PPA Changes on Test

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by d_carey, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. orbital

    yes, the double cannon with half the damage, only awesome if you hit both shots, so not so awesome when a Magrider is derping up the side of mountains on Hossin or turbo'ing away. also, not totally great waiting for the Vanguard shield to go down while they're still shooting to take that second shot. Meanwhile I'm waiting an eternity to un-deploy to avoid getting hit. balance is about trade-offs, sounds like you're the one that wants all the OP stuff.

    until you try to C4 a magrider compared to prowler or vanguard, you have no idea how great it's mobility really is.


    I haven't used it on test but I'm hoping those TTK numbers are because you're hitting targets in Virtual, when trying to hit a moving LA overhead or a full speed harasser, velocity should make it more difficult.
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  2. Palkora

    I actually tried out the new PPA and i got to say, wow.

    I was expecting it to be nerfed to oblivion. But this, this is pretty balanced out at the moment. Its still pretty nasty when it hits but its also no longer a farming tool for harassers. Since the projectiles are now not always direct thanks to the CoF and not to mention splash damage seems to not do a great deal anymore.
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  3. Problem Officer

    Time to turn an eye to those AA ground vehicles.
    I expect losing a lot of Harassers to PPA now, where previously they were out-maneuvered to lose loads of ammo.
    For AI, the new CoF is a blessing in disguise. Good luck with the dodging.
    I'll be using my VS a lot more when this gem goes live.
  4. Ronin Oni

    You know they reduced velocity BY HALF right?

    It's going to miss MORE against fast moving targets.

    It's CoF will cause saturation of a larger area with less damage... I dunno if I'd call that a blessing in disguise. I could always just move my mouse around if I wanted to spread out the damage.

    Not saying all this isn't NEEDED... and after seeing some video of it on PTX in VR I'm not AS concerned as I was... I'm interested to see how it does.

    It certainly LOOKS more fun to use than before... I rarely ever gunned one (I did take one on my tank relatively often if I had no dedicated gunner because it was a good weapon for randoms) because I found the old, current, version boring as hell to use.
  5. The_Blazing

    Oh, so instead of the long-anticipated "Make all MBT AI secondaries as good for suppression as the PPA" we are getting "Nerf the PPA into limited point-defense only just like the other secondaries". Kay.

    Don't get me wrong, what matters is that ES weapons are equally effective with no ES stuff being OP, and this is one way to do it. I still can't understand why tanks should be so crappy against infantry though. Do I need to remind you guys that infantry can instagib tanks in CQC, hit them at any range or even behind cover thanks to a vast array of NS and ES launchers for all your AV needs, in addition to tanks themselves being compeltely useless once the fight moves inside the base for point dominance?

    Also, why the hell do I need to redownload 9 gigs of PTS data? Did changing the PPA stats require to remake the entire client or something?

    That said, I do appreciate that you guys are finally moving to redoing weapons to properly fit a role that makes sense in the grand scheme of things, instead of just hitting them with the nerfhammer without making any substatinal changes until people stop complaining about them.
  6. ZomboWTF

    if thats not gonna bite you in the ***, guess whats gonna get nerfed after PPA is out of the equation :rolleyes:

    never used it that much, still, 12 shots per clip is way over the top, with that high rof, leaving the clip size alone should have been fine
    and combining a CoF nerf THAT hard with an inner blast radius nerf THAT hard can only lead to everyone using the basilisk or cobalt in the future

    gg soe, another ES weapon made useless
  7. ZomboWTF

    really slowly
  8. Kirppu1

    Pfft, the rotaries aren't the OP ones, the PPA was. If the magazine size is a problem, then you should learn to conserve ammo, and when it comes to COF, those rounds are explosive, = aim to the groups.
    BTW there are other guns beside your precious peepee eih
  9. Kirppu1

    As i suspected vanu tears were coming, how does it feel now?
    Is not op anymore
    MUH C85
    Is ok

    Face it, this was coming to you stop crying and whining how SOE is the worst company
  10. Desann

    I haven't used the kobalt since shortly after beta say for a few times...and if the PPA sucks teh nerf potion then i will add yet another useless weapon to my graveyard of "once awesome weapons that i freaking loved but now never use".

    When they add REAL water and my magrider can hover over it, then I will quit complaining about the lateral "balancing" we are experiencing here.

    But you all know damn well that if the magrider can hover over water and the TR and NC cant, there will be a river of whining so large it will literally create waterworld and Kevin Costner himself will grow gills.
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  11. Bindlestiff

    Seems like you got your glasses permanently stuck with the tints in the down position?


    Then broken to the point nobody pulled them for weeks, until Higby was forced to drive one himself. Then it was 'buffed' into a shadow of its former self. It is far from OP.

    No argument that it was OP, but it was then broken to the point it offers absolutely no benefit whatsoever, and nobody pulls them except at the warpgate for disco moves. No sign it will ever be looked at again.

    No argument that it is OP, new one has less range but there will be just as many tears from NC and TR.

