[Guide] Want to get revived?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. day ofm one

    A simple guide how to get revived:


    Because I won't take out my Medic tool when noone covers me and I get shot every time.
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  2. Akeita

    Or add a "degreaser" from TF 2, a.k.a switch your weapon in 0.2s
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  3. Utrooperx

    I break out that medic tool and become a #1 target...use Revive grenades and your AOE heal...helps keep a low profile ;)
  4. day ofm one

    1 res nade doesn't help, running ammo belt because there never are engineers around.
  5. Waffle Fartsparkle

    You are a combat medic. Not just a medic. You fight until immediate hostiles are taken out, then you take out your med tool.

    The less the med tool is in your hand, the better.
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  6. uhlan

    I rarely medic, but when I do, I use AOE heal and grenades the best I can then revive with the med tool as necessary.


    The most interesting medic in the world.
  7. PWGuy93

    Playing TR on Emerald of late.

    It's like playing medic there increases worry over K/D. Not seeing nearly enough revives...

    It's war gentlefolk, get out there and do the job the class is designed to do. Front line, put your adreniline pumps on and revive using your top certed medic tool while on the move. Don't need to stop to revive, just duck walk over the body while reviving and keep moving... always keep moving, you are the target, you are what stands between victory and failure.
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  8. Paragon Exile

    Said like someone who isn't a good medic.

    Good medics are behind a wall of their allies, tool in hand, resurrections grenades flying, AOE heal going. They keep their allies in the fight and avoid fighting where at all possible.

    People put too much stock on the "combat" part of "combat medic".
  9. z1967

    I thought this was gonna be about all the quick deployers who could have been revived but aren't because they redeploy too quickly.
  10. Dudeman325420

    Pfft, that's not a good medic, he's only doing half his job. A good medic can do everything you listed while also contributing to the firefight with some of the best small arms in the game.
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  11. Hoki

    Apparently, you have. :eek:
  12. Dualice

    Good point about the medic arsenal. However giving them kickass weaponry does kind of breed the combat-orientated approach - we've all seen the medics literally stepping over fallen comrades in pursuit of kills. I guess it's all about balance.
  13. TheKhopesh

    Yeah, switching both to or from on the medic tool should be near instantaneous.
  14. TheKhopesh

    I think it was Higby who said "...it's a Combat Medic, not a Medic Combat..." on the subject of why the medic weapons are some of the best infantry primary weapons in-game.
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  15. Paragon Exile

    Splitting focus means you aren't doing a certain aspect as good as possible.
  16. FieldMarshall

    Tip: Yelling over voice about wanting a revive will probably get you revived slower, or not at all
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  17. Dudeman325420

    That's fine if you can't multitask, but restricting yourself to one role is limiting your potential.
  18. Waffle Fartsparkle

    Spoken like someone who only plays medic to get easy revive points instead of actually contributing to winning a base, while believing that's the only correct way of playing the class. Sad.

    When you're playing defensively or farming, yes. What you described is fine as it's erasing deaths from people's K/D, but not when you're storming a base though. You don't revive people (assuming you're out of revive grenades) if it's too dangerous, so deal with the danger first, then revive. Or if you think you're unable to deal with the danger yourself, then avoid the situation altogether. That's what a good Combat Medic does.

    Combat Medics who are cowardly, only hiding behind a wall of friendlies will sure make a lot of points. But will they actually contribute to taking a base? Probably not. Good combat medics contribute to the firefight while taking time to heal and revive.
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  19. TheShrapnelKing

    This is a fallacy people trumpet all the time because they don't understand terms.

    A "Combat medic" is a medic that treats wounds on the spot as they happen in combat, as opposed to just a "medic" who would do further, more intensive treatment at a field hospital just behind the line out of the line of fire
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  20. TheShrapnelKing

    And as for the OP, that's simple. I'm currently trying to get the Gauss Prime so I'm playing only medic. Be within 100m of me at any given time and no more than 20m beyond the frontline (beyond which I likely can't revive you before getting killed myself) and you will almost certainly get a revive.