Fatal Hitching (Get Higby'd)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Jaquecz, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. Jaquecz

    After starting up the game and playing for a short time (about 7-10 or slightly more minutes)
    The game hitches, and whatever sound was playing at the time of the hitch plays for the next eternity, or until I end the process and restart the game.
    This happens without fail.
    • Up x 2
  2. EricAurum

    This has started happening today for me aswell.
    • Up x 1
  3. 1skGrandfunk

    Actually just created a thread with a similar issue since i hadn't really seen anything else on the forums here before noticing this one. Hoping to hear of a fix for this. I'm a little disconcerted seeing your specs, guess it's not my rig then that's causing this. Also, I'm running an Nvidia card so our drivers are different
  4. Legend-

    Same here, the game crash when the cpu load goes to 100 % and memory usage max, it will just remain frozen unless you end the process.
  5. 1skGrandfunk

    Oh, well ****. So i guess nothing to do but upgrade memory and processor?

    Be nice to get some clarification from mods
  6. KiraValtraut

    Is it due to inexperience? Glad to be a test subject. ;)