NO XP FOR KILLS - Did you even notice?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lewk, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Lewk

    This. Please give us back xp for all kills.
  2. LibertyRevolution

    The only way they will ever fix spawn camping with the current spawns is to reverse damage done to freshly spawned players...
    So when you spawn camp and you shoot at a freshly spawned player, then you take the damage you are dealing, killing yourself.

    I was standing on a point, PTFO, and everyone else was camping spawn..
    I said why don't you guys come guard the point, they pay you 50XP every 20secs to stand on the point.
    Which is more than you are making camping spawn fighting with 20 guys for a random 0XP kill..

    They told me they were making way more XP, so I went to go find out what the deal was..
    They had people standing in front the spawn in a maxsuits taking damage, letting engineers rep them for XP..
    Just farming repair/revive XP for 4mins strait.. They said they do the same thing at every base..
    Is that legit? Or is that stat padding?
  3. Borsty

    Said it before, just make spawnroomdoors reflect all damage that hits them. Problem solved.