Does anyone else play with Ultra setting?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Naejin, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. Naejin

    I keep reading about how a lot of players play with their settings on low, no shadows, etc for better game play. Personally, I'd rather have a lower KD (mission accomplished!) and play at higher graphics the way the game was designed to be played. My FR still averages around 60fps, which from what I understand is okay, but not great. Hell, if they ever enable partical physics again I'll run that, too. I'd rather die more often if it means the game is better looking/more immersive running higher graphics settings. If I have to run on low graphics to be better, then I'd rather not play. But that's just me.
  2. sindz

    I always play FPS games on ultra even though you can "cheat" with low settings like you said (no floral, shadows, etc), but like you I prefer to have my games looking the best that they can.

    I love graphics.
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  3. SerasVic

    I play with all on ultra except shadows / lights on medium

    No problem with my FPS though so ...
  4. Lord_Avatar

    Ultra here.
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  5. Nailhimself

    All settings on Ultra here ;)

    Still miss physx. And wasn´t there an AA option some time ago?
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  6. MaxDamage

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  7. Booface

    Yeah I play with everything turned up as high as it can go. My computer has serious issues with shadows and vsync, though, so I leave those off. It's a shame and I try turning them on every patch but it hasn't gotten fixed yet.
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  8. uhlan

    I play on Ultra and my K/D hasn't changed a bit.

    Though I do play without bloom enabled as it looks like Im viewing the world through fogged up glasses.
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  9. Paragon Exile

    Ultra at 1.41 oversampling here.

    So beautiful ;-;
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  10. CNR4806

    Ultra player here. The game is quite beautiful at ultra, though the texture could use to be even better.

    And yes, lowering the graphics (ie. lowering my visual enjoyment) just to make my stat higher just isn't worth it. It is also the reason that I don't bump brightness up to 11 at night.
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  11. Nody

    Another ultra users here; only exception is shadows.
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  12. z1967

    Ultra makes the game look beautiful, but I get the most optimal performance on high (which is pretty close imo).
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  13. Nailhimself

    What´s "1.41"?
  14. Paragon Exile

    I set the game's files to 1.41 oversample. My GPU/CPU draw out 4K textures (I believe) and downscale them to 1080x1980. Makes everything look better.
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  15. Naejin

    I was running up a hillside the other night on Amerish, through a copse of flowers with butterflies flitting about, when the shadow of a low flying mossy passes overhead, followed by the mossie itself. A magrider crests the top of the hill, the sun glinting off it's armour like the carapace of some giant insect. The mozzie opens up on it while I hit it with a rocket. As I duck through the smoke and flying debris I couldn't help but think to myself how awesome this game is. I can't WAIT to play it with Occulus Rift!
  16. FateJH

    In this game it, in fact, makes a huge difference based on how your computer is currently set up. You definitely need to go LOWer if your graphics card is struggling or is subpar as LOW tells your CPU to pick up slack and do more of the graphical work. As that lumps both normal calculations and graphic calculations together onto the CPU's back, however, the latter is necessarily reduced.

    (I've never read why the graphicval workload can't just be reduced so the GPU can cope so, before you ask, no, I don't know.)
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  17. Towie I was gently drifting up a hill in my Magrider - thinking - I don't care if it's a crap tank, look I can float and the butterflies are safe. Came to the crest and was blinded by the sun for a moment - then noticed a particularly menacing looking butterfly coming my way before it started spitting fire at me. Imagine my surprise when just moments later, a rocket rammed up my backside and turned me into a smoke and debris spewing mass. As I went to the redeploy screen, I couldn't help but think to myself how awesome this game is ;-)

    But in all honesty, it is pretty awesome... (the game that is - not the Magrider !)
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  18. TriumphantJelly

    I use a mix, partly beuase my CPU is meh and partly because I love the game at ultra/high.
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  19. Naejin

    LOL! I'd upvote that 3 or 4 times if I could. :)
  20. Flamberge

    Not quite ultra. Here are my .ini settings:
    So yeah. Not quite ultra, but for me, performance is infinitely more important than looks.
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