What happened to all of the VS on Emerald?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by m00nshake, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. LordTankT9

    So munch sticking for science and what not. :)
  2. Arghy

    VS is losing now because 70% of VS is terrible and got carried by the 30%. If the right leaders aren't on to properly herd that 70% then no matter how good that 30% does VS is still going to lose because someone's doing something stupid.

    SSGO/DAPP i'm looking at you--you may occasionally take part in command chat but a lot of alerts your quiet and theres 96+ pushing down the wrong lane while all of command yells at you. You literally need to take a page from AOD who not only has completely reformed their vagrant ways but they've become TR's backbone when it counts.

    Being a PL with FRZA on TR was amazing, receptive commanders who communicated and that wonderous 2 platoons of AOD reacting and following orders. They weren't the fastest to respond nor were they particularly strong once they got there but knowing there was 2 platoons worth of allies who could be counted on made it so much less stressful. On VS you normally need 2-3 outfits to match a single platoon and those are usually very decent outfits once they get there but when theres fire on every front it gets stressful trying to organize everything.

    AOD honestly needs to break off and form 2 outfits, AOD which will be the full time members and AOD2 which will contain the part time members. This would allow AOD to have a veteran platoon moving fast and a slower public platoon which doesn't have such stringent rules. AOD has some great players hidden amongst the chaff that are honestly being held back from their potential. You could screen new players who show they want that organization experience and will follow orders from those who are just logging on to casually shoot mans.

    Emerald VS is bloated with stragglers who don't carry their weight--VS could do with some hard work to either lose the fat or harden it.
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  3. Zotamedu

    So wait a minute. Higby got a lot of hate for saying that VS only used stuff that was OP. Now they nerfed the OP PPA and a good chunk of VS rage quit? So he was right all along?
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  4. Xasapis

    Are you aware of the circumstances that he made that joking comment that forumside turned into a banner against the VS?

    People are delusional if they think that their empire does not use the best tools available.
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  5. Saool

    Wait... what... they are?

    I figured they would opt for Vanu for all the same reason we have so many Emerald/Vanu threads. We (Cobalt) conversly always go for NC when we can. I figured it was a dead certainty that we would be NC.

    Not that I am compaining. It will be nice to actaully be Vanu is SS for once.
  6. Arghy

    Emerald plays to win, NC is the best SS faction and almost every group participating in the SS has experience on all 3 factions and can play any faction with the same effectiveness.

    You forget Mattherson server 17, is the canon server and emerald is server 17, it takes a few months for the trends we set to drip down to the other servers. Forumside is months behind still complaining about VS, soon it will be NC then TR while we continue to blaze the trail.
  7. FocusLight

    If that happens I am deleting my Emerald TR toon in shame. Who knows, might roll an NC or MAYBE a VS to shoot Goku with.
  8. Schwak

    The might of Notorious welcomes you TR brethren.
  9. Saool

    Yes that makes sense. The Cobalt thinking on always going for NC simply comes down to Vanguard and Matlock MAX. And it's more the Matlock MAX than anything else. Tanks have a very limited application in the rapid redeployment environment of SS.
  10. Zotamedu

  11. Xasapis

    Are you not aware of he circumstances related to that comment? Or do you actually believe that he was dead serious when he said that? I hope it's not the later, nobody can be that thick.
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  12. munglay

    GOKU is everywhere. You cannot escape GOKU. The harder you try, the more you realize the horrifying truth. You were a GOKU all along. Here's your mayonnaise, get started.
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  13. agentpuhpul

    I'm actually kinda happy the VS dominance went down a little. I always liked playing as the underdog, so maybe i'll hop onto my VS more!
  14. Daithm

    Well we are working on new strategies and testing new equipment combos. There are server smash practices happening now as well so NC might be having some more dedicated players jumping into the mix. It's fine I think that the PPA was reworked it means we should see some more variety on the battlefield and in time a stronger army with more experience.
  15. Keldrath

    Was there really ever any doubt?
  16. Keldrath

    Joke or not he said something everyone else was thinking that was completely obvious anyways. It was funny because it was true.
  17. Targanwolf

    I think this game is slowly dieing.it's not moving forward at a pace many can tolerate.Unfortunately some basic structural design decisions that repel new players appear embedded and will N E V E R change. How very unfortunate bur SOE decision makers have none to blame but themselves

    They've put themselves in a box and are afraid to alienate the remaining player core....and so the game dies slowly
  18. TriumphantJelly

  19. Casterbridge

    I was glad to see Goku on TR, TR needed an infusion of players and while I hate chat with Goku around they usually are fun to fight.
  20. Outreach

    They all declared "mission successful" and went back to their TR/NC mains.
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