4 Wheelers of Death

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Boogra, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Boogra

    Really? A 300 pound 4 wheeler hits a dude in a half ton Max suit and keeps on going, plowing through legions of people while it's totally invisible? Really? I see the same guy with the afro every day, riding the same four wheeler - while invisible, through lines of guys. I'm sure he racks up tons of kills. There's no way to defend against it, no way to avoid shooting your own people when he plows through your squad, no way to see him coming, and no way to prepare for him. And even if you do, a little Flash costs what...50 resource points? No big deal. Drive through, run some guys over while you're invisible, rinse and repeat. Very skillful indeed.

    On the BS-O-Meter, if I hit so much as a two inch fencepost on my farm with my four wheeler, I damage mine, much less one of my 700 pound cows or even one of my two hundred pound pigs. Much less at full speed while I try to drive THROUGH them. Utter nonsense.

    Can we get some sanity on this? To run over people while invisible takes zero skill. It's a weak way to kill someone in a game that, quite frankly, has a pretty good learning curve to it in the first place. It just feels all stupid and wrong. It's as if everything else in the game is pretty well thought out, but all of the sudden here comes an invisible four wheeler that can apparently take zero damage when it hits a full grown man or even a man in a Max suit, and take no damage. I hit a deer in my truck last week - a Dodge Ram 4x4 Quad Cab that weighs 4200 pounds, and royally screwed up the front end of it. The deer weighed less than 100 pounds (I live in Mississippi, where we don't have real deer like they do out West where I grew up). Physics anyone?

    Ridiculousness. I call shenanigans.
  2. RasFW

    Have you considered that it could possibly be nanites?
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  3. FBVanu

    Same thread as here: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...ble-quads-too-much.206428/page-2#post-3000066

    are you guys working together?

    Takes a lot of skill to actually run people over, .. easy defense: look around once in a while
    watch the "battle flash" from Wrel on youtube.. lots of players defend against invisible flash
    Watch Paqu's videos.. it's not easy.
    If you think it's so easy, go get a flash and do it for 100 kills, then come back and tell us how easy it was.

    Even the invisible ***** C-4 flashes.. annoying? some times.. game breaking? NOPE
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  4. Morti

    what. one guy out in the open can be difficult, but when there's a bunch of people spawned around a sunderer or huddling behind the only safe rock roadkilling players with the flash becomes shooting fish in a barrel.

    The wraith cloak needs to render at greater distances to begin with. Past a certain point, it simply disappears.

    I guess SoE can look into ramming causing damage to the flash if it road kills a max. it's 50 nanites vs 450.
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  5. Robes

    If only a flash made sound as it drove around, if only.

    Also, a dumbfire rocket (0 nanites) can kill an esf (350 nanites), an MBT (450) a Max (450) etc etc etc.
  6. z1967

    I have a plane that can fly backwards. We really should not be arguing physics here.
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  7. Donaldson Jones

    Yes, there is a counter they are called mines.

    But yes it's ridiculous physics. So is 2 lumps of C-4 destroying a MBT. The reality in this game is patently ridiculous. You either like the game enough to ignore it or you stop playing, or I suppose you can be like me and just take lonnnnnng breaks.
  8. Boogra

    That's nothing compared to a 300 pound four wheeler running over a steel buffalo and continuing on with zero loss of momentum. Ever hit a 100 pound deer in a 2500 pound car? See what that does.
  9. BlueSkies


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  10. LodeTria

    If you jump at the right time, you won't get hit by them, and can then shoot them off later.
    It's also pretty fun shooting a cloaker of the flash but not destroying it in the process.

    The only annoying thing about it is c4 deliveries, maybe they could say the jam that makes c4 sticky melts if it comes into contact with the cloak nanites, and falls onto the floor when the wraith cloaks.
  11. z1967

  12. z1967

    Would you rather it that the Flash just slows down to a leisurely stroll, your MAX goes flying, and then the Flash drives off anyway? Where are you arguing that a Galaxy shouldn't be able to crush a tank? Or the Scythe shouldn't be road killing people off biolab pads? Your physics seem to be very selective, just saying.
  13. Bingabong

    Oh look a vehicle managed to kill an infantry guy. How could such a thing happen? Nerf the vehicle! You know they are just supposed to be big targets for infantry to take out easily. They are not supposed to be able to kill people! How could a massive tank shell flying at huge velocity and filled with HE do anything to me? In real life I would just stand there, look cool, and wipe off the shrapnel, which would give me a nice little scar on my cheek to impress the girls with and nothing more! As for 4 wheeled ATVs: I've been hit by these many a time in real life and I can assure you they always just bounce off me and explode, killing the rider but doing nothing worth talking about to me. See here I am to tell you, so I must be telling the truth.
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  14. Moonheart

    Well, a MAX keep moving and firing after being exposed to an EMP shockwave... so you know...
  15. ElastaPlast

    It's much more satisfying to knife them while doing this. Imagine the hate tells you'd get for out cheesing a cheester ;)
  16. SerasVic

    Magrider should not be able to climb 75-90° hills

    becoz physx
  17. Rift23

    The Flash is as deadly to its operator as everyone else so I don't see the problem.
  18. Flamberge

  19. Daithmn

    I don't like cloaked vehicles but if this one is to remain can collisions of any kind with players please slow the flash down or force its cloak to flicker or deactivate for a short time? It's just been weird how much more I have been seeing the flash being used during battles offensively. Mines to counter this don't work very well when you are unaware of this vehicle even being around until it smashes you and speeds away. Its not like the flash is very loud it isn't. Makes me want to have the ability to strap a dead man switch on my body of tank mines so if I do get splattered it takes us both out. Mines are great if you are in a bottlenecked road or valley but flashes don't thrive there. They thrive in fields and more open areas where they can splatter a guy or two and speed off. Search out some snipers come up behind them with out them hearing what could be a very loud ATV buzzing up behind them. Heck even maxes ive seen get gibbed and it makes me seen a cloaked flash as a sort of stealth max suit.
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  20. LenaQuin

    Ever got shot in the head and just walked behind cover?
    Ever cured a grenade/mine/shotgun wound in a second by injecting medicine?
    Ever got revived after trying to catch a tank shell with your head?

    ...if getting run over by a flash without losing momentum is "unrealistic" everything else in the game is too.