So I bought the 2ndAnniv bundle and...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kunavi, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. JudgeNu

    I originally posted this picture to point out a 3dmodel glitch on his wrist.
    At the time I had already bout the AEB and seen it was "glowing yellow"
    So im like w/e
    But when I took this pic I noticed the armor taking on this new look, I was like hell yeah that's what im talking bout.
    Some Predator-like cloak Camo!!
    I thought it may have taken on the terminal colors, and thought it would be cool if it remained transparent but took on either your current camo scheme or the environment!

    But I later realized its still yellow.
    Idk what happened here but I was stoked.

    Maybe they will let us apply camo to it and it still remain transparent, I wouldn't even mind a mild-glow.

  2. EvilErnieSSK

    Does anyone know if the secondary XP boost stacks? Ie you get 50% boost and 5% boost for your squad. If 2 squadmates have the boost will it be bumped to 10%? I have a really tight tiny outfit, and if more than one of us purchase this it would make sense to not double up on the boosts if the side effect doesn't stack.

  3. Inex

    Last I checked it's supposed to, but I don't run with a squad of people with the boosts on enough to verify if it's actually working.

    And honestly, I'd rather just have a 6 month resource boost anyway. :p
  4. Akeita

    You noticed that red is always a bad color for cosmetic in comparison to blue and purple on every single game in the world right ?...
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  5. Pootisman

    What? No. There is some nice, red camo in PS2. The awesome commisar hat is also red!
  6. Akeita

    Indeed, but there is a lot better camo in PS2 in Blue and Purple more, it's easier to draw up something with the dark kind of blue and purple more than the bright red.
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  7. TheRunDown

    I'm thinking about getting the Anni Bundle for exceptional, but I'm not too impressed with the Hard Light Amour compared to Composite all over coverage (i.e the missing belt)

    The camo isn't great either..
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  8. Calisai

    Short answer... Yes.

    Long answer... Yes, hover over your XP boost percentage and it will give you a breakdown of all the bonus XP you are gaining and where from. My outfit squads usually have 5-6 member/boost users and all the 5% and 3% boosts add up to some good bonus XP. Well worth squading with other members. (I've actually hit as high as 197% with member/boost/alert/population bonus/member bonus/heroic boost bonus/etc **not using a hyperboost which could get you higher**)
  9. Kunavi

    I hate you... ''Meat colour''... MUST UNSEE. You just made it worse! >.<

    At least the other camo might look a bit better after that touch up. But the black one might not be worth the farm depending on how it will be impacted. With the textures softened, many TR Studio camo will look dark enough. Fair enough since I'd rather use what I paid for. And that farm is getting me exhausted, wish I had a golden SMG or something.

    I already said this is not QQing about lost money. I'm just examining the works and criticizing what I got because I feel it was poorly made. I don't see where I come off as too entitled. Reviewing it in a way. In case you missed it, I already said I'd pay SOE if I knew it would hep PS2 instead of ensuring there's beer in their fridge and nothing more ;) But I won't do that if they can't even bother making new armour models for HardLight or colouring the stripes with Faction colours, Yadda Yadda Blah Blah it's all up there in my OP. For instance I'd prefer it if weapon camo was applied only on the stripe with the rest of the weapon remaining black. That'd be nice.

    I wish I could say the same, I'm still getting blasted by TR and I can't be any more red... :p
    I don't agree with your suggestion at all, I want the enemy to see exactly what I'm wearing- Not less, nor more nor different. Bought that stuff for a reason(Which obviously isn't to confuse the enemy and gain an advantage, unlike some other Faction! :p ) Besides what they did should be sufficient - The armour clearly shows(I base more on shape, less on colour personally, ever sinceBF2142) and is Faction coloured, while the camo brightness has been reduced. I like how each of the Factions' 2 colours are now more prominent. And I know more people would prefer a grittier look like in Alpha/Beta(Well we're still in Beta IMHO) than not.
  10. tahn1000

    the tr armour thing looks like bright red bubblewrap.

    i'll never wear it.