An ask for the upcoming 2 Year Anniversary bundle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inex, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Syphers

    Two year camo = NC trick camo

    edit: nvm TR/VS designs under Smiley Jack camo
  2. Sossen

    Bug fixing has diminishing returns with a team that keeps getting larger, current team is probably the most cost-effective. Contrary to popular belief SOE doesn't actually have to fix all the bugs right now, but rather just fix the amount of bugs that will pay the bugfixers' salaries (not fixing bugs at all makes people leave your game). New designs always make money.

    Don't hold this against them. Player counts have been diminishing for a long time.
  3. Rogueghost

    The armor is just bonus, think about how easy it would be to get the exceptional directive tree finished with all those gold and black NS weapons.
  4. uhlan

    It'd be nice if they offer something free for those of us who have been here since beta and have already spent a lot of money.

    I got a nice one year anniversary logo, so it'd be nice to get a 2 year.
  5. miraculousmouse

    That isn't too much ;)
  6. Inex

    A little non-glowing for my tastes, but I can dig it.

    Don't know. Any of them.

    You'll be back. :cool: (see, we have one for the forums - why not ingame?)
  7. Halo572

    2 years later and all they do is shiny armour?

    Give me a call when the xth anniversary bundle includes gameplay and a reason to log in.

    And I am thinking that x = a very large number.
  8. Diilicious

    the TR soldiers should be that small too :D

    just kidding
  9. Goretzu

    In fairness PS2 must have a limited budget, so any wages for artists must mean no wages for extra programmers.

    Having said that they need this stuff to keep going in the F2P model as much as fixing stuff and actual new gameplay stuff.
  10. Zotamedu

    This stuff is handled by the art team who are not looking for bugs. The art team are not programmers. Their skill is in painting stuff. They are completely different people from the ones that are fixing bugs. Most games kick most of their art team when the game is done because they are then redundant.
  11. Inex

    And Vanulabs was wonderful enough to get some video previews up.

    I'm looking forward to my upcoming career as a neon sign impersonator, but I do have some other complaints:
    1. As others have said, this is just a re-texture of the Composite armors. I get the low workload, but I'll always hope for something similar to the Infiltrator Lumifiber variant armor.
    2. The class with the best coverage already has a glowing shield. Look at that poor Vanu medic at the end - she looks almost naked. :(
    3. The glow doesn't look quite as 'in your face' as I was hoping... but maybe that's just due to the sort of grey ambient lighting in the video.
  12. WyrdHarper

    Yeah, can't wait for the coders to get around to learning 3D modeling so they can fix the clipping issue with the Mosquito that's been around since launch.
    • Up x 1
  13. -Synapse-

    Holographic pouches? What the fu- oh it's just reskinned composite armor again. SOE plz.