[Suggestion] 1-2 Second grace time when pulling a Max

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MonnyMoony, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. MonnyMoony

    I pulled a Max suit from a deployed sunderer a couple of days back.

    Whilst I was selecting it - an enemy sniper must have been lining up a head shot.

    Just as I spawned the Max - he fired and so I died from a OHK. The thing is however - the death screen showed my character in the Max suit - so when I re spawned I found that I had lost the resources and had to wait several more minutes.

    Maxes cant die from one headshot - so I can only presume that due to client side hit detection, I must have still been as a LA in the enemies scope when he pulled the trigger - even though I was a Max on mine.

    I think if you get killed immediately after spawning a max suit (i.e. within 1-2 seconds) - the resources should be refunded to take account of issues like this. I didn't mind being killed as such - I guess thats the nature of client side hit detection and lag - however if I died as a LA - surely I should not have lost the resources associated with pulling the max.

    I'm sure the same thing has happened with vehicles before now too.
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  2. Ronin Oni


    This can happen with vehicle terms too.

    Click spawn on a vehicle. Get sniped while waiting to be put in vehicle...

    oh well. :p
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  3. Springjack

    This happens to me more often at vehicle terminals. I have always felt that resources you didn't use shouldn't be taken away from you in the event of you never getting to use it. (I feel different however about tank mines in front of vehicle terminals, those are fine and you should have no problem "scouting" out before hand if there are tank mines in your path).

    Also as an occasional terminal headshot camper, I've missed plenty of shots due to people getting their vehicle anyway. I wish there could be some happy medium or something to prevent peoples resources being wasted every minute.
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  4. Ronin Oni

    eh, IMO it's part of resource denial.

    It's one of the few actual ways snipers can contribute.
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  5. Axehilt

    Yeah while this is a lower-priority thing to fix, it'd be a nice quality of life improvement.
  6. Yuukikun

    Cause of death and loss of resources: lack of situational awareness and laziness
  7. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Infiltrator killed you, and took your nanites..
  8. Cest7

    Heh I gotta admit I did this one. Shot an infantry to near death as he was spawning a max.... The max spawned with a sliver of health and I one shot it :p
  9. Pelojian

    lol lack of situational awareness hmm, so one infantryman at a near deserted bas should be able to spot a sniper that could be +100m away and possibly cloaked before firing at said infantryman who has called up the vehicle interface on his UI?

    sorry but if you are killing people with a sniper rifle while they are accessing a terminal you are a *******, if you don't get the use of the vehicle or max suit you should be refunded the resources.
  10. Springjack

    That's a good point Ronin Oni
  11. Yuukikun

    First of all, i have never sniped people accessing a terminal.

    Second of all, my first statement doesn't stop me from laughing at someone who's too stupid to check the population pie chart of the base i'm spawning at.

    Third of all, if you did read the map and saw 100% 1-12 enemy presence (or any number higher than 0%), there is a chance that a sniper is camping that terminal, and knowing this you should stay in the spawn, prepare your vehicle loadout that you want to use and then you'll be able to spawn your vehicle in less than 1 second and a sniper won't have time to kill you with that amount of idle time.

    Fourth of all, if you didn't do 2 and/or 3, it is your own responsibility and deserve to lose these resources.

    TL;DR l2p
  12. MAXArmar

    So what if you get sniped just before the 2 seconds are over?

    Edit: oh nvm, I completely missed the point of OP.
  13. Pelojian

    I rarely get killed by snipers while spawning vehicles myself because i select the loadout number quickly, my point still stands how the heck can you expect someone to spot a cloaked sniper who only uncloaks when he opens fire for a OHK?

    seems these days people only want to use and play as cheese, whine for other faction nerfs then get all defensive when their tools (or methods dev intended or not) are under threat...

    I am tired of people using "lack of situational awareness" for every justification why something is the way it is. it does not apply to everything.
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  14. PWGuy93

    This isn't any different than vehicle drivers that face AV mines in front of the pad.

    Comes down to checking the area before pulling.
  15. Pelojian

    mines are pretty obvious and easy to look for near a pad, cloaked infiltrators with sniper rifles at range aren't.
  16. Pardus

    1) There is difference between knowing a enemies out there, and being omniscient.

    2) The complaint is based around a game mechanic not syncing what is happening with what is seen to be happening.

    The request is to allow a grace period base on the game's failings.
  17. Yuukikun

    1) you don't have to be omniscient, you just have to realize that there's a chance of you dying if you stop moving right in front of a terminal. Common sense =/= omniscience.

    2) The complaint is about a guy who was careless and doesn't want to take responsibility for it.
  18. WTSherman

    Though I have encountered a version of this that sucks more with vehicle terminals:

    Attempted to spawn a Sunderer, nobody else in queue. For some reason this particular time it went super slow (it's usually quite quick for me, if there's no queue), scrolling "your position in vehicle queue:1" for several seconds. I get teleported onto the vehicle spawn pad... but there's no vehicle, and my nanites have been deducted.

    Well that's annoying enough. But before I could walk off the pad I got insta-gibbed as if a vehicle had spawned on top of me ("suicide" screen). Sunderer still wasn't there when I respawned. :p
  19. Pardus

    If the sniper can't work around that then they need to work on their aim. :p Never assume your enemy is a idiot.

    I'll take it one further though, if your worried about a sniper duck under a platform while the server/client get around to spawning your MAX/Vehicle. If there's no platform to take cover under, crouch behind a railing. Preferably with the railing and a open field their firing from to your back, and you looking for obvious position for them to fire from.

    If it's wasn't before I'll make it a request. I've been stuck in a 3rd person zoomed out view looking at dead air while the game takes it's sweet time to draw a MAX, and give me back control. It Usually only happens when I first try to load up a MAX, but that it happens at all should have merited a grace period of some kind.
  20. Matt879

    I know that there's nothing you could've done against that sniper, but sunderers aren't supposed to be safe havens where you take a break and switch classes. You can certainly pull maxes from them and 99% of the time you'll get away with it, but that one time where you get sniped you really shouldn't complain. If you want a safe max pull, get one from a spawnroom terminal, if you want a safe vehicle pull, don't pull one while a fight is going on around you and keep moving while you wait to spawn into the vehicle.