    Hardly unreasonable since it was destroying everything in the game and nothing could get close.

    This despite TR maintaining that everything was fine.

    Still massively OP vs infantry. Sorry to bring that up but it is.

    Because the Enforcer doesn't exist for NC. I'll grant you the Marauder isn't really a decent option, but you have the Halberd just like everyone else. It isn't like TR take gunners with them anyway...

    Range being sorted for PPA. NC have the Enforcer again, takes 2 shots to take down infantry. TR can choose from ranged (Halberd), close (Halberd / Vulcan / Kobalt). TR have the superior AI platform on any MBT in the Prowler - fact.

    Except everyone uses the minigun, which would suggest it is actually rather good at killing people. As is the Jackhammer. The Lasher? Not so much. Sure it has its use but why should VS be forced to be happy with a good suppression weapon when the other 2 faction equivalents outright kill at a very high rate? I can't imagine TR or NC being happy if they were forced to swap, for any length of time.

    In your opinion.

    Against infantry the Prowler has no equal. Working to its strengths the Prowler vs armour has no equal. You can moan about deploy all you want, but it pisses over the Magrider magburn. All over it.

    On what server are these doom squads? I have never seen any more than 2 or 3 Lancers being used together since release, even on release day when it was still new and shiny.

    It is a good weapon, sure. Put a load together and yes, it has the potential to instagib. But so does everything else if used in numbers.

    The Striker was the single most broken thing in the entire game by a mile and was like it for months (I forget the actual duration, but it was easily 6 months+). You forget to mention this. It gave TR total air dominance, nobody could get close to bases either by ground or air because these things were literally being spammed from every single doorway, platform, ledge. Smoke / flares rarely kept all rockets at bay, and they flew through the terrain and buildings. Smashing. Nothing has come close to being as broken as the Striker. It is now receiving a facelift and an overhaul, possibly due for some more tweaks if it needs them.

    Because no drop is useful on the Parallax. Oh wait, we can't have it. It is useful on the shotguns for slug sniping though. Oh wait, we can't have it. It is awesome on the Magrider though, the FPC and VPC are awesome since we can just point and click and get kills... oh wait, those have the biggest drop of any main cannon in the entire game.

    Charge up - not a trait but they are looking to bring it in as a 'thing'. Everyone loves pauses of no gunfire to reach a somewhere acceptable level of damage that doesn't feel like someone blowing in your ear.

    Heat mechanic - not a trait but they are looking to bring it in as a 'thing'. Everyone loves a reduced magazine as a trade off for never having to pick up ammo from the bountiful selection of ammo packs that are literally littered everywhere.

    Mobility - I would suggest that the Magrider is the only thing in the Vanu arsenal that benefits from this mobility trait. Take the 0.75ADS off LMGs for all the difference it makes once you put your overshield on.
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  12. GreatWhiteYeti

    ^ agreed.

    Let's also not forget that the "superior mobility" that is Vanu's racial trait comes with the drawback of forward-facing cannons. Combine that with the slowest moving, weakest-hitting, highest drop MBT weapons. Even post-nerf, Prowlers in lockdown have superior range and DPS capabilities. Vanguard guns are the hardest hitting, have an invincibility shield, and have the same exact firing arc as base turrets, so you're practicing how to lead targets while not even in the tank.

    But hey, we get afterburners so we can run away real fast... except we can only use them by exposing our *** to more damaging fire, thus resulting in destruction.
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  13. vanu123

    Disappointed with the lack of the magrider buffs.
    The magrider:
    Lowest DPS
    Slowest Speed
    Cant look up
    No rearview
    Belly rear shots
    Ability only good for long distance travel.
    Was originally balanced by its now lackluster secondaries
    No angle of fire
    Lowest velocity
    Lowest Damage
    Maxed out reload AP lightning has more DPS than a mag.
    Agility is slow
    Give the mag something to make it competitive something like a speed/strafe boost, the old 1 shot saron, Old 50 round PPA, omni burner, and a damage buff would be great.
  14. vanu123

    It is suicide for the mag, the mag is dead anytime it gets in close, it may be okay with the harasser to get in and out but it won't be usable on the slowest MBT in the game.

    Rework the PPA again. Make it like the Lasher, with lower on-hit-damage (125 or 143), higher Splash (120 or 100), higher damage against vehicles and make the CoF a bit bigger. And bang, there you have it. Good weapon without being too OP. (Since no-one would ever call the Lasher OP) ... If you really want to, add bullet drop. VS having none is an urban legend anyways.

    Also, plx nerf Vulcan (Almost oneclipping the Mag) & Raven (Killing every non-deployed Sundy in seconds)
  16. Orakel

    PPA is uselss after those heavy nerfs :/
  17. TheRunDown

    What about the Projectiles maximum travel distance?
    The current PPA is able to shoot from over 1000 meters away, and from a Infantry's point of view, you're taking damage from no where. Ow, Ow, Ow! Dead..