[Suggestion] We should be able to buy other factions' infantry weapons for 2,000 Certs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    Balance is more important than "flavor"
  2. Ragnarox


    Lets say you kill 100 users of jackhammer and you get an option to take that technology. You get same stat weapon but with vanu skin.

    Want that.
  3. Xasapis

    I don't know. The "balance" you speak of can be found in a game like BF4, where there is absolutely no difference between each side. Do we want that, or we want more diversity between factions.
  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    CARV-S with extended mags for my Vanu Heavy... [IMG]
  5. SpartanPsycho

    The only thing we should add is disguising for infiltrators and looting for all classes.
  6. SpartanPsycho

    I liked Reagan, he freedomwhacked the Soviets.
  7. Huishe

    For 10000 certs for all i care. For sc only. No matter, it just should be possible.
  8. RasFW

    Nah. If they're not going to be looted and are going to be tied to certs, I think they should be pay-per-use. You want a Jackhammer this life and you're on TR? Pay 500 certs. Hope you have medics, and good luck.
    • Up x 1
  9. JudgeNu


    Sorry SOE I just had to.
  10. OminousZ

    Although i like some of the VS weapons, i would love to purchase my old NC weapons :cool:

    But i remember another poster saying it'll be cool if we can pick up someone else gun. This will stop a lot of the balance complainants and really make for interesting game play.
  11. Rovertoo

    Giving everyone access to an OP weapon doesn't make it any less OP, it just makes the complaints subside.

    EDIT: That said, picking up enemy weapons from the ground would be way cool! It just doesn't get rid of the need for balance is all.
  12. Dualice

    I think it'd be a bad idea on many many levels, but the most general is that the faction identities are too strongly segregated for there to be that degree of crossover, at whatever the cost. Looting fallen enemies for temporary use of their primary weapon might be a cool feature, but it'd have to be class-specific or something. Don't want infiltrators running around with shotties.

    Many of us pick and choose our favourite weapons from the different factions. I main TR but often hop over to Vanu for the Eridani and Terminus (I know the latter is nothing special, the noise it makes just makes me feel like a badass when I use it).
  13. Anomalous Entity

    No... but it would be fun for a week/end come April Fool's 2015... :)
  14. Bixli

    ..good joke.
  15. Robertooooo

    It works well in all other games where all weapons are common pool between factions without any confusion. With that said; no I wouldn't want to remove all faction flavor.
    A better solution would be to add slightly inferior NS weapons with the different faction traits.
  16. Prudentia

    no mate
    EM6 with Extended mags for Vanu
    33400DPM!!!!!!!!! thats a enough to kill ~30guys with mathalone :eek:
    :(i don't want my pityful 25050DPM Flare