ZOE MAX sucks.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by QQlazors, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. QQlazors

    A ZOE AV MAX is crossing open ground. I'm a stalker following it. Suddenly, I forgot to recharge cloak and de cloak right behind him. He hears it and turns around and activates ZOE. I go YOLO mode and start shooting with commie. I win in about 15-18 shots(not sure precisely), and with a little bit of medkit spam.

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  2. Champagon

    Welcome to VS ZOE, enjoy your free certs. And we hope you come by again
  3. QQlazors

    I knew it was bad... But HOW?!?!
  4. BlueSkies

    You got off 15-18 shots with a commie? Was he afk?
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  5. QQlazors

  6. I play by many names

    Well that is the problem, he wasn't NC rocking ravens.
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  7. asmodraxus

    Lets see ZoE = lose 30% health for no upside other then you move a little quicker (and I do mean a little)
    Vortex = useless against squishies

    The max should of just ran.

    ZoE for when you feel like its time to respawn.
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  8. Dualice


    Poor Vanus got hit hard in the ZOE department. In my opinion all it needed was a timer/cooldown function.
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  9. Tommyp2006

    All he had to do was max punch you. He's just bad. He didn't even need zoe to do that.
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  10. TheBlindFreak

    I just wish they didn't try and give a MAX an agility buff from the beginning. That added agility is stupid OP. If it isn't enough to be OP, it's not enough to even make a difference as is the case now. I just wish they gave VS something a little more interesting. Maybe not the jump jets of PS1, since there's a lot more verticality in this game, but something interesting.
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  11. ATRA_Wampa-One

    ZOE should be 30% increase damage taken at all times for 10-15-20-25-30% more damage done for 10 seconds on a 45-40-35-31-28 second cooldown.

    It's not a full time ability like it was and there is no movement speed buff, but the damage buff is about equal to lockdown.
  12. Get2dachoppa

    Wait....you actually saw a ZOE Max?? :eek:

    I thought they were extinct!
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  13. Rift23

    How the mighty have fallen.
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  14. OldMaster80

    ZOE has been OP for a long time but we all know it's now terrible. Honestly I find shocking devs didn't do anything to improve it so far, and instead spent time nerfing things that didn't even need it.
    As far as I see it either they must change numbers (more damage, less resistance penalty), or they keep it as it is but they restore the toggle on/off mode.
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  15. patrykK1028

    TR guy agreeing that ZOE is useless.... Impressive
    You are the first TR who doesnt say "ZOE was OP 2000BC, so it needs penalty forever"
  16. \m/SLAYER\m/

    well, Falcons could this way too
  17. OldMaster80

    That's bulls**t it wasn't vanu players that made the ZOE. Devs made it OP and players just used it.
    But this does not justify how bad it is now. We need balancement not punishment ;)
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  18. FieldMarshall

    Why did he just use his ZOE speed to his advantage to run up to you and melee?...

    Anyway, yes. ZOE needs a buff/change.
  19. CuteBeaver

    Whats worse? Noobs using it for Anti Air, and Vortex maxes when the benefits of extra damage fall off at close range. We are talking ballpark 10m to 20 meters here... I agree he should have punched you. The only acceptable use of ZOE is parkour and punching.

  20. Jac70

    The ZOE was never OP, it was always useless. That's why I did not give a **** when they nerfed it into the ground - it always sucked anyhow.

    The only faction MAX ability that was ever a real option was the Aegis. Lockdown maybe for a AA Max.