What happened to Planetside 2 ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ElGordo95, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Hosp

    We're arguing personal experience vs personal experience. Mine was pretty good. If yours still isn't, it's as I said. Perhaps this isn't the game for you.

    PS: Official Release was Nov.2012
  2. ElGordo95

    Ehm sorry mate but on which side are you right now ? :confused: And no one said that you MUST play on Hossin ;)
  3. ElGordo95


    Well that's my good ol' NC game char, also my game experience was always pretty good until the merge and Continentlock stuff came up.
  4. Akeita

    I'm not going to choose sides in an arguments, it is childish to choose side and neglect the other side's point. Indeed, you have noticed that people have the freedom to choose where to play, yet you ask devs why Hossin is dead ? Is it their fault ?
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  5. Jalek

    Gotta either play those 12-24vs96+ fights or just go play something else.
    The choice is pretty easy.
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  6. ronjahn

    I've been playing since release and disagree with you.

    While I play on Emerald, I have absolutely no problem finding a variety of different sized fights. While lattice has encouraged a bit more large scale fighting, I can always find a small fight if I spend a minute analyzing the map.

    Continent locking is an incomplete feature at this time. Once a global lattice is put into play along with Battle Island or new continents, continent locking will make sense. Right now it's pretty random and frustrating IMO.
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  7. vanu123

    The problem is that rarely anything is balanced. Sure it gets nerfed into oblivion but thats not balance thats uselessness See: ZOE, PPA, etc.
  8. ElGordo95

    Well every server has its own culture so maybe there's a bigger variety in fights on emerald than on Miller atm.

    I agree that there should be more maps and content for Continent lock to make sense in the long run.
  9. FBVanu

    What do you mean 'what happened to PS2'?... it has become a much more balanced game than it has ever been.
  10. ElGordo95

    Well I'll leave it here, thanks for all constructive comments and stuff related to the topic. Remember this is just what I see from how the game changed, sure there are a lot of positive aspects too which have been added to the game as well. I basically just wrote this article, due to the fact that I found the reasons I mentioned at the beginning bothering. Also what shocked me as I started playing the game a bit more again was, that a lot of the people on my friendlist quit the game and many shared my experience when I talked to them. To all who still play the game a big have fun and keep beeing critical ;)
  11. CNR4806

    I'm just going to single out these two questions and let you connect the dots yourself.
  12. OldMaster80

    1. Well yeah, in Miller's case a merge was probably not needed. I've seen this as a move to save money on maintenance and free resources for H1Z1, rather a real necessity.

    2. Hossin is anything but dead.

    3. Because continent lock at least gives you the impression you achieved a goal. Otherwise the battle for a continent goes on forever without consequences. It's not a great metagame I know but at least it's something...

    4. Small fights still exist, just open your eyes. Of course you can't expect to fall from the sky with a shotgun and kill everyone like Rambo.

    4.1 Ultra zergs are an abhomination created by a big devs' mistake: the implemented only the first phase of the resources revamp and pushed phases 2 and 3 forward, after the PS4 version release. At the moment players are allowed to spam vehicle almost forever without a consequence and battles turn into a huge blob of tanks. Biggest mistake since the game is out, imho.

    5. This type of balancement is only in players minds. No one ever said factions weapons must perform the same way, the game is not balanced in a symmetrical way and even if some players seem unable to understand it / accept it, it will never happen. The only imbalancement in weapons is automatic weapons vs semi-auto: the first seem to outperform the second because ironically the semi-auto often have more recoil.

    6. They always change maps for a reason, even you maybe don't see it. Take for instance on Amerish the old Shadespire Farm: before the changes that was totally stupid and unplayable.
  13. Hammerlock

    i remember the old times without lattice fractures shotguns etc ... good times ...
  14. SpartanPsycho

    Here's your answer(s)
    Higby happened <-- WHYYYYYYYY dont hurt us higgles
    CoD mouth-breathing run and gun ****ldren happened.
    Dumbing down the game happened.
    Not following lore happened.
    Base design map design level design happened
    Netcode lag and latency happened
    general bugs happened
    weekly patch syndrome (read SINdumb)
    Breaking things with patches happened
    players who are infantryside whiners happened
    SoE not using own forums and using reddit and bluetwitbird happened.

    But most importently, sh*t happened.
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  15. Pikachu

    Decent rant 3/4.
  16. Kentucky Windage

    Sometimes the only fights are the ones you hate to fight. Time for a six pack:eek: and make the best of it.:D
  17. Targanwolf

    The decision makers make decisions....they don't want to hear from the peons....and they have reaped what they have sewn.