white crosses running past my corpse but now I just re-deploy. I didn't know people actually revived fallen team-mates.
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  7. PWGuy93

    Perhaps a different perspective
    It's not about farming certs, it's about going out into the field taking hits (and often dying) to revive a player to keep them in the battle.

    I have the opposite issue, I play, I see dozens of medics around my area. My character dies and Medics aren't watching the minimap and seeing the dead and don't move away from their safety to revive.
  8. FieldMarshall

    I cant really complain as i get tunnel vision anyway, and probably forget to revive a bunch of people as i grind the NS11P for black camo and the Medic "kills" directive.

    Can i also just mention people that complain about not getting revived?
    The common argument is "well why dont you try medic and see how "easy" it is".
    Then you may get "Yeah, i play medic sometimes. Its not hard. I never miss revives around me"
    Except they wouldnt know if they did, because they dont see the revives they missed.
    But i digress.

    You are welcome.
  9. ajma

    What really annoys me is when I go out of my way to res a friendly and when I get there, they redeploy. The game should ask you if you want to be revived before any medic gets to you, and inform all nearby medics in some way.

    This would be a QoL change, so not going to happen.
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  10. Rovertoo

    I keep auto-spawn on unless I'm in a group of teamates (I'm not usually, considering the occupational hazard of playing Light Assault). I will turn it off though as soon as I see a medic start reviving me, it's always nice to have a long run. I like the feeling of living long enough to run completely out of ammo, nades, pistol, and C4 and die in a knifing blaze of glory. Medics help me do that from time to time. That said sometimes I don't turn off autospawn in time as they're reviving me, so I feel bad because I know my body just vanished from in front of their eyes and they only wanted to help (and Certs). So I always apologize "Sorry" (V8?).
  11. Scatterblak

    ...doing the best I can

  12. Typhoeus

    In my experience, as TR on emerald, 9/10 pub medics will not rez you even if you're corpse is right beside them. I just respawn asap as well. If they manage to rez me before I can respawn, I'll accept it but it's pretty rare.
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  13. Foxirus

  14. tahn1000

    i just automatically hit the respawn and wait for the timer to wind down, which means often if a medic is going to try he or she is just a second or two too late. i feel bad about that, because it means i'm going to take extra time getting back to the front line. on the other hand i also get revived a lot just to get shot down again -.-

    only time i decline is when i'm out of ammo or i'm just going to die again and again.
  15. Pirbi

    Dammit Meeka, I'm a doctor, not a transporter chief.
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  16. Schwak

    Is that what that tool is for? I thought the only reason people play medic was for the self heal and the high deeps. :rolleyes:
  17. Gammit

    I do. I often find the biggest reason for a failed push is a lack of good medics (and engineers) doing their job. I will even often to a last rez-grenade hail mary if I know I'm going to die in hopes of last-second picking up a few fallen comrades.
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  18. patrykK1028

    But remember that you cant complain about not reviving medics.
    I will try to remember your name, if you make thread about not rezing meds, I will point you that out
  19. Pokebreaker

    Well, a medic complaining about people respawning, means there is actually a good medic in your area, trying to bring people back up to fight, which we all know is extremely rare. Some Medics actually want to facilitate the win, by reviving, and may get irritated with risking themselves to revive you, just for you to respawn, and they die. However, its understandable to respawn, when most medic NEVER revive you, even if they are standing on your body in a safe area. When there are medics in my area reviving, I thank them, because they are often the difference in a failed assault or defense (if you're the type that cares about that kind of thing). There may be bad shooters holding the point, but them soaking up bullets might be enough to keep the enemy at bay until the cap timer ends.

    Anyone who is really into stat tracking, knows that a revive only takes away from your vague PS2 Playerboard K/D, and in-game display; where your DA Stats will depict your K/D not taking revives into account, which for many, is lower, including mine. Some may not like DA Stats, but I like the deeper analysis it provides, to where you can see if someones high K/D is due to Tanking, Aircraft, and/or Vehicles. Versus one obtained from Infantry-only play, which is much more difficult to keep high for most, but not all players.

    Just my opinions though.