[Suggestion] Redeploying = Lose all resources

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BiggggBRIM, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. BiggggBRIM

    Only exceptions being a redeploy to warpgate, squad beacon, galaxy or valkyrie . Factions shouldn't be allowed to mass redeploy and instantly chain-pull MAX suits and MBTs. If your faction allows the enemy to surround and entrench themselves in a base to the point that you need 50 MAX suits and/or MBT's within 30 seconds to prevent them from taking it, you shouldn't have that base.
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  2. BiggggBRIM

    And no, I'm not writing this because I'm mad my faction lost a base, I'm writing it for the opposite reason. I was on my NC alt, defending a tech plant and we were surrounded. Hex population was 96+/12-24 (TR/NC) with three minutes to go. Suddenly, flocks of pigs began to soar across the sky and sales of ice skates, snowmobiles, and parkas went through the roof in all 9 circles of Hell as the NC pulled a VS and mass redeployed with MAX's and MBTs with two minutes to go.

    There should be a little more thought and preparation that goes into defending a base is all I'm asking for.
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  3. Sandpants

    Maybe vehicle timers reintroduced on redeploy instead.

    Resources are needed for consumables.
  4. TriumphantJelly

    Redeply side needs fixing, but this is too harsh. Change spawn availability, and add a small consquence (NOT as big as this) and we are one step closer to balancing the fated REDEPLOYSIDE!!!!!
  5. Ceiu

    Sounds like you were at the same battle I was (Eisa Tech?).

    I, too, just posted an idea for redeploy nonsense. And if you think I'm going to use that sentence and this post to segway into some shameless self-promotion, you're right. Bam: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/redeploy-fix-idea.206364/

    Anyway, losing all your resources isn't a very good solution for two reasons:
    - It over-punishes people who have tons of resources.
    - It under-punishes people who are just redeploying around and using numbers to win, rather than force multipliers (100% of 0 is still 0).
  6. Maljas23

    I see the merit in your suggestion but I think this is too harsh. Maybe you could lose 25% of your current resources or something instead.
  7. GaBeRock

    How is that fair? I don't agree with OP, but if anything a better solution would be to give a consumable timer, so you're punishing the infantry-only players who redeploy everywhere causing the redeployside issue.
  8. Pelojian

    Why not apply to squad beacons, gal spawn a 5min penalty timer for pulling vehicles and maxes rather then draining player resources
    and disabling all base spawns other then warpgate while in a squad?

    Like you i tire of zerg tactics and dumping a platoon 2mins before a base cap then them hopping off back to the front they were on, redeploying for platoons and squads should take time. when moving forces you should risk the front you are leaving to bolster another not this hop to that base zerg the enemy with 2:1 or 3:1 odds then jump back to the meatgrinder 48vs48.
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  9. Crowne

    If you're going to make exceptions for galaxies and valkyries, why not sunderers? Same principle.

    Might be overly complicated but maybe scale the amount of resource lost with the amount of time remaining on the cap? The less time left before the cap is completed, the more resources you're going to lose by redeploying there.

    And make it count as a death.

    To a certain extent, I think the redeploy is meant to help singular players isn't it? Not meant as mass transport of squads and platoons.
    Might look for the thread if I have time late night but someone mentioned having Instant Action send lone wolves to willing platoon galaxies, valkyries, and/or sundies. Implement that at the same time. New players and lone wolves can then also benefit from the same exceptions of platoons and squads while still requiring someone to take the initiative and make it happen.
  10. chevyowner

    While there are things need to be fixed IMO none of the idea here will fix anything. The groups doing this will find other ways of doing the same thing. They might run in front of friendly fire, let the enemy kill then on purpose, or just kill themselves.

    If this were to happen they would simply stop using the squad system in Planetside 2 and simply do that same thing with a 3rd party VOIP program.

    Ultimately this would just punish players that try to play fair, and/or follow SOE's suggestion if you're not having fun in your current battle redploy and find one you can have fun in.
  11. Pelojian

    The point is that way you have the big heavy armored transport for thinking ahead, you move your forces to defensive positions to reinforce a line that is about to loose a base and by the time the enemy reaches you the timer has expired and you can pull vehicles. it stops force mutlipliers being used by zerg platoons.

    while at the same time you can assign a small squad as a quick reaction/reinforcement force to move up to just behind the lines the non-pilot squaddies drop out and pull vehicles from the base the valk landed at right away. the valk then flies away out of harms way and the squad respawns on it when they die and they can change tactics.
  12. eldarfalcongravtank

    redeploying ITSELF should cost resources, like 50-150 nanites. if you dont have them, you cant redeploy. and if you have them, you better think twice about spending them to relocate to another location. simple as that
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  13. LodeTria

    It's an interesting idea, although a bit over-board.
    Perhaps it costs 25 nanites for every base you pass through from your current position, so redeploying from Tarwich tech plant to Cross-roads would cost 75, whilst from the WG it would cost 175. Going from howling pass to Scarred mesa would cost 275.
    If you're going through a enemy territory as if you have been warp gated or cut off would cost 50.

    The amount of nanites it costs could be adjusted of course.
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  14. Lection

    Just think,"How could all this teleporting be free?" Make redeploy cost resources, like 50 through 100 nanites per redeploy, so that it is more beneficial to just get a ride with someone than it is to get beamed to the location of your choice.

    (Whoops, didn't read the posts posted before this idea popped up. Silly me.)
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  15. PeanutMF

    I think it's important to keep the game accessible to players by allowing easy transport, because your average player, especially if they are playing solo, will not want to go to the warpgate gal or spawn a flash/harasser to get to that base on the other side of the map.

    Having said that costing resources to redeploy should be implemented, redeploying should carry some sort of penalty; I would honestly prefer having it prevent people from redeploying at all if they don't have enough resources except for the previous point.

    I think it should cost something like 25-50 resources per hex distance you redeploy from your current position, with exclusion to the base you are currently in. However if you cannot afford the cost, you can still redeploy.

    This still penalises players and prevents things like deploying across the map and then pulling an instant MAX crash on a point with 30 seconds left, but won't pidgeon hole and frustrate people who are playing casually, they can still redeploy at 0 resources, but of course they won't be able to use resources when they get there.

    No exceptions to the costing; squad beacons, squad sunderer or squad gal spawning will still cost the full amount (otherwise you can just send squad leaders over and everyone else uses them as a loophole to get full resources at a cross-map hop).

    At the very most you might get a small discount on gals/sundies because you have already spent resources and pre-empted a redeploy, but one might argue that you have just paid for a full armoured vehicle, not a redeploy.

    Possible variations could include adding a minimum 100 resource cost that covers the first 2 hexes with regular increasing cost after that, and adding a temporary penalty to the resource timer for redeploying with 0 resources.

    I would also prefer if they implemented such a pseudo-mandatory costing system for infantry respawns after dying, but that's a different topic.
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  16. Diilicious

    it should just cost 75 nanites per base away from your location if you want to redeploy there.

    you want to get to ikanam bio lab from the eastern amerish warp gate? okay, 675 nanites please.
    you want to get to Xenotech labs from the eastern Indar warp gate? okay, 600 nanites please.

    oh, you want to redeploy from Quartz ridge to Scarred mesa?, 600 nanites please.

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  17. BiggggBRIM

    I like it. Keep it accessible for the casuals, prevent the hardcore from abusing resource-based items. Hopefully someone from SOE will read your post and take notes.
  18. LT_Latency

  19. chevyowner

    I know what the point is, but it will not stop players from simply changing their tactics to continue doing just as they are now.
  20. Lord_Avatar

    The OP's suggestion isn't too harsh - it's perfect!

    SOE - please make it happen